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Author Topic: Bill, I got a computer question  (Read 15101 times)


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Re: Bill, I got a computer question
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2005, 06:53:39 pm »
K only 23 critical items and 15 um somethin or other. LOL but I got rid of them and restarted and good as new.

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Re: Bill, I got a computer question
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2005, 06:53:39 pm »


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Re: Bill, I got a computer question
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2005, 09:31:52 pm »
Talked to my son today and the response was "I'm not stupid" our response was 'no your not but as parents it's NOT you being stupid that we're worried about'!!

Spaman - look into your history and look for viewmorepics.myspace ... I go there every so often to see what's happening in my son's world and I have viewed a number of 14 YO girls posing with  their thonged butts or pushed up cleavage exposed ... not all of the girls but some.  Apparently you can't get on myspace unless your 16 YO and all the kids lie about it to get on.

Do yourself a favor and keep the computer out of the bedroom ... too much temptation IMO. We keep it in the living room for all to be seen.

I was toying with the idea of putting myself on myspace as an "spy" and just popping in and out but with one computer in the house I don't know how effective my spying would be!

I'm tossed between giving my son some freedom and being protective. I want him to feel trusted and have him grow by learning experiences but certainly do not want him to become a victim. We have a good line of communication right now and we pretty much know most of his moves. For me, I see he gets good grades, no problems in school, his friend's parents like him, he has manners or so we are told AND he's turning out to be a good person! Hopefully he uses the brains he was born with and stays on the straight and narrow!!!! But in case he errs dad will be there to lend him a strong and guiding hand!!!!!!!!


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Re: Bill, I got a computer question
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2005, 11:17:49 am »
Thanks Vinny,

I am a trusting parent, but as you know at this age they are unable to think clearly and make poor decisions, such as using her entire name as her Id. she also listed the town we live in, now all a preditor has to do is check in to the school directory and "bingo" theres our address,phone number and her bus route. :-[

Shes a great kid with good manors,excellent academics and well behaved, she just thinks Im a bit overprotective and forget that shes not 6 anymore, I see her point as I'm not ready to admit she a young lady yet. Funny story, I was lecturing her on paying attention as we walked into the grocery store and she stated "dad I do pay attention" no sooner than she finished that statement BANG!! she walked right into a light pole in the parking lot. (she's a blond) I think she realizes the dangers of what she was signing into though. I hate to smother her and break our line of communication, as she has already underminded me by joining Myspace.com, I want her to feel like she can tel us anything. ??? ??? ???


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Re: Bill, I got a computer question
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2005, 03:32:00 pm »
She's not underminding you ... she doesn't understand your concern. My 14 YO son really thinks we don't trust him and we do! He did the same thing... Name (thankfully not full), picture, town and school. Remember you were never 14!!!

I think the fact that she is a good kid says a lot, I believe that with my son. We are tough parents and his friends have easy ones. He strives for good grades usually and his friend once comented on how he doesn't do anything bad ... and he told us that.

I truely believe that talking to you children and taking time for them are the best ways to know what's going on. I've explained to him that he won't appreciate what we're doing for him until he's older and possibly not until he's standing in our shoes as a parent!

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Re: Bill, I got a computer question
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2005, 03:32:00 pm »


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