Hello everyone
I just recently discovered a product called Adya Clarity. I'm really excited about it and I'm getting the word out. It's a powerful para-magnetic sulfate mineral solution extracted from a rich black mica volcanic deposit in Japan. When added to water it immediately starts cleaning it up. It removes chlorine, fluoride, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals and all sorts of dissolved contaminants. The adya makes the contaminants insoluble and they become inert and harmless and precipitate out.
I'm still on my first bottle. I got mine here and you can read all about it
http://therawfoodworld.infoI've been using it in my tap water to remove all the junk and I'm really impressed. I add 1 teaspoon per gallon of tap water and let it go to work. After a day a brown sediment precipitates out and settles to the bottom. I siphon the clear water off the top and have been collecting the sediment in a seperate container. The result is pure healthy super good tasting water.
Here's some pictures of my treated water

Here's how much sediment I've collected so far from my seemingly clear tap water! Pretty amazing

Anyway I've heard you can add it to your hot tub! I haven't tested this because I don't have a tub but others are having amazing results. Fill up your tub, add two or three 32oz bottles and guess what? That's it! Your water will stay clear and pure for 6-9 months. No chemicals needed nor anything else! Reportedly the water has nourishing and healing properties similar to a healing hot spring.
If anyone tries this please post your results and experiences in this thread. There are more distributors other than the site that I got mine from. I chose that site because I know it's the real Adya Clarity. There are some sites that have ripped off the trademark and are suspected of selling a diluted product. To be sure make sure the label is the same as pictured on the website
What do you think?