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OMG Â Starting to sound like the wack job from CO.
I have taken time from my busy schedule to draw this diagram which makes it easy as pie to understand.And that's that. Terminator
I'm glad this thread had an infusion of humor, it was needed.
Term, Concerning your "diagram". I am curious. Â What is the middle item that is in the exit pipe (to the right of the pump)? Â If it's what I think it is, there is one very upset customer out there.
I see you didn't contest my response where I contested your response (I think that's right??) with filtration...An oversight or considered somewhat accurate? Steve
Hotsprings spa customers jut like every other spa customers will have water issues just like everyone else.
The problem with being such a "popular brand"..
You want to know why this argument has holes in it...Hotsprings spa customers jut like every other spa customers will have water issues just like everyone else.The problem with being such a "popular brand" is that there are many Hotsprings spas out there, in turn many on this forum own one. We all read posts from Hotsprings owners on here asking for help with cloudy water and stinky water., just like any other brand.In some cases Hotsprings dealers may encourage a false sence of secrurity by exploiting the no bypass/multiple filter filtration, as a way to be lax on ones chemical routine.
LOL!!!!!Hate to break it to you Term but there are some parts of the country where Hotsprings doesn't have the market share.
I believe Terms elaborate diagram concerns contaminates detrimental to vital componentry: Â Jet Pump wet ends, Heater Elements, valves, diverters, etc... Â Not with water quality. Â Water is water. Â it all needs to be treated the same way. Â
I loved the drawing (Term don't give up the day job)If you or anyone can give me one once of proof that Hotsprings heaters, pumps, ozones, and other vital equipment have a lower failure rate due to no bypass filtration than please post it.