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Author Topic: Can you say??  (Read 7735 times)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Can you say??
« on: March 27, 2009, 12:50:32 pm »
 Ghost town??   Not sure whats up with the traffic around here??  Sales been decent, not great but decent.  

 So when was this stimulus idea suppose to kick in?   Oh thats right!  They are to busy wondering where to spend the next billion and where all of the last billion went?

  Everywhere except to those that need it most, the people!  

Sorry the whole ordeal just ticks me off!!   But hey I am keeping up a positive attitude for a turn around!!

 Hope everyone is doing good!!!!

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Can you say??
« on: March 27, 2009, 12:50:32 pm »


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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2009, 01:03:33 pm »
Dont you mean Trillion?  The billion figures are SO last year.  SO conservative.  I mean we're all progressive now.  Our politicians have progressed from spending Bs to Ts.  I guess when the O-man was running on hope and change he was really saying "I HOPE you dont mind if I spend all your CHANGE."


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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 03:30:09 pm »
My wife's school district is getting some stimulus money.  They cannot use one cent to hire people.  They can only use their money for materials.  Let's see, where do those materials come from?  Hmm, China, Taiwan, Malaysia.  So much for stimulating anything except for foreigners.
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2009, 04:00:26 pm »
I can't believe this but I bought my son a shot gun today :o :o...He is a target shooter..skeet shooter..not a hunter, but no matter. (Must have been the influence of Term on here). I overheard the owner of the shop on the phone saying that there is going to be a huge tax imposed on ammo...from our new administration..?? I didn't ask any questions because I was eavesdropping..but maybe that's how we will recover our tax dollars...Everybody has to invest in ammunition  ;D ;D
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2009, 06:10:23 pm »
I get furious whenever I find a new 'tax.'

I put that in quotation marks because of course they don't want you to know that you just got socked with a tax increase, but let's face it - if more money flows from my pocket into the government's coffers, that is a tax.

I'm talking about the sneaky ways they increase Motor Vehicle fees, Ammo fees, recycling fees, entrance fees at national parks and campgrounds, and a thousand other ways they hit us with tax increases which are not called tax increases.

No country on earth ever taxed it's citizens into prosperity. Not one.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2009, 07:29:49 pm »
We have comedian's for legislators here in Calif.  April 1st (did they pick this day on accident) they up the sales tax by 1 cent taking sales tax from 8.5 to 9.5.  A good tool to look at shows results of other combined tax increases:


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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2009, 09:24:23 am »
My company announced 10% paycuts for people this week.  I don't see the stimulus helping where it is needed the most, jobs.  That is with very few exceptions.  The pres rushed here to be at a swearing in ceremony for a police recruit class that was saved by stimulus money.

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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2009, 02:39:13 pm »
I can't believe this but I bought my son a shot gun today :o :o...He is a target shooter..skeet shooter..not a hunter, but no matter. (Must have been the influence of Term on here). I overheard the owner of the shop on the phone saying that there is going to be a huge tax imposed on ammo...from our new administration..?? I didn't ask any questions because I was eavesdropping..but maybe that's how we will recover our tax dollars...Everybody has to invest in ammunition  ;D ;D

My son worked at an outdoors store before heading off to college.  He still keeps in touch with his ex-coworkers and from what they understand it will be a 'piece of cake' to buy a gun.  However, like Bonni said, the price of ammo will be outrageous, whether from taxes or just a way to control people from killing people. :-/

Also some ammo will be hard for dealers to get, keep in good relations with them  as they will be more apt to sell you ammo, the customer who bought your gun from them vs. someone walking in the door.  

BTW congrats on getting you son a shot gun, Bonni.  We have several rifles/shotguns in our house (locked up in a cabinet, unloaded) most belonging to our sons. They shoot everything from skeet to 4 legged, antlered, flower eating pests.  Go out with him and 'kill' a few 'pigeons'.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2009, 02:49:49 pm by 96SC »
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2009, 03:50:33 pm »
I can't find any non-lead ammo anywhere! I shoot indoors, and they only allow non-lead. I have been shooting frangible copper with no-lead primers. But try finding that online! OK - I can find it, but for WAY too much!!

And now you tell me they jacked up the tax on ammo!

Keep the change.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.

D.P. Roberts

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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2009, 09:20:44 pm »

My son worked at an outdoors store before heading off to college.  He still keeps in touch with his ex-coworkers and from what they understand it will be a 'piece of cake' to buy a gun.  However, like Bonni said, the price of ammo will be outrageous, whether from taxes or just a way to control people from killing people. :-/

Wasn't that Chris Rock's plan? Anyone can buy a gun, and anyone can buy ammo. But each bullet costs $6,000. That way, if you need to defend your life, you'll easily decide to spend that. But if you want to murder someone with it, you'll really have to think about it...
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2009, 10:20:21 pm »
I don't see the stimulus helping where it is needed the most, jobs.  

There is NO place where more government spending is going to help. None! That is YOUR money and MINE - so no matter what they do with it, they are taking money AWAY from us.

Try this as an example of a non-government help to the economy: let's say that the big three automakers just close up shop tomorrow. Hopefully they will give back the $13.4 Billion that you and I gave to GM alone, forget that for right now - they all just close.

That sucks for the folks who live and work there, but all the rest of the country just saved close to a trillion dollars.  AND - Toyota and the other car makers who are NOT about to go under will enjoy a real surge in sales. Those cars are made here in the USA, so that means thousands of more jobs, millions in tax dollars both state and local, and we will all be driving cars which sure rate higher in all the reviews I have ever read.

Now, as I said, it sucks for the folks who live and work around the Detroit automakers, but I'm sorry to say, they don't account for one percent of the workforce in our country. So why do we saddle 99 percent of our people with a mountain of taxes and debt, so less than one percent can keep a job at a factory which even our government says is not very efficient at what they do?

Sorry - I'll step off the soapbox now.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2009, 09:01:55 am »
I think the ammo  tax will definitely have an impact on the murder rates..Now when the criminals steal your guns, they will have nothing to load it with since you can't afford to buy the ammo..Brilliant. But wouldn't that be a trickle down effect ???

I agree with you Chas, if we think we can save the whole darn country after years of poor business decisions have destroyed companies, we are stupid..(guess I should say they are stupid). Let the auto makers go...I say Ford can stay because they are the most viable. I am amazed that in so many cases workers are just told, no raises, less benefits, less pay, yet the unions aren't going to give one inch... :(

96SC''you have been on here long enough to know me ::)... if my kid shoots anything that breathes  >:(..the gun will be part of the stimulus package for Ebay!! I know you were kidding  ;D  He's looking into local sportsman clubs and he can shoot CLAY pigeons on the farm where he works. I guess now if anyone shoots at my country pigeons (I dearly love the mourning doves), I can shoot back...now where's that $6000.00 ammo?
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2009, 11:38:45 am »
I think the ammo  tax will definitely have an impact on the murder rates..Now when the criminals steal your guns, they will have nothing to load it with since you can't afford to buy the ammo..Brilliant. But wouldn't that be a trickle down effect ???

I agree with you Chas, if we think we can save the whole darn country after years of poor business decisions have destroyed companies, we are stupid..(guess I should say they are stupid). Let the auto makers go...I say Ford can stay because they are the most viable. I am amazed that in so many cases workers are just told, no raises, less benefits, less pay, yet the unions aren't going to give one inch... :(

96SC''you have been on here long enough to know me ::)... if my kid shoots anything that breathes  >:(..the gun will be part of the stimulus package for Ebay!! I know you were kidding  ;D  He's looking into local sportsman clubs and he can shoot CLAY pigeons on the farm where he works. I guess now if anyone shoots at my country pigeons (I dearly love the mourning doves), I can shoot back...now where's that $6000.00 ammo?

Don't know if I should tell you this but my sons do hunt deer, turkey, etc.  I'd be willing to wager your son will get the hunting 'bug' too, so get ready for it.  Especially if some of his skeet friends are into hunting.  :-X
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #13 on: March 30, 2009, 08:13:26 pm »
He's 18, so I can only say so much to him. My sister and my Mom both shot guns for years but only at targets. My cousin was the U.S. women's skeet shooting champion in the '60's..she didn't hunt either.
I just know if he decides to hunt, he better not tell me..that's all.. :(
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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2009, 09:18:09 am »
He's 18, so I can only say so much to him. My sister and my Mom both shot guns for years but only at targets. My cousin was the U.S. women's skeet shooting champion in the '60's..she didn't hunt either.
[glow]I just know if he decides to hunt, he better not tell me..that's all.. [/glow]:(

« Last Edit: March 31, 2009, 09:20:14 am by 96SC »
Before I speak, I have something important to say--Groucho Marx

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Re: Can you say??
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2009, 09:18:09 am »


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