What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Just bought the Sundance Chelsea today!! should get it in 4 weeks  (Read 2870 times)


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We finally bought our first spa

Sundance Chelsea 780

it was $7700 with delivery and cover

Electrician costing us another $700 and $450 for spa pad

good deal? the only question i have is that the guy said that we should replace the mineral system every 3 months($30) and put a cap full of sanitizing powder after each use

he also recommendede changing the water every 8-10 weeks. he said the money you pay for filling the tub is cheaper than always buying chemicals

that was the only "??" i had about the entire thing. but i read here that thats a great spa for the price so figure i'll come here and ask about it.

its a 5 year parts warranty and labor and 10 years on the shell which I thought was good. I saw a lot of tubs out there with 2-3 year warranties

the place has been in the area for 25 years so they'll definetly be around.

i'm in NJ and bought from Pool Town

any info? ideas? suggestions?


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