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Author Topic: Good Deal? What to Buy  (Read 7617 times)


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Good Deal? What to Buy
« on: May 27, 2011, 11:28:56 am »
     I have run across a hot tub that is for sale from someone in my family.  It has only been used a couple of times and spent it whole life inside.  It is a 2008 Hot Spot Mallorca with easy open cover, ozone, steps, chemicals etc.  They want $3500 for it.  My wife and I are thinking of getting it, but we want to know if it is a good deal or not.  We were looking into getting one of those 80 jet hot tubs that you can find online for around $4500. The Mallorca has 28 jets.  Is the difference in the number of jets a big deal?  What do you guys think?  Thank you or all of the info!

Hot Tub Forum

Good Deal? What to Buy
« on: May 27, 2011, 11:28:56 am »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 12:01:14 pm »
Its not just the jet count that is different. Yes it looks looks enticing to have all those jets.. If you look back through some of the threads you will find a lot of us are against buying spas online. There is no local support for those tubs, warranty issues. etc.. if you have a problem you have to call the manufacturer..its nice to have someone local to fall back on, Also those spas with all the jets and lower pricing has to have something taken away from it to get the price down.. lower quality controls, jets, insulating values, exterior , how the structure is put together. I reccomend you look at the D1, Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Sundance, Marquis to name a few.SO on your looking at the used spa i would buy before i would buy the tub online. Is it a good price, Maybe, If it is a great shape and you like then i think it is,, , You might check with the local Hot Springs dealer  aand see what they think it is worth. Used tub pricing will be based on what your local market will bring...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 12:21:43 pm »
     I have run across a hot tub that is for sale from someone in my family.  It has only been used a couple of times and spent it whole life inside.  It is a 2008 Hot Spot Mallorca with easy open cover, ozone, steps, chemicals etc.  They want $3500 for it.  My wife and I are thinking of getting it, but we want to know if it is a good deal or not.  We were looking into getting one of those 80 jet hot tubs that you can find online for around $4500. The Mallorca has 28 jets.  Is the difference in the number of jets a big deal?  What do you guys think?  Thank you or all of the info!

1) Never buy based on jet count. Its how well the jets work, not how many there are. A lot of the fly by-night operations have to catch your attention somehow and jet count is often how they do it.
2) On-line spas are a crapshoot, who knows what you'll get on quality and energy efficiency (though I have a guess) and expect the warranty to be pretty much meaningless no matter the wording. You can't go visit them when things go south.
3) Used spas can be a good way to get a good deal but condition is everything.
4) NEVER buy a used spa unless you can see it filled, up to temp and operating. Don't listen to any "it was working great when we unhooked it" story even if its from Uncle Ralph.
5) Any prices you see are negotiable, even with family and especially with a used spa. I'm not sure what they bought it for but I think 3500 is probably a little high even if in great shape. If in the condition you think with good lifter and good cover I’d guesstimate 40-50% of what they paid.
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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 12:29:34 pm »
I have seen the tub filled and operational and we can come sit in it before we buy.  The hot tub was bought from a local dealer for around $7000.  They have already let me see all of the documentation that they have with the tub including every time the bought a filter.  I am 100% sure that there is no problem with the hot tub and it is in showroom quality.  What I really want to know is if Hot Spot is a good company, and if the Mallorca is quality built.  If you take all the warranty issues out of it which is the better tub,  what would you buy?


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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 01:20:53 pm »
I have seen the tub filled and operational and we can come sit in it before we buy.  The hot tub was bought from a local dealer for around $7000.  They have already let me see all of the documentation that they have with the tub including every time the bought a filter.  I am 100% sure that there is no problem with the hot tub and it is in showroom quality.  What I really want to know is if Hot Spot is a good company, and if the Mallorca is quality built.  If you take all the warranty issues out of it which is the better tub,  what would you buy?

Hot Spots are made by Watkins who makes Hot Spring and is well known and very reputable. Personally I'd definitely take the used Hot Spot in good condition over the new on-line spa.
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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2011, 09:58:59 pm »
Hot Spot is Hot Springs lower end line so yes, they are a good company.  However, $3,500 is a lot for a 4 year old spa even if it was $7K new.  They are family, right?  See if they will take $3K that way you'd have $500 set aside in the event their are any problems after the warranty expires.  I think the warranty on the Hot Spot is transferable but you have to transfer it within 30 days or so of the sale so check into those details.

In any case, the Hot Spot is about 1000% better than ANY "on-line" of even one of those new $4,500 spas sold out of a storage shed.
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2011, 01:53:17 pm »
The price is now $3000 but that is as low as they can go.  This includes the spa, cover, cover lifter, cover locks, steps, chemicals, extra filters, ozone, and anything in their house related to the spa.  Does it sound like a better deal now?  This will be the first spa that I have owned and hopefully last me for many years.  I went to the dealer the other day and they have the hot spot relay on sale for the high $5000s.  From what they told me the relay is the Mallorca replacement, and not much has changed (calf jets and more lights).  I do not think that this price includes anything but the spa.  Would you go with the used Mallorca that is in VERY good condition, or buy the new relay?


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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2011, 02:28:08 pm »
The price is now $3000 but that is as low as they can go.  This includes the spa, cover, cover lifter, cover locks, steps, chemicals, extra filters, ozone, and anything in their house related to the spa.  Does it sound like a better deal now?  This will be the first spa that I have owned and hopefully last me for many years.  I went to the dealer the other day and they have the hot spot relay on sale for the high $5000s.  From what they told me the relay is the Mallorca replacement, and not much has changed (calf jets and more lights).  I do not think that this price includes anything but the spa.  Would you go with the used Mallorca that is in VERY good condition, or buy the new relay?

Lets try to be a little analytical here since the used tub comes with extras that the new one does not and you have to factor in everything.

3 yr old steps, lifter and ozone plus some new chems and extra filters are tough to say exactly their worth (since not all are new) but lets say $450 which takes the price of the used spa to more like 2550.

If the cover looks great and was inside then lets say its got 2/3 of its life left (if outside I'd say it had 1/3 or 1/4 of its life left). You have to add back $150 toward future replacement since the new spa would have a new cover so I'd put the price of the used tub when the other items are factored in back up at $2700. The new spa you say is high 5s.

Sounds like an adjusted difference of about $3k but you also get a warranty with the new one. This is a close one BUT one other factor to add in is that if you buy it from family and it has issues will this cause family disharmony? That might lean me toward the new one but it sounds like its close enough you need to go with your gut.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2011, 08:01:16 am »
I am actually not too worried about warranties because I work on everything.  I think that the difference in cost can buy a lot of parts.  I guess what I am asking is there enough difference between the hot spot mallorca and the hot spot relay to justify the price gap.


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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2011, 10:53:36 am »
I am actually not too worried about warranties because I work on everything.  I think that the difference in cost can buy a lot of parts.  I guess what I am asking is there enough difference between the hot spot mallorca and the hot spot relay to justify the price gap.

I don't think there's any clear "better choice" here. I think this is close enough to where either way seems fine so go wtih what works for you.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2011, 11:39:56 pm »
Yes, $3K sounds like a fair deal.  Go BUY IT already!
...The gene pool could use a little chlorine....

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Re: Good Deal? What to Buy
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2011, 11:39:56 pm »


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