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Author Topic: New versus used - thoughts and advice?  (Read 2910 times)


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New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« on: July 13, 2011, 05:38:29 pm »
Greetings, all...spa nOOb here. 

So I have my heart set on a Hot Springs Vanguard, like the size, the reviews, etc. - and wet-tested a new one fairly recently.  New, from an area dealer, I'm looking at around 8.5-9, not including the ACE(which isn't a dealbreaker for me).  I was sold, until I found a used one that seems to be in excellent condition, for $2500.  Kicker is, the spa is 70 miles away, so looking at moving expense - I have a quote for about $600 plus gas (reasonable?)- the risk of damaging it in the move, and the inherent risk of buying used.  I'm interested in hearing from some of you DIY'ers out there that know a bit about these - how easy is the Vanguard to troubleshoot/repair? Availability/compatibility of parts, aftermarket parts?  I will be a first time tub owner, but hub and I are both pretty handy - and obviously buying used would be sans warranty.  I could sure use that 6k for other projects.....

Thanks!  LOVE this forum - having a ball reading up and soaking in the wisdom.

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New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« on: July 13, 2011, 05:38:29 pm »


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Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 05:53:24 pm »
First thing is find out the serial # of the spa, and that will tell you its age which in turn can also give the people on this forum, and or your local dealer a better idea of comparison between the two.  Dependent on age will determine compatibility with some recent accessories as well as determine if its a single water pump vanguard or a double.  If you wet tested a new one, and this used one is of a certain age, you may find the operation of the tub a little different.  Being that it's for sale, I'm assuming by owner for 2500.00, it may be upwards of 7 to 9 years old.  Parts will always be accessible from your local dealer, and depending on them, if they choose to help you out, they can find out what service, if any has been performed on the unit via serial #.  The local dealer may also offer a spa move service for you if you buy the used one...This way, you have someone moving a product that they do every day.


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Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2011, 05:58:48 pm »
You're looking at about $2500 (plus $600+ moving expense) versus $8.5-9k (not sure if that includes tax) for a new one but two pieces are missing for me to comment further:

1) What year is it? There is no Blue Book on used spas and condition is key but I would say in general a 1 year old used spa is worth about 60% of the original price (immediate depreciation and loss of warranty since used spas do not get the warranty transferred), a 2 yr old is worth about 50% and 40% for a 3 year old. Then I’d say minus 5% per year until you get down to where age doesn’t matter and it becomes solely about condition. I'd say it sounds about right if its about 5 years old and in pretty good condition.

2) What condition is it in and can you see it in operation? No matter what they say, DO NOT buy a used spa that you can't see filled with water, heated and ready for you to push buttons to see if it works (no exceptions). If its empty and/or disconnected say "no thanks". Before you drive out there to look make sure they assure you its ready to see or save the trip.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 07:20:47 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2011, 07:04:28 pm »
Hm....they say it is four years old, so am guessing 2007, maybe 06 if they are guessing....and it is full, running, and ready for me to wet test supposedly - and I will pick it apart, check every light, jet, switch, gizmo...and ask to peek at the guts....and get the serial number.

I am kinda lucky in that my area dealer is someone I have known for decades and I am sure he will take care of me whatever I decide to do.

What about ease of repair?  Vanguard guts pretty accessible, easy to work on for a handy, fearless sort of gal that can tinker a bit?

Hell, a spa tech class sounds like a great reason to go to Vegas or something - this might be a new hobby in the making.... ;)


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Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2011, 02:02:56 am »
Hm....they say it is four years old, so am guessing 2007, maybe 06 if they are guessing....and it is full, running, and ready for me to wet test supposedly - and I will pick it apart, check every light, jet, switch, gizmo...and ask to peek at the guts....and get the serial number.

I am kinda lucky in that my area dealer is someone I have known for decades and I am sure he will take care of me whatever I decide to do.

What about ease of repair?  Vanguard guts pretty accessible, easy to work on for a handy, fearless sort of gal that can tinker a bit?

Hell, a spa tech class sounds like a great reason to go to Vegas or something - this might be a new hobby in the making.... ;)

Really depends on what the problem would be, if there is one.  For instance, if you see a little bit of water coming out from anywhere but the equipment compartment, it could not be worth your time.  I'm not sure where you live, but freeze-damage spas are never a pleasant thing to deal with.

Anything else, is ranges from super easy-to reasonable as far as fixing goes. 

I'd also ask to see the type of water care they were using.  If they were using something not recommended (Like Chlorine bought from Wal-Mart  :P) then you'd get a good idea of how the pumps were treated over those 4 years.

P.S.  Don't go to tech school... very, very boring.    ;)


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Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2011, 08:43:19 am »
We just bought our first tub used and couldn't be happier.

The circumstances were a bit different for us though.  Our tub is only 14 months old and we were able to transfer the balance of the manufacturer's two year warranty (so we are still covered).  It was also purchased locally from a reputable dealer that verified the purchase and original delivery date for me (as well as looked into any repair history on the tub - there were no problems reported).

I think spatech_tuo gave good advice.  If you are allowed to go see it hot and full and can "go over it with a fine tooth comb" and are satisfied there are no major problems go for it.  I buy all my cars used using that same mindset. 


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Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2011, 03:21:45 pm »
Having concrete poured Monday, and then going to make an offer on the Vanguard Tuesday - wet tested it, poked around it, and it looks good....crossing my fingers! 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New versus used - thoughts and advice?
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2011, 03:21:45 pm »


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