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Much, much better. Â The moderator has asked that we don't preach or discuss politics, so that's all I have to say about this. Â But there you go, that's me!Terminator
No problem, her are some unbiased stats then.American children are more at risk from firearms than the children of any other industrialized nation. In one year, firearms killed no children in Japan, 19 in Great Britain, 57 in Germany, 109 in France, 153 in Canada, and 5,285 in the United States.
No way! Â Firearms are banned in Great Britain. Â There can't be any firearm related deaths.Germany, France, and Canada have strict gun control laws. Â There should be no firearm related deaths.Ninjas and Samurais account for most homicides in Japan, as everyone knows. Â That and the 90 suicides per day in the Land of the Rising Sun.Switzerland issues it's citizens fully-automatic rifles for home defense. Â Crime is virtually non-existent.American children are less likely than children from other countries to have their country invaded by assailants carrying Ninja swords and hockey sticks.Terminator
Country          Leading Cause of DeathUnited States        Fast FoodSwitzerland         Riccola cough drop overdoseCanada            Hockey Pucks, Moose AttacksSweden            Bikini Team induced heart failureAustralia            Shark, Croc, Snake, Koala attackUnited Kingdom      Halitosis Japan              Ninja/ Samurai attack, Hari KariTerminator
OK you win as long as you keep protecting us from the rest of the world you can do what you want. Â Ray
Canada Hockey Pucks, Moose Attacks
Term: Are you trying to say I have bad breath? Brits have great breath, why? we invented altoids.
If my rights of pheasant hunting are in anyway changed as a result of this thread I'm gonna be Pi$$3d!
Whatever you do, don't post a pic of you sitting in the spa wringing one of their necks. Â Trust me on this. Terminator