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Author Topic: Looking to buy Hotsprings Spa TX or SX model, anyone have any comments on it?  (Read 3914 times)


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Has anyone purchased a Hot springs Tx or Sx model spa?  What is your experience, any problems with it, repair or design issues etc. I live in Denver and the mtns. I am overwhelmed with what to buy and not have a lemon. Price range I want is $4500 or so. 2-4 people spa. Any suggestions would help alot. Thanks!

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I have sold many of them, and they work and work. The TX will plug into a 15A outlet (regular household outlet) but the SX has a bigger pump and needs a 20A dedicated outlet.

I love the SX when people ask me for a good solid value for a nice basic tub - it doesn't have a ton of jets, but it does have the Moto Massage jet, which I happen to love, and it covers your whole back for the 'price' of one jet.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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As a Hot Springs owner for 18 years, if I was in the market to buy a new one, it would be Hot Springs again.  And the moto-massage is GREAT!

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