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Author Topic: Opinions on Royal Spa  (Read 14276 times)


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Opinions on Royal Spa
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:39:25 pm »
I am looking for input on purchasing a hot tub.  The one I really like is the Royal Spa Princess because of size (3 person) and the jet positioning.  Not looking for entertainment; just mostly for therapeutic purposes. 

I know Royal Spa is not well-known and also have read some of the controversy on their technology.  If you have an opinion, please support w/ experience or facts. 

I would be interested in finding other similar size spas to compare or consider.

Much thanks.

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Opinions on Royal Spa
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:39:25 pm »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2011, 08:45:19 pm »
I have heard of these and seen info on them before, Sorry not a big fan, went to their website, I can't stand these guys that say they have the best ....if they are the best how come there are over 250 manufacturers of spas.... Also his stuff do not buy a spa with a computer system avoid spas with 2 speed pumps, Bobs challenge has several loopholes in it. his costs less to service well no duh when you have 1930s technology in there it will cost less.The statement that the only reason manufacturers put computers in their spa so they can make more money from you down the road. Whats funny with that statement, most control systems are not manufactured by the spa manufacturer. second most dealers will get there stuff from aftermarket companies, so at that point how does the manufacturer make the money, his statement computer systems die every 5 years, boy then on my own personal spa that is from96 with computer controls has never failed not once, ....he says it costs you  200.00 a year to maintain computers on the tub,,,,what!!!!! computers are now everywere,, what car made now does not, are they reliable sure they are, it als helps with reminders. low water, clean filter, and troubleshooting, etc.... I would look at  D1 , Sundance, Hot Springs, Jacuzzi, Marquis,, to just name a few.....Check out Spasearch.org on third party ratings for yourself.....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 01:21:34 pm »
I appreciate your insight. 

Several of the things that made the Princess attractive:
The ability to fit it thru a standard doorway.  I like the option of making it an indoor spa if we don't use it outdoors enough.  We live in open country in Indiana.  It is windy here almost yr 'round, but I really want it outdoors if I will use it.

I loved the dry test feel of the lounger.  It looks like it is more ergo than most.  Also like the fitted feel to the seats.  My husband & I don't require the wider seats I see on most.

Like the jets for the hands/wrist. 

I know that some of the salespitch sounds a little screwy.  I really hope to hear from some who own Royal Spa and have experience w/ their service.  I hold out hope that perhaps the "newer isn't always better" adage applies?  I can think of several older model appliances that I have owned and other than the diminished energy efficiency over time, the new replacements did not compare in functionality.

One thing that bothers me that I would have to get clarification on from the sales guy...  He quoted us right at $6000 for the Princess pkg (3 person), which would be the same as a much larger tub (probably 5-6 person), "because the Princess is a custom order".  Can anyone explain that?  Really had hoped to stay at $5000 and feel like the smaller tub should be less.  I thot most of the tubs were "custom order"--pick and choose what perks you want.

Thanks again.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2011, 02:04:17 pm »
I don't think you will see many here that have used the Royal, I don't think they are established all over the states mainly right there.I think i would look at some bigger brands, Like the D1 serenade, i sell that unit for less and has more features, look at the Marquis, Sundance, Jacuzzi , Clearwater, Hot Springs, they will have spas that will fir through a door, less money, more features...SO with the screwy sales pitch doesn't that make you wonder about the company?
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2011, 07:48:20 pm »
For a good laugh read their website.

When your spas are 30 years behind the technology curve you need to come up with some good BS.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2011, 08:22:27 pm »
BINGO,  ;D ;D ;D
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2011, 09:46:55 am »
Yeah, I realize they are regional, but they've gotta be sellin' 'em to someone, right?  I didn't find anything on the BBB site but I doubt that many people file complaints anymore.  They just get on the ole net and bash them to everyone else. 

I don't know enough about the mechanics involved--will have to defer to my husband's knowledge--but, it still seems plausible to me that newer technology is often gimmick- laden and not always an improvement.  Simpler is often better. 

What I'm seeing in the 3 person models of other co's is fewer jets and what appears to be less comfortable seating.  The Princess seems to be made more for those like myself wanting to use it for therapy.  I don't think I've seen the "handicap" bar on others either, which probably will be necessary for my mother to be able to get in safely. 

I did like the way the Serenade looks.  Can you give me a general idea how much you would sell one for?  Don't want any of the frills--no stereo, waterfall, extra lights, etc.  Just want plenty of jets, and the basics (steps, cover, maintenance-free cabinet, good warranty). 

I hate that there is so much to have to wade thru.  My husband is not a shopper and is not really wanting to buy one any way, so I'm not going to be able to get him to run all over looking.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2011, 12:49:01 pm »
Your right they probably sell some, They probably do pretty good with local market,, most manufacturers do well in the market the are in building them at. On the part about other 3 person spas with less jets and comfort, The more jets you put in the spa is not necessarily the best, if there is only 1 person sitting in the spa and for instance you have a spa with 50 jets and the seat your sitting in has 10 what good are the rest of the jets at that time,, What i would be more interested in is the jet placement and the jet size...When you look at there spa the lounger has 4 small jets and one large jet ( which hits the spine ) what good is that a jet hitting the bone not muscles.. look at the seat next to the lounger jet placement again....  and comfort that is a pretty square seat were is the lumbar suuport , So for the ( Therapy Use) on this model i do not see the Therap y Value of this spa... also neck jets i see the 2 outside jets above the water line ( splashing water toward your face......)Don't fall for their gimmick story. on computers,,, computers are agin in all parts of everyones life, Why technology advancement, makes lives easier.....their are roughly 250 manufacturers of spas, majority of the spas use the control boards and digital controls, No dials to pick the circulation times, run times , heat times, the digital system are automatic, it is nice with the rail, if you reaching for it to pull you out of the seat, thats about that.. if your in there and falling i think the last thing on th mind is to try to reach for the rail.. Most spas have molded built in hand grips to pull out of the water.. If safety is a concern for getting in and out of the spa you can get safety rails on the outside of the tub, also rail is metal ,,, depending on chemicals it will corode over time..

Goin to the D1 Serenade, look at the design of the seats, lumbar support, look at the jet placement you have a mix of larger and smaller jets, hitting major muscles, also the adjustable head rest with 2 adjustable neck jets, each jet in the spa is individually adjustable for the air and pressure,,, very customizable for you therapy needs. I am alos not into all the fufu, stereos lights are fine with me..the model uses synthetic skirt which has a longer warranty not just on defects but also failing, it is very durable i can hit with a baseball bat and not crack it..depending on the dealer is what the throw in with the sale, those items are aftermarket accessories, when we sell them we include cove. lifter. ozone, steps, chemicals, and some other things as well,,, but that will depend on you local dealer.otherwise D1 has a very good warranty on plumbing and the electrical. D1 also has been builkding spas since 1977.what i would recomend is contact your local D1 dealer in your area go visit them tell them what you are looking for sit in the spa,,,, i sell quite a few of them it is a great spa at a great value....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2011, 01:18:24 pm »
What I'm seeing in the 3 person models of other co's is fewer jets and what appears to be less comfortable seating.  

Appearances can be deceiving which is why without a wet test you're just hoping it fits/feels best. I'd be a millionaire f I had a dollar for every person that thought a spa was the right one but then wet tested and found out they were wrong or just the opposite where they are on the fence about how good a spa will feel but after wet testing it they were wowed.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 05:21:09 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2011, 05:03:10 pm »
I really appreciate the feedback, guys. 

I guess I'm not really concerned about anyone else having jets  :)  I like that the Princess has so many with the lounger.  I also think the idea of having one on the spine sounds nice, but maybe a wet test would make me think differently.  BTW, I had really hoped to skip a wet test entirely.  I know it is not advisable, I just didn't want the hassel. 

I have fibromyalga, pain from a lower back fracture, carpel tunnel, and probably arthritis at a much too young age.  So jets anywhere are gonna help me as long as they are powerful.  We had planned to have a set of neck jets put on the lounger, too.

I'm not arguing the point of computers adding a lot to our world, but think how just about any Joe could fix their own automobile before they were computerized and now look what you pay just for a simple repair.  Do vehicles last longer?  No.  Sure, a whole lot more comfort and frills, but...  Now, what you say about the lack of convenience of settings and all is something to consider. 

Tell me your opinion on the 2 speed pump and the claim that you need one that circulates the water 24/7. 

My husband is in heating/cooling/plumbing and well equiped to do the electrical, so I feel he can probably handle most of what might go wrong.  But I don't want this purchase to be a point of contention if it turns out more work than pleasure.


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2011, 05:37:29 pm »
I've never seen a Royal but I've been on their site a few times and snickered at their challenge and some things that I find to be real salesmanship but I'm not saying they're a joke or anything, maybe its a decent product, I'll withhold judgement.

What I do know is someone did a good job in their sales presentation to you just based on your posts, nothing wrong with that. The thing is you're not comparing them to anyone from what i see in your posts, you're just trying to look for answers in what they told you. When you buy a car you typically look around and then get what seems best, no different with spas.

My advice would be to take a trip to a couple of the other choices in your area. If after doing so you still think Royal is the spa for you then go for it. This way you'll have some basis for comparison. I don't know who is in your area but you can go on the websites of every major manufacturer and simply enter your zip code to see who else may be around you. Here are some examples of other brands I would personally look at for a comparison.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2011, 06:40:09 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #11 on: May 06, 2011, 05:47:46 pm »
your right a hot tub for you is great especially with fibromyalga..I have been doing this a long time, I would say if Royal was that good i would take it in a heartbeat.. I can tell you about most of the brands made i  enjoy researching different brands... But i wouldn't have even in my top 100....As for the tubs i sell them i am also a tech , i also own one all of my life including my parents.They have a tub that is 30 years old, sure it works, they have had to replace pumps, heaters, aire lines air buttons.
It sounds to me like you are liking their story, i am telling you if it was still that good all brands would strill be offereing it, My personal spa from 92 has all digital and i have not had one problem, And your comment about how much it costs to fix a car now,,, sure they are harder to work on , but you have less problems, I have a 66 mustang, and have lumina and suburban so i now the differances, but the average home can fix a circuit board on there spa, But the other side of it your 2 main brands that make boards are gecko and balboa, both have been around the block... and if you buy a quality brand it comes with a warranty so your dealer would take care of that..

On the jets, if the jet is right up against your back hitting the spine its not doing anything, but move it to the left and the right of the spaine were your hitting muscles is more beneficial.

My opinion on the 2 speed pumps,,,Some spas run s speed pumps the low speed is usually the filter speed every 12 hours the pump runs for 2 hours which can be changed, the low amp 24/7 circ pump i am more of a fan, i sell spas with both styles, but even with that you still have a pump with 2 speeds, more adjustment on the therapy you are getting, also the 24/7 circ injects ozone 24 hours a day,  and heats on demand, thats what is nice with the Serenade, you can go either direction with it.

If you get the right tub , your chemical maintenance can be minimal , i spend 5 minutes a week on mine. And again on my own tub has digital controls, tells me the temp if there is a problem it gives me a code, i would not own another non digital control system,,,,,period.

On the lounger having so many jets. If you look closely at it. it has 5 in the back 4 mini jets , 1 storm jet in the middle Look at the Serenade, it has 4 large storm jets with spinners, hits a larger swath on the back.. also 2 neck jets with the adjustable headrest up and down. 2 wrist jets 1 large foot jet, and i see the Royal spa has a couple small jets on the calfs,, So i don't see that it has that many more jets, and the placement i think is not as good,

ON the market you can get small spas like this with lots of better jets in the lounger you just pay more for it. LIke the Triad from D1 has a lot more features...

So i will take my brands any time over the Royal....thats my opinion,,, i strongly suggest to go check the your local dealers and check out their brands also listen to what they have to say,  you might be suprised.....

Hope this helps
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2011, 09:13:43 pm »
Ha, you don't know how I shop for a car.  If I were to drive by and see one I liked on a lot, I'd stop, check it out, read online reports, and then buy it if it was what I was looking for.  As a matter of fact, when my husband bought my van, we pretty much did just that.  It was the only one I test drove and only the 2nd one I looked at.  The first was the same model, but had the option pkg I didn't want. 

But before I was married, I spent 7 yrs w/o a vehicle because I hated dealing w/ salesmen.  Saved the money and traveled overseas instead.  See where I'm comin' from now?  It isn't that I buy what they're telling me as much as I am leery of them and anything they say.  Being a female, I also hated the schmoozing and condescending attitudes.

You are correct that I have not shopped around.  I appreciate the links to locate dealers.  We really don't have "local" dealers and will probably have to go to Indy to shop.  Not sure why my husband chose Royal Spa, but he had done checking and thot the showroom would have more to choose from and probably liked the locally made.  I'm gonna get him to read some of your posts and see if I can get him to actually shop.  Thanks for all your help.


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2011, 08:03:42 am »
I'm gonna get him to read some of your posts and see if I can get him to actually shop.  Thanks for all your help.

Good idea!

Rule number 4
                    Always buy a spa with a pump that pushes water through the filter instead of sucking it through the filter.

This is called a pressure side filter system and allows dirty water to ruin the pump prematurely. A lot of manufaturers used to do this until they figured out it was not the best way.
If you would like an opposing opinion on every one of his rules we can give them.


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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2011, 03:35:41 pm »
Ha, you don't know how I shop for a car. 

Sure but at least with a car you may buy without shopiin around you'll have some history on Chevy, Honda or whatever car you may buy.

What do you know about Royal other than their website or the sales presentation you got? How do you know what is real and what is PT Barnum relative to their "challenges" and spin that the industry is doing things worng and they're doing it all right?
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Re: Opinions on Royal Spa
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2011, 03:35:41 pm »


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