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Author Topic: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start  (Read 3184 times)


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New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:26:28 pm »

My husband and I want to purchase a hot tub with gazebo and after reading these forums i'm lost.

So many different brands, so many different models.

Not sure where to start

the dealers near us(central Jersey) go out of business so fast that i'm not sure where to start

I dont want to purchase an item like a spa and have noone nearby to help service it if needed.

any ideas where to start researching

We would like a 6 person spa and would like to spend about 10-12k for the entire package. spa, setup, gazebo, chemicals

is that doable with a spa that won't die on us in 5 years?


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New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« on: May 11, 2011, 03:26:28 pm »


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Re: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2011, 11:51:19 am »
Depending on how fancy of a gazebo you're looking for its doable. Start by checking out all the dealers in your area and as part of getting a feel for the dealer ask how long in the spa business, how long at that store front, how long with that product, do they service their own prodcut, etc. Here are some manufacturer dealer locators I would personally start with.

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Re: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 11:56:33 am »
Having owned only one hot tub I can only speak of my experience with that.  We have had a Hot Springs Grandee for 18 years.  It ran perfectly for over ten years when an aftermarket ozonator went out.  A few years ago the heater gave out.  That's it.  The shell and the motors have held up without any problems.  That kind of reliability is hard to find.

Going Hot Springs, 6 person, and a gazebo for $10-12K?  That's going to be hard to do.  Maybe you want to focus on buying a good tub for now and doing the gazebo later.  We were going to build a gazebo after we put the tub in but one night, while looking up at the stars, we realized we'd lose that view.  And in the winter, when it's clear and cold, the stars really shine.  We decided against the gazebo and I'm glad we did.

Something else you may want to consider is a concrete pad for your tub.  We dug out the hole ourselves, framed it, installed drain tile, trucked in gravel and got a concrete truck to pull into our back yard and finished it all ourselves.  Today that pad is still as level as the day we poured it.  It was a lot of work but it was worth it.

Another thing to consider is the electric.  You will need space in your panel (ours required a 2-pole 50 amp breaker).  You will have to run wire (conduit is required here) and, at least for ours, an outside breaker box.  I'm an electrician so I was able to do all that myself but if you can't do it yourself, you'll have to figure the cost of having it done.  Depending on the tub's electrical requirements, codes, the distance to the tub and whether or not you'll need additional panel space inside the house, the costs could add up.


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Re: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2011, 01:27:03 pm »
jmosery ,
Hey I purchased my Jacuzzi J375 from PoolandSpa place http://www.poolnspaplace.com/ in nj .. Im in Staten Island. Denise is the owner and is super knowlegable and helpful with decisions.. They were great and professional and came to SI to deliver and setup.. The entire price tag was $10k with delivery chemicals cover lifter etc. The tub is great and jets feel great .. contact me if u want pictures or need info . idea53@verizon.net

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Re: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 02:07:41 pm »


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ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 07:29:14 pm »
 This is doable. I would definately check into the local dealers you have available, there are very good brands . D1, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Hot Springs, Marquis, to name a few, You may not be able to buy the hi end of each brand but the middle of the road models and the gazebo, see what you like and see what kind of a package you can make. Also it will depend on the style of gazebo you get and the cost, If you are doing a fully enclosed it will cost a lot more. But as you check out the spas check into the dealership, how stable they are, how their service is. Are they Spasearch certified spa retailer... just some things to consider.
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,

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Re: New to the buying arena and dont know where to start
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2011, 07:29:14 pm »


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