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Author Topic: Help buying a swim spa for indoors  (Read 1851 times)


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Help buying a swim spa for indoors
« on: August 05, 2011, 07:11:36 pm »
I'm looking to buy a swimming pool for exercise use in the garage. I am hoping to continue swimming as an exercise during the winter - and don't see myself going to a gym
My Q's are:
Garage issues:
(a) It will take up one 1/2 of the garage with the other half a finished room - how do I keep mold from growing or water damage?
(B) The garage does not have any heating system in it (finished room has portable heater) - normally it's not much warmer than the outdoors (just not windy) - would A LOT of insulation, do the trick- I want to keep my operating costs down, and also not freeze when I come in/out of the water. Any other construction ideas/tips?
(c )  approx. how much should I expect costs to heat and operate it (I'd guess to maintain 80 degrees to swim in). Since I'd only be using this for about 1/2 hour each night, is it cheaper, do leave it unheated, and just heat it before you go in? (sorry for newbie Q's).

Swimming Issues
(d) I'd imagine it's REALLY boring (I'm used to watchign TV while on the elliptical machine to reduce boredom) - anything to do distract while in the water?
Particular Model suggestions
(e) Ideally - I'd swim for 20 - 30 min and then sit in the hot tub and watch TV - however how can you have one unit with both features - isn't the temp needed for hot tub - way too high to swim in- i.e. should I abandon the "swim and not tub" idea
(f) I'm figuring to buy used (can't afford new) - any particular past/current models / brands to be weary of, or likewsie good ones to look for. Also is this an item that's worth buying used - or is it "someone else's headache" or something that beaks down often so you don't want used/old?

thanks !

Hot Tub Forum

Help buying a swim spa for indoors
« on: August 05, 2011, 07:11:36 pm »


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