Okay, I must say this, after reading the 'he said, he said' thing....
Erik is coming across as someone that's keeping track of where his money is going for a huge investment....
Jim, however....I kept giggling while reading how a pissed off consumer was EVIL....has a phD in scamming, a computer geek with no electrical skills.....but Jim.....well, he and his cronies are TOO QUICK to fall for that scam!

I have to wonder.....is customer satisfaction in the face of a crapped up product a scam now? Is that why when I go to return a defective product I feel like they're giving me the once over, thinking I'm full of it?
This is all my opinion......and it's based on what each has to say about the situation, and I know there are 2 sides to every story....and that the truth lies somewhere in between.....Hmmm....
This gives me something to think on and giggle over for awhile.....