I finally found a place where I could purchase clear-heart redwood. I walked in there and these guys are looking at me like I'm a Martian. I then told them I what I was there for. Then they said they were only a wholesaler and didn't sell to the public. (That's why I looked like a Martian!)
I was about to walk out but I saw some hesitation in their eyes. Then one guy says, "What is it that you wanted?" I told him and he replied, "See that blue building in the back?" I nodded even though there was no way I could see through the solid wall he was pointing toward. "Drive back there and someone will be back there to help you. We just want to finish lunch first."
So my girlfriend and I drove to the back and waited. About 10 minutes later a man comes up and signals me to back up to an overhead door. Once I did that, I got out and he asked me what I needed. I told him clear heart (5) 2x4x8' and (10) 2x6x8'. He said, "wrong building" and told me to meet him at another building.
It was almost 100 degrees outside but we walked to the other building and he showed me what they had. As he started to assemble the lumber together I told him I would pull the SUV up. My girlfriend stayed behind. She loves the heat!
So we loaded up the lumber and I then went inside to pay. Besides the skirt, the list included wood for a 48" long, two-level step (that was the 2x4's). All in all it was over 100 board feet. Shame on me for not doing the calculations because I wouldn't have been shocked when he handed me a bill for $670!
This company supplies the hardwood lumber company I buy furniture grade wood from. I told him I had just bought some African mahogany from them and it wasn't this expensive. We talked a bit then I realized how much wood I was actually buying. I felt kinda stupid for not knowing. Then I bought it.
When I got home I wondered how much it would cost if I bought the individual pieces, each molded and cut at 30-32". The total would have been almost $1,400, and that doesn't include the steps! Yes, real clear-heart redwood is expensive.
When I'm finished I'll post a picture. It had better look like a million bucks or I'll cry!

But first I have to fix that last leak (after I find it!)