Hi all, I know there are some Arctic Spa dealers posting on here, hopefully they can answer my questions.
I have been lurking on these boards since we purchased our Arctic Tundra with Onzen system last year.
This is our first ownership of a spa and we decided that we did not want to deal with buying new spas every few years, it seems to me that Arctic Spas are built to last, so we are hoping for many years of good use.
Like so many issues I have read about, I cannot seem to get the crystal clear water we were promised with Onzen.
First, let me say that we always shower before getting in the spa and it gets fairly minimal usage, at times it may go for several weeks without a use or it may get 1/2 hour to an hour from my wife, myself and maybe one teenage child a 2-4 times per week. Really pretty light usage.
We have fairly soft water, I routinely check alkalinity, pH, Calcium and NaCl content and do a good job of keeping them in the normal recommended ranges.
We are using the newer ("improved") filters.
Still not happy with the water clarity.
So my question is twofold...
What is the difference between Onzen Version 7 and 8, both technically and in results?
Reading through the 2011 Onzen Technical Guide it looks like the new version is more efficient as far less salt is required. But that really doesn't matter to me, I WANT CLEAR WATER!

In fact, you can't even buy the larger tub of salt anymore, only the 4 pounder.
Question 2 is, how do you change between versions, is it simply a new electrode? How often should the electrodes be changed? I get the onzen bubbles when activated....
Thanks for any insight you may have

Roger L
Silverdale WA, USA