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Author Topic: Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!  (Read 3553 times)


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Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« on: September 07, 2011, 06:16:02 pm »
Well, I have had my new hottub - 2011 Vista running for a few days.  Steps to prepare my tub are below.  I am getting the brown/yellow ring on the tub and need to clean it every day or so.  Like today I see two rings, one higher and lower.  I was in it last night so water level rose a bit.  I have used the tub 3 times for total of 1.5 hrs.  I shower before each time and suit is rinsed without dtergents.

1.  Filled tub with prefilter
2.  Left Vanishing Act calcium pillow on for 24 hrs / flipped after 12 hours.
3.  Took water sample to dealer and they told me to bring up alk, ph (7.1 tested) and added 3 cups salt.
4.  I shocked the water with a little chlorine to jump start ACE. 
5.  Added 3 more cups of salt spread out over time and salt level right in middle for 500 gallon tub.
6.  Cholorine levels are good and all seems good.

BUT....my PH is rising every day.  I used a fisher scientific $800 ph tester and with it calibrated yesterday it was 7.4 to 7.6 tested in 3 areas of tub with water at rest all day.

Today is was 7.8 at three different dips in the tub.  I went in the tub last night alone for about 25 minutes.  There is a yellow/light brown scum at the water line. 

The ACE 1 page started manual states on the WEEKLY check that PH will increase for the first few weeks.

I am trying to figure out why this is occuring.  Is the tub releasing the elements from the vanishing act pillow or stabilizing?  Just trying to understand and wonder if this will go away. 

ACE veterans would like you help. 

Hot Tub Forum

Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« on: September 07, 2011, 06:16:02 pm »


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Re: Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2011, 06:33:57 pm »
While I can't help you I'm sure others here have experience in this area but I'd suggest you also get the phone number for Watkins Customer Service and give them a call. Seems like the kind of questions they'll be used to though I'd still enlist the opinions of those here who own it, use it and have possibly seen the same things.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2011, 06:42:55 pm »
While I can't help you I'm sure others here have experience in this area but I'd suggest you also get the phone number for Watkins Customer Service and give them a call. Seems like the kind of questions they'll be used to though I'd still enlist the opinions of those here who own it, use it and have possibly seen the same things.

Thanks SpaTech.  I am hoping to have some real world people on here that use ACE can tell me if this is normal and what my first few weeks will be like...


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Re: Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2011, 08:07:21 pm »
  I know nothing about ACE, but on chlorine tubs enzymes are added to the water to eliminate the brown/yellow rings.  I think that in new tubs there is a miniscule amount of oil residue in the pump or heater that ends up on the walls of the tub.


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Re: Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 07:26:03 pm »
Virtually every spa I have sold in the past 25 years has had a ring for the first few weeks - up to about the first month.

It comes from YOU.
Don't worry about it - it will go away over time as the tub deeeep cleans your pores from your neck to the bottoms of your feet. Keep wiping it off with a soft cloth, and think of all the people in India who don't have a hot tub, OR a soft cloth to wipe it with.

Yes the pH wanders upwards a bit. Add "Spa Down," or "pH/Alkalinity Decreaser" until it is in range again, and enjoy your tub.

I have suggested that people do a one-time water change at the end of the first month of ownership. I don't know if it would be worth it or not with the ACE - since you have to soften the water (pillow) and add the salt again. But consider it: you will love the feel of the second tub of water, I promise, and it does get easier to take care of the tub as time goes by.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Novice ACE beginner Help please !!!
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2011, 07:26:03 pm »


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