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Author Topic: There is always one lemon out there  (Read 7077 times)


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There is always one lemon out there
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:20:37 am »
I have been posting for about a month and have had some major problems with my tub purchase, sorry Lori I have not found "SPATOPIA".  Looks like after all the fixing the dealer has done and the factory has done the tub will be going back to it's maker.  I have some decisions to make now on what to do.  Steve on this board has been very helpful to this point and now I am all alone to make the painfull decision of cutting my loses.  Lori what is the opposite of "SPATOPIA"????

Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!

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There is always one lemon out there
« on: July 06, 2005, 11:20:37 am »


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2005, 11:23:55 am »
Hi Rayman- refresh my memory - didn't you have the Beachcomber 750 that leaked in the first week? I was under the impression that the dealer had found the leak(s) and made the necessary repairs.

What else has occurred? (Sorry if you had posted this already elsewhere - I didn't see it)

How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2005, 11:35:35 am »
They did fix the leaks but when it came back the jets were not seated correctly and couldn't turn them to pop them off and it was very difficult to turn them on and off.  Black scuff marks on the acrylic that won't come off, Motherboard problems and a few other minor problems.  I know all these can be fixed but I am fed up and can't even look at the thing in my yard anymore.  I have been offered a new tub splitting the difference in value as I bought mine as a floor model.  I have said yes already but I am starting to change my mind, any dealers in Brampton got a deal for me I have the electical done??
Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2005, 11:45:49 am »
Did the problems with jets, the scuffing and motherboard all come after the servicing?

How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2005, 11:51:32 am »
When they retutned the tub before there was water in it I noticed the scuff marks and had the tech note it, the jets as well and I was told when the get heated up with the water they will turn easier, they didn't and you can't get them off either.  The Motherboard was a problem from day one and i was told it would be fixed, they tested it and said it was ok but the problem is still present, also the RFM jets in the floor lose power I was told a valve had to be put in place.
Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2005, 12:08:43 pm »
That would be enough for me to say enough. Beachcomber tubs are considered by many in the know to be a quality tub with a strong support network, yet this does little to make you feel better I'm sure. Unlike others who might encourage you to persue the necessary repairs and allow your dealer to make good on their product, I personally feel that you since you bought a product that has proven itself defective, you should not be have to endure these options if you so choose.

I once bought a broken camera. It was junk. It really annoyed me that I had to jump through all kinds of hoops to rectify the situation. As a consumer, I expect to get what I pay for - that would include a tub that works - especially a brand new tub that cost so much $$.

Good luck on your decision - hope it works out for you.

How do you know how much you don't know?


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2005, 12:33:47 pm »
Thanks for the support

Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2005, 12:41:25 pm »
Gabe & Shane are good guys committed to customer service.

If they say they cant get you a new tub (it wont be because they don't want to) go straight to the owner of Beachcomber, Keith Scott:

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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2005, 01:01:03 pm »
Please don't get me wrong I have given everyone I have spoken to my opinion on Gabe and Shane.  My opinion is they have done an excellent job, they have treated me with respect, compasion and understanding.  The people at Beachcombers as well have tried their best to keep me happy.  I truly believe that Beachcomber is one of the best tubs out there even after the trouble I have had, I just got one of the .5% of tubs that are a problem but to me as the consumer that is 100% of the tubs I have bought.  When I purchased a floor model my expectation was a quality built tub that would last as long as a fresh one out of the crate, would any of you expect any less.  When the dealers on this board sell floor models do you say it is less of a tub or just discounted cause it's out of the package and will perform the same as out of the crate??

I as a consumer am embarrassed that I have to go through this, I am ashamed that I have to ask for things like instore credits to "make it right".  I feel guilty that I want a new tub to replace the one I purchased at no extra charge because I was under the impression that the tub was as good as new when I plunked down $11, 268.  

So forget about the emotions, I bought a tub so i can come on boards like this to tell all that I too am in "spatopia" not trapped in "hot water purgatory".

I want my tub in my yard and never have to have my tub drained unless i am doing it myself fow quarterly maintenaince.


Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2005, 01:09:19 pm »
Well, a floor model tub does have some hours on the motors and electronics and such. Enough to make a significant difference? Maybe, maybe not.  I would hope that the biggest issues with a floor model is it might have a few scuffs on it.

Just a few questions that crossed my mind as I read your entry:

Was the discount on the floor model big enough to justify the problems you've had?  Did the dealer set any expactions? (I guranentee this tub is just as good, if not better than new one out of the box"?)

Strange it's leaking. It was a floor model. Suggests maybe a problem in delivery to you? Was this a floor model that was filled?

Was the warentey pro-rated in anyway?

Regardelss, I would fully expect Beachcomber and the dealer to fully stand behind thier product, and yes, go the extra mile for you.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2005, 01:23:47 pm by drewstar »
07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2005, 01:54:14 pm »
It was a floor model that ws never filled it still had the stickers on the inside of the tub, there were some minor scuff marks on the outside skirt and yes they told me it was as good as new it was a custom make that had all the options of there BLE model minus the Hush pump but plus the garden lights.  No price discount is worth the aggravation I have been put through, the original price was $11,300 and I got it for $9500.  When I bought it if I was told the price difference would amount to total dissatisfaction I wouldn't have bought.  I looked and waited 1 1/2 years before i bought, I thought I made an educated decision.  I was wrong and since then I have been wronged.

Beachcomber 750, Brampton On Canada, GO LEAFS GO!!


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2005, 02:14:46 pm »
The 750 looks like a beautiful tub.

It is unfortunate that you are in the situation that you are in.

Maybe a dealer can answer this question, but it seems if the tub was never filled,  is it really used? Yea, a few people dry tested it, but  it's got 0 hours on the plumbing and components. Shouldn't the manufacturer treat this as a new tub and swap it out for new?

IF not, I'd think the dealer would be all over this to make sure you are happy.

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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2005, 02:28:53 pm »
*I* would (also) think a tub that was never fired up and that has given all this grief should (have been) (be) swapped out for a new one, just to give customer satisfaction.

As was recently said, do you want one of the three outcomes:  the customer that's unsatisfied, and tells everyone, the one that's satisfied, and tells a few people, or one that gets completely satisfied in a case like this and tells everyone?

I'd take the third one, if I were a dealer with advertising savvy.  :)


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2005, 02:58:13 pm »
Huh. where are all the dealers?

Geez, when someone asks what tub they should buy, they are all over the thread. But on a touchy subject like this, it's like a ghost town.

07 Caldera Geneva


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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2005, 03:12:29 pm »
Huh. where are all the dealers?

Geez, when someone asks what tub they should buy, they are all over the thread. But on a touchy subject like this, it's like a ghost town.


I spoke on this subject in the begginning.  It is the policy of Watkins Mfg. to replace any spa with an in foam leak on a new spa within 90 days of the delivery date.  This is at no cost to the customer.  In 18 years, we have needed to proceed with this policy twice.  Not working directly with Beachcomber, I am unaware of any such policies they may have ;)

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Re: There is always one lemon out there
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2005, 03:12:29 pm »


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