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And that statement does no justice to the Plague.Two years into ownership and $2,000 repairs on a $6,400 tub. The company works like crazy to void the warrantee (ridiculous wiring requirements and so forth) lies to you when their dealers go belly-up (not infrequent for this brand that will apparantly deal with anyone to move tubs) and then screws you a second time to avoid bad press.Read the reviews and run run run !
And that statement does no justice to the Plague.Two years into ownership and $2,000 repairs on a $6,400 tub. Å¡The company works like crazy to void the warrantee (ridiculous wiring requirements and so forth) lies to you when their dealers go belly-up (not infrequent for this brand that will apparantly deal with anyone to move tubs) and then screws you a second time to avoid bad press.Read the reviews and run run run !
What are the wirring requirements for the tub? Are they significantly different than other tubs? Why?
Trying to answer my own question, and from Dino's previous post, it seems the Cal spa specified a #6awg  wire for ground.  I belive my Tiger River  states a #10 awg for netural. My electrician  made the "cable" from individual wires encased in sealtite.  As was also done for my previous wireing job for my Nordic.  Are you upset because you couldn't buy an off the shelf  sheathed cable?  All 240v tubs require a custom made whip, no? Or is A #6awg significanlty more exspeive than the #8 or #10 that other tubs state? If so, how much more expsensive? ?
Ok. Thanks for the info. Good stuff.Sounds like the #6 AGW moaning is a non issue then.
Well, I'm not really aware of all the ins and outs of Cal's warranty, but the need for a number 6 ground wire is rediculous. If your hots and neutral a #6 then #10 is sufficient for ground. The difference is you CAN buy 6/3 wire w/#10 ground all in one, you CANNOT buy 6/3 wire w/#6 ground all in one. Froom the consumers stand point, the extra money spent on installation pulling 4 seperate wires is about a hundred bucks, parts and labor. Oh I guess when you are spending 5,6,7 or 8K a hundred more bucks aint nuthin, in my house that's groceries for a week!