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Author Topic: Brand new vs dealer refurbished - help deciding on first spa purchase  (Read 7099 times)


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Hello again.

I posted a while back with many questions leading up to our first spa purchase (For reference that post is HERE).  I was looking at the Nordic Retreat from dealer A (wet tested a Nordic Escape premium there) and am FINALLY scheduled to wet test a few Hot Spring/Hot Spot models at Dealer B.  I want to look at the Hot Spot relay because it is a larger tub still within my budget (like to stay around $5000-$6000).  However, I am VERY Interested in Hot Springs' moto-massage since I have back problems and that is a big reason I am wanting a spa.  For that reason I am considering trying a Solana SX even though it is smaller (3 person) and I was told by a recent buyer of one on these forums that my 6'1" frame would probably not fit comfortably.  They also have a Jetsetter there, which while only a 2-seater, is longer in one dimension.We are a family of 3 (Me, my wife, and a 10 year old son) and I am trying to ascertain how many times we will ALL be in together vs. using in alone or just with 2.  I don't see us having guests over a lot to "party in the tub", so maybe a larger tub is overkill.

Another option that was brought up in discussion is buying a used but dealer refurbished spa from them.  They take trades (Hot Spring/Hot Spot/Limelight models only) and thoroughly go through them to resell.  They currently have a 1998 model Hot Spring Sovereign (with moto-massage) that the dealer told me will be around $2800.  That is a LOT more tub for the price that I can get new (and about half my budget) but the age of the tub scares me.  Any thoughts or advice?  Is that a fair price for a 13 year old (albeit rebuilt and fully dealer tested) tub?  The offer a 90 day warranty on their rebuilds.

THANKS for any input.

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You will know once you wet test. When wet tested with 2 normal size people I felt cramped in both the jetsetter and the solona (although the solona was a cute little tub!). I thought I wanted a smaller tub but not once I wet tested. I don't regret going with a bigger tub, it's suppose to be a 5-6 seater but really I would say 3 comfortably, and maybe 4. I don't think you will regret going with a bigger tub. I can't speak for the refurbished older spa though. I wanted to go with the best warranty I could find.  I think you will know for sure when you wet test "the one". I know you have been looking for awhile so good luck in your search!


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Thanks for the input.

I am sure that my choice will become clearer as I personally test.  I just like to arm myself with as much knowledge (including owner experiences and opinions) beforehand.


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Another option that was brought up in discussion is buying a used but dealer refurbished spa from them.  They take trades (Hot Spring/Hot Spot/Limelight models only) and thoroughly go through them to resell.  They currently have a 1998 model Hot Spring Sovereign (with moto-massage) that the dealer told me will be around $2800.  That is a LOT more tub for the price that I can get new (and about half my budget) but the age of the tub scares me.  Any thoughts or advice?  Is that a fair price for a 13 year old (albeit rebuilt and fully dealer tested) tub?  The offer a 90 day warranty on their rebuilds.

THANKS for any input.

My spa is 12 years old and running great in part because I maintain it while another similar 12 year old spa may be rotting in the landfill. Its all about how they are maintained or refurbed. A 13 year old spa isn't typically worth much unless its in good shape. If refurbed properly that might be a good price if it lasts you 5 years like it should if done well.

If you like the spa in the end why not counter by offering less and/or ask for a 180 day warranty with the idea that they might not bite on either but its worth a shot and who knows, maybe they sweeten the offer.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2011, 12:31:18 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!

spa goddess

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We sell refurbished spas and it's a great way for a new spa owner to "get his feet wet".  If space isn't an issue I would always recommend going for a larger spa vs. a smaller one.  With your height you will appreciate the leg room a bigger spa gives you and your son will only get taller.  Plus in a few short years he will be a teen and it's nice to have the place that the kids might like to visit.  This way you know where they are and you will hear some conversations since they don't realize how loud you tend to talk when you are in a tub.  Something you might want to remember too!

Also you might want to consider what else you might like to do in a spa.  (I don't mean that!)   ;) I meant some people might like room to exercise or stretch with your muscles warm.  Some extra space may be appreciated.  Also more seats means more variety of jet configerations.  It's like circuit training.  Each seat hits you in a different spot.

Good luck with your search.


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Thanks for the input on used spas.  It is a moot point now anyway as they had sold the 98 Sovereign before we got there for our wet test anyway.

We wet tested two tubs while we were there.  The first (HotSpring Vanguard) was a GREAT tub, but way out of my budget at $9600.  We also tried a Hot Spot SX (formerly known as the Solana SX) and it wasn't bad (I REALLY liked the moto massage) but even for just the three of us I think it may be a bit cramped.  Another member of the forum here recently bought one and he cautioned me that it may be a bit small for my 6'1" frame (He is 5'6" and said it fit him perfectly).  I liked the SX and could cope with its size, but I am thinking that for maybe a little bit more we would be happier in the long run with something a little larger.

I went to dealer number 3 in our area today and looked at Beachcomber tubs.  Can anybody offer their opinions on them? 

Jet Sitter

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I have not owned one but looked at them closely while shopping and researched them.  They make a quality tub.  We wet tested and, for us, the fit was not right but I would not have hesitated to buy one.


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Thanks for the info, jet Sitter.  My wife, son, and I sat in a Beachcomber 350 dry and liked the layout.  We seem to fit in there fine with ample space, but i would like to see how that works out when it is full of water.  My first two wet tests have taught me that the dynamics and feel of the tub can change drastically when wet and the jets are running vs. dry.  On the quality and "fit and finish" front, my research and the experience and opinions of members on this forum have left me with the conclusion that HotSpot and Beachcomber are on par with each other and near the top of the industry.

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