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Author Topic: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?  (Read 4460 times)


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My tub (Coast) has a pressurized filtration system and the brother-in-law's (HotSprings) isn't. I've often wonder what is the benefit of either and the countless other versions out there?

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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 11:48:23 am »
It is all marketing; you can keep a 500 gallon spa clean with a 25sq ft filter with a by pass.

We as consumers allow ourselves to be brainwashed on what we think we need in a product, all industries are like that not just hot tubs companies.

If a built a 8X8 hot tub and put 10 jets in it and one small filter I would have a hard time selling it. It would provide all the hot water therapy you needed and would stay clean and it would cost a lot less. But as stated who would buy it, you would want the one sitting next to it that had 50 jets, SS jets, 4 filters, stereo, multiply control panels, lights all over....

I am not slamming anyone I fall into that category, I have a motorcycle with 110CI (1800CC) V-twin motor, I have a truck that has 400HP, 6" lift with 36" tires, do I need all of that or do I just think I do?

« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 11:53:02 am by VTXMAN »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 03:22:19 pm »
biggest difference will be most of your pressurized spa systems will have a small skimmer on the other sideusally one and half inch hole, or 2 inch hole, water goes thru this then thru the pump and heater to the filter and back into the spa, Contaminents, body oils scum, not filteres first. on the others were the filter is in the main vessel of water -they usually skim the top of the water with a floating skimmer weir, then the through the pumps and heater...imo i will take the filter in the main body....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2011, 03:33:43 am »
biggest difference will be most of your pressurized spa systems will have a small skimmer on the other sideusally one and half inch hole, or 2 inch hole, water goes thru this then thru the pump and heater to the filter and back into the spa, Contaminents, body oils scum, not filteres first. on the others were the filter is in the main vessel of water -they usually skim the top of the water with a floating skimmer weir, then the through the pumps and heater...imo i will take the filter in the main body....

The only thing I noticed was like all skimmers they only work properly if the water level is maintained, if water level rises too much then the skimmer doesn't always stop the sh1t returns to the main water. I don't know whether this is less of a problem with a pressurised system but when the filter is in the skimmer basket then I can only think this can't help matters. I do know the main claim for pressurising is that during removing it's not going to contaminate the water as with a filter in the skimmer but surely once the filter in replaced in those system it will be clean again in no time.

Either way it's much cleaner than bathing in your bath water.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2011, 01:31:19 pm »
 most floating skimmers have a range of up and down of roughly 5 inches, So with the water height , and roughly at the the higher mark with 5-6 people in the tub it not going to displace that 5 inch span , But in the case like your talking  on the junk coming back into the tub, when the tub is running the water is pulling thru, when you get out of the tub the water returns to norm,al height so anything junk will then stay in there during the heating cysle of cleanup cycle... so still going to skim, and also the filter is below the skimmer and below the skimmer basket and it not just the contaminants in the filter and having clean water again when replaceed, It is the junk going thru the pumps and the heater first......
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2011, 02:01:02 pm »
I have had Tiger River, Limelight and HotSpot tubs on my showroom floor right alongside Hot Spring tubs. Out of those, HotSpring alone has the no-bypass arrangement where all the water the pumps move is filtered before entering the system, and the small circ pump also pulls through a dedicated filter of it's own. That small circ pump doesn't move a lot of water, but it helps to keep things clean and clear since it runs all the time.

The Hot Spring tubs are always easier to keep clean and clear. I have had some other brands along through the years, same thing.

I have used tubs from time to time - even with a fresh, new filter - it's the same thing.

And I have sold a bunch of used Sundance tubs - I always put in a new filter - and I usually replace the disposable micro filter with a one-piece pleated filter made just for that purpose. The one filter usually costs about the same as the multiple filters in the HotSpring tubs.

Also - I have noticed that it is harder to keep a tub clean and clear on my showroom floor than it is in my backyard. Same model - same filtration - same ozone (or ACE system). I can only guess that if I had a dozen or so people come over to the house and put their hands in my tub to feel jets and so forth, that I might start to have the same results. But the HotSpring tubs do clear up faster once they get clouded up - on a busy weekend, or during a sale event for example. I can toss in some Dichlor, run the 'clean' cycle once or twice and the HotSpring will be clear again. The others I mentioned can take hours of running the jets before they are clear again.

And yes I know - this doesn't apply to anyone who buys a tub and places it in their backyard. They will not have crowds sticking hands/arms in front of their jets (we hope), nor will they very often let the tubs get cloudy in the first place. But I do see the HotSpring system outperforming the others just about every busy weekend around here, so I'm personally a believer.

Former HotSpring Dealer - Southern Cal.


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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 09:15:43 pm »
VTXMAN is on the mark! Much of it has to do with marketing as I've seen both systems work extremely well and fail miserably...

One of the biggest issues with a skimmer IMO is that when the filter is taken out, all the crud that's in it goes back into the spa. The key, more importantly is the end users level of understanding of watercare and balancing. To me... that's 90% of it....


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Re: Different filtration systems - what are the benefits between them?
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2011, 09:15:43 pm »


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