My dealer says that this is the 3-STEP "routine" we should do weekly for maintaining our spa: (1) add 1 oz. spa shock, run clean cycle (ours runs for 10 mins.) then wait 20 minutes, THEN (2) add 1 tablespoon stain & scale preventer, run clean cycle, wait 20 minutes, THEN (3) add 1 oz. bromine bank, run clean cycle, close spa. Our spa is only 225 gals and we use a spa frog with the bromine and mineral cartridges and we have an ozonator. Does this sound about right as to what we should be doing on a weekly nasis, say on a Sunday morning, etc. We usually soak at night so our soak sessions won't be impacted. Just curious as to what all of you do on a weekly basis. This is our first spa and the dealer staff person who told us this routine was different from our salesperson so I can't say I have much confidence yet on what my dealer is telling me since every time I go there to get water tested (pH up, pH down, low bromine, no bromine, too much bromine, etc, etc.) I come home with another spa chemical to add to my tote. Don't quite understand what the purpose of bromine bank is or why we need it but if we do, we do. I can deal with the 3-step process if that's what I need to do. Would like to hear from others what their weekly maintenance routine consists of.