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Author Topic: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)  (Read 5819 times)


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Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:06:41 pm »
I am looking for a new tub, one that can at least sit 4 people fairly comfortably.  I have pretty much been to every dealer in my area and looked at a lot of tubs.  I was wondering if anyone could give me any thoughts on the tubs that we were considering. 

We were given a price of 5300 for a Hot Spot Relay which we thought was pretty good, and seemed reasonable from what I have read online.  My concern here is that it is a 2 pump system, but the continuous HP is 1.5  on both pumps.  I have also read that it really depends on the plumbing though, and that maybe the 1.5 hp isn't that big a deal.

Another option would be the Marquis spas I have looked at.  I can get a Marquis Everyday 660 or a Marquis Mirage for about 6500.  The 660 is bigger than the relay and the mirage is smaller but is said to have much better jets.  Would either of these really be worth the extra 1000 bucks? 

I one last option would be the Hot Spot Tempo for 6300....which is really just the bigger brother of the Relay...

Does anyone have any thoughts?  We are looking to move on something pretty soon and I would greatly appreciate anything anyone has to offer on the subject!

Thanks in advance!

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Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:06:41 pm »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2011, 02:27:43 pm »
Both are very good brands, Things to look for is the dealers you are lloking at , are you comfortable with the the dealership, the salesman, the service they have after the sale, You might at least sit in them dry to see how the fit is for you. I would not be concerned with the pump size. also check out their storeies on the filtering, everyone has exclusive words or special things there spas can do, for instance constant clean, it is if it has a 24/7 circ pump, vortex skimming, its nothing special water from suction already creates,,, not to to tell you which one to buy or get but see what each dealership says, tell them what you are comparing against and go from there....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2011, 08:43:26 pm »
So the Hot Spot, which from what I have read is a more affordable version of Hot Springs, is still a solid brand?  We are leaning towards the Hot Spot Relay, but I am just concerned about quality of the tub, and the quality of the massage that it is going to give.  Its a great looking tub, I just want to be sure that we are going to enjoy what it brings.  Can anyone comment about the quality of the tub itself, and the quality of the massage the jets give as well?

The woman I spoke with about the Marquis Mirage kept on going on about the jets they have...are these jets really far and away better than the jets on the Hot Spot Spas?

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2011, 08:57:24 pm »
Most spas use a lot of the same components. Spa jets they are making a big deal about the accupressure jets, Most companies are using Waterway for jets, the difference is which size all are using, and spinners and none spinners. they will be very similiar on the jet pressure, and all spas will have an adjustment whether on the jet or with air controls, So i would not get caught up in the Exclusive junk, exclusive this and exclusive that, same products different names on each manufacturer, I would try out both spas, i would also ask the salesman do they own a hot tub themselves and the brand , Ask if they have ever sold a different brand as a salesman, that will tell you alot about the person ,Has this person sold anything else besides Marquis, ask her if they are the best spas on the market... 9 out 10 spa salesman use THE BEST all the time... If they are the best how come there are so many comptetors out there. They are a very good brand, so is Hot Springs, The quality of both is very good, My point is you have to trust the salesman......
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2011, 08:09:59 pm »
Can anyone speak on the Hot Spot name and brand?  I know it is a division of Hot Springs, but are they made with the same quality as a Hot Springs spa? 


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Re: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2011, 11:18:54 am »
Can anyone speak on the Hot Spot name and brand?  I know it is a division of Hot Springs, but are they made with the same quality as a Hot Springs spa? 

There is quality of workmanship and quality of parts. The workmanship is typically about the company and how it uses good manufacturing practices, thoroughly tests its work, uses customer issues as feedback, documents itself, etc.

The workmanship should be there but Hot Spring is the top of the line and being the premium brand it has the bells and whistles, upgraded jets, controls etc. whereas the Hot Spot will be more basic. Same could be said for the Marquis Everyday brand vs the Marquis Flagship models like the Epic. The value should be there on the brands like Hot Spot and Everyday based on workmanship, pricing and being from a good manufacturer.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Advice Wanted: Another New Guy! (Marquis vs. Hot Spot)
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2011, 11:18:54 am »


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