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Author Topic: Those with home show questions...Heres your sign!!  (Read 73610 times)


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2006, 05:53:28 pm »
Poor Stuart! He really needs a vacation.  :o We just finished up with our Home Show this weekend and we are all tired! We have all lost our voices and are glad it is over! We encountered hundreds of people that he explained and yes, I was getting tired of their wasting my time, but the one thing that saved most of us was the booth across from us. They were selling the Vita-Mix which is a mixer that can freeze ice cream and boil water. If we were feeling down and tired of people who rent, don't have room, are building or are in the midst of buying the house we would walk over there and get tortilla soup, a frappacino or some yummy strawberry ice cream! Thank goodness for them. I think I can speak for a few people out there, I'm glad that their are only Home Shows once or twice a year because if we had to deal with people like that all the time there would be alot of turnover in the spa business and an increase in the casket business! Cheer up Stuart, it's over, go jump in a tub have a glass of wine and perk up for next year!  ;D

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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2006, 05:53:28 pm »


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2006, 05:53:58 pm »
I think he was referring to this comment:

Got it, I guess I didn't catch that because I thought someone was offended by a comment about their product (I guess the Cal Spas guys don't show here too often) but I see he did take a dig at that crazy marketing comment that many of us roll our eyes at.
« Last Edit: March 06, 2006, 05:55:18 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2006, 05:56:14 pm »

I was wondering the same thing.

I think it kinda came from what Meriflower said, but also the other thread:

2. Justify whatever you want in insulation but if my builder tells me that he is going to take 40% of the insulation from around my hot water pipes and "use the dead air space to capture heat" he's fired! Likewise if he suggests that it will be easier to fix leaks I will have to question the ability of his plumber.
8. I don't give a crap where your spa is made....I care how it is made. If you use the location of your factory as a reason for how well your spa holds heat you're a fraud and deceptive to your customers.

9. As a customer I don't care how many people can stand on my cover I care how well it holds heat.

The thing is, everybody got slammed, and Stuart just needs a break. Not worth anyone getting their hackles up. IMO.
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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2006, 06:08:33 pm »
Not worth anyone getting their hackles up. IMO.

Without even knowing what a hackle is, I agree.
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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2006, 06:17:56 pm »

Without even knowing what a hackle is, I agree.

A hackle is the feathers in the back (?) of a chicken's neck ... they use these feathers for fly fishing "flies".


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #20 on: March 06, 2006, 06:18:39 pm »

Without even knowing what a hackle is, I agree.

hehehe. Ever seen a really defensive or scared/angry dog? The area at the back of the neck and shoulders- how the hair stands up? Thems hackles.
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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #21 on: March 06, 2006, 06:32:11 pm »
I understand your rant and see your point but here's a counterpoint.

As a consumer, a "home show" may be (I've never been to one) the place to see everything you want and dream. I believe that most people window shop at these things, kind of like having catalogs sent to our houses. They don't look at it as wasting your time since you're "stuck" there manning the booth.

Stuart, you said in your rant something to the effect of "don't assume your soaking experience is the same as someone elses", well I have to say don't assume people have the same intelligence as you. I am finding that there are some stupid people in this world - young, middle age and old. Myself included at times!

I agree with Chas and Steve - Since you get upset - send one of your employees to do the show and maybe stop doing the show. You obviously have a successful business and enough stress (I'm thinking about the split tub) in your life you don't need this.

Just my $0.02


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #22 on: March 06, 2006, 08:59:29 pm »
blah blah blah blah blah

Nice attempt at making this all about YOU stl-rex!  ::)

There were more than a few manufacturers mentioned and all of it was true. Make peace with that and don't get your panties all in a bunch!!

Every manufactuer makes claims that can't be substanciated. Even Hydropool and I'd be the first to admit it.



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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #23 on: March 06, 2006, 09:35:22 pm »
  As a mere consumer reading this forum of late I am awfully glad I already bought a tub. I sure get the feeling I'd be a dang nuisance walking into a home show or some dealer's places, being as stupid as I probably am and all. I don't think some of these threads are helping the general reputation of hot tub sellers  that some people have complained about. Good luck all.   Paul
Owner, Sundance Majesta , July '05, Ontario Canada


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #24 on: March 06, 2006, 10:35:17 pm »
Well as I stated, subtle or otherwise, but he fired off some shots in the rant thread and in this one.  As good as business is, you'd think he'd a bit happier.

We are a "deal oriented" society.  It's been built that way recently.  If we weren't, he would post his prices at the show rather than get pissed because someone had the nerve to ask.  In general, the internet has opened folks eyes to pricing.  Even this site contributes to the "problem" because a wide range of prices appear against a single model.  As far as "show pricing", you guys do it to yourself as an industry by advertising "show only" pricing.  Of course an average person is going to ask about it in each and every booth.

I actually find most of Stuart's post informative and helpful, but that's a harsh tone taken with the folks that pay the bills and in spite of your good business, the competition must be more than let on judging by the shots at the competition.  Granted, I'm sure hearing the same things gets old but and it probably is irritating when you're getting ready to talk to someone and their attention is diverted to someone else standing on their cover.  But that's sales.  I'm sure Ford and GM dealers get sick of people flashing their Consumer Reports as the dealer tries to tell them that their cars are reliable.

Every mfr has marketing points and will exploit them to their fullest.  They are afterall in the business to sell product.  Some have more effective or exploitable marketing points than others.  Blame the mfr that you represent, not the competition.


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #25 on: March 06, 2006, 10:57:54 pm »

Nice attempt at making this all about YOU stl-rex!  ::)

There were more than a few manufacturers mentioned and all of it was true. Make peace with that and don't get your panties all in a bunch!!

Every manufactuer makes claims that can't be substanciated. Even Hydropool and I'd be the first to admit it.


Hey, it's not about me.  I don't sell spas and I don't live in an area he services.  But I own a spa he enjoys taking shots at.  As an owner who's in the spa nearly every day, I think I'm just as qualified or more so to talk about that brand against which he competes.  He gets pissed because people like me and others speak favorably of their brand even though we "know nothing not having been in the business for years".  Well people like me are an asset.  We've just wet tested the latest and greatest competing models, formed an opinion, and share it.  We are an alternative to the dealers whose agenda, however how noble, have an eye on the bottom line.  Concede anything to a competitor and you may have lost a sale.  It's so obvious at times.

I also think that if his opinions of his customers are accurate, he needs to find a new profession.  No one should hold that much negative contempt for the people who keep their doors open.

My panties are unbunched - but thanks for reminding me to check them........... ;)


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2006, 11:00:55 pm »
Wow! I share some of the questions and conversations that I found funny, odd or misplaced and people here take it personal?

None of this is an attack on anyone....This was my weekend!

If some of you think this post was all about you, your spa, your position in the grand scheme of things and let it hurt your feelings you have some issues that you should probably deal with.

I know... try a rant!! How about the “stuarts picking on arctic rant” or the “stuarts grouchy and mean rant” or better yet “it’s all about me rant”?

I don't need a vacation, I need a place for a reality check and a place that I can vent somewhere and this forum was always that.

I'm not angry, I'm not depressed and I don't have a chip on my shoulder. On the contrary I rather enjoyed writing the last two posts and have had friends say they rather enjoyed reading them.

I hope you can understand that I'm not going to put an Arctic-bashing disclaimer on every post.... Funny, I always thought that if you got defensive over something it was because of a guilty conscience!

I met several great people this weekend! In fact, I think that I need someone else to work the show so that I can spend my time hobnobbing with customers, friends and acquaintances that seem to come by in droves.

I really enjoyed all of the young couples out spending time together because one of them just got back from Iraq.

I would not be in business without consumers and things would be boring if not for the colorfulness of human nature but in the words of Ron White "You just can't fix stupid!"

Disclaimer....I'm not calling anyone on this forum stupid,  if comments on this post resemble any similarities to anyone here or anyone you know it is simply coincidental,  no Arctic spas where damaged in typing this post, Ron Whites name was used without his permission

This has been brought to you by “Tired old spa warrior rants inc.”


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #27 on: March 06, 2006, 11:16:36 pm »
Every manufactuer makes claims that can't be substanciated. Even Hydropool and I'd be the first to admit it.


Don't I know it. I saw them at a show and decided to check them out and the salesperson kept going on about how great their regional sales reps were and I was like "don't try to sell me swamp land, I know one of those MYTGEWFYCLEWS".

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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #28 on: March 06, 2006, 11:21:45 pm »


I have no clue what that is but I bet Steve is one of those..... ;) ;D


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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2006, 11:54:29 pm »
We are a "deal oriented" society.  

This is so true and it is what Barnum's theory is structured on, "There is a sucker born every minute, and two to take his money."

Cars, boats, diamonds, real estate, bridges, swamp land, etc, for that matter anything that is bought or sold is subject to a dealing discussion, but here we are talking about Hot Tubs.  It is the "deal" oriented sucker that that is a fool and gets sucked up by all the rebates that were too good to be true and they weren't.  It is just tiring to see so many fools get sucked in and they think they know what they are doing.

It is really a great thing that ALL HOT TUBS are good, because those that have them enjoy them regardless of who made them or where they came from.  The better the quality reputation of the manufacturer, harder and more dfficult it is to sell it at a show because every body is looking for a "deal" and only those who are good at manipulation do it best.

You heard Chas say it, you make a small fortune at a show that cost you a large fortune to be at, just to watch suckers circle the bait and get gobbled up by the sharks, while the honest and reputable educate them enough to make them feel capable of making any decision they can afford.

It is all about psychology and how to the game is played.  Those that have ethics, morals and integrity just don't do well, while the moths fly into the flame and the lambs are led to the slaughter.  It is really frustrating to watch for more than 20 years and hear their stories as they complain later. ::) :-/

It does seem that some are sensitive about their brands whether they sell them or bought them.  Some are defensive, some are arrogant, some are happy and some are not.

For heavens sake it is only money, and it is all about the deal and the lowest bidder.  Those that have it don't need to dicker.  Those that don't shouldn't spend what they don't have, but that won't stop those who know how to take it.

Disclaimer, this is not intended to impugne any character, company, product, past, previous or future decisions.  May you enjoy 100% of the choices you make in life, even if it is to sell Hot Tubs to a whole lot of nice people or buy a Hot Tub and enjoy your delight.

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Re: Those with home show questions...Heres your si
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2006, 11:54:29 pm »


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