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Author Topic: Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring  (Read 2979 times)


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Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« on: July 31, 2011, 05:41:34 pm »
Since moving to Minneapolis from California we have greatly missed our hot tub (artesian dove canyon). Over the last 4 months i have looked at various locations to place a new tub. In the end based on where we've decided to put the tub(limited space due to Patio configuration), I've narrowed the search down to hot springs prodigy or a jacuzzi j325. 
Today we went to look at both models here in Minneapolis area.  Both have solid local dealers so that's good.  The j325 model was on the showroom floor so I could look at it and family could sit in it, but the hot springs dealer did not have the model available and didn't know when they would.  I had favored the hot springs originally but unless we can see what it looks like or sit in it, I'm reluctant to commit. Also prices are basically the same.
I'd like other thoughts. Thanks.

Hot Tub Forum

Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« on: July 31, 2011, 05:41:34 pm »


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Re: Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2011, 11:07:52 am »
The obvious thing to do is to see if there is another Hot Springs dealer so that you can look at/sit in the spa before you even think about buying from the local dealer so I'd check that out on their website. Otherwise, you only have one option because you don't want to buy without having the spa in front of you. I hope you made that known to the dealer you were serious but unable to consider it under the circumstances because he should have either pushed to make it happen or try to help arrange for another dealer to show it if one is close enough.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2011, 03:48:35 pm »
Spatech- thanks for the input.  Unfortunately this is the only Hot Springs dealer in the twin cities area.  However you made a good point- I chatted with them, but did not make clear it was a make/break thing. I do want to make a decision in the next 30 days so the tub is in place by fall, so I do owe that to both dealers.


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Re: Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2011, 05:14:43 pm »
Both are great tubs.  I happen to be a Hot Spring and a Jacuzzi dealer and have those tubs right next to each other.  Some basics to keep in mind:  The Jacuzzi will be deeper, a lot deeper.  Even though the spa is technically 1 inch higher than the Prodigy, the spa seats are lower and there is more open space.  This makes the J-325 hold 430 gallons vs. the Prodigy that holds 325 gallons.  The J-325 also requires only 15 amps on a 110V circuit, and cost nothing (from the dealer side) to upgrade to a 220V.  The Prodigy however requires 20 amps on a 110V, and cost roughly $200-$300 to upgrade to a 220V because Hot Spring makes you use their disconnect box. 

Other minor things:

-Jacuzzi has 4 pillows with lights behind them, the Prodigy has no pillows
-Jacuzzi has the waterfall, Prodigy does not.
-Jacuzzi is deeper, Prodigy is fairly shallow.
-Prodigy has a higher transition seat, Jacuzzi's is fairly small and much lower.
-Prodigy has Ozone standard, Jacuzzi does not from the factory (however your dealer may have included this)
-Prodigy has a more intuitive control panel (although I like simplicity,) Jacuzzi has a simple control panel (what else do you need)
-ACE option on the Prodigy

When I have people comparing the two, it almost always comes down to height.  My in-laws purchased a Prodigy from me last year due to most of them hovering around the 5' mark. 

I could probably think of more, but I would push for them to get the Prodigy in so you can sit in it.  Tell them they'll sell it eventually even if you don't buy it!


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Re: Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 05:50:21 pm »
d00nut-  Very helpful. Interestingly enough, both my wife and I are tall (im 6'4") and when we sat in the J325, we commented how nice it was that it was so deep. I'll circle back with the dealer- would still like to see the prodigy in person at least. Thanks.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Advice on jacuzzi or hot spring
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2011, 05:50:21 pm »


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