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Author Topic: New cover, it's like a new spa again!  (Read 4069 times)


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New cover, it's like a new spa again!
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:13:31 pm »
Finally had enough of my 8 year old cover and lifter.    It was time.    The thing was heavy and water logged.  The lifter was falling apart.

Called my dealer and they came out and installed a new 2" density cover with new lifter.   It is so shiny new it makes my spa (2003) look like new again!   

And the suction!  Just like I remember when I bought the spa.   This cover really clamps down on top of the spa.   I just know my energy bill will be going down!

Just curious,   is 8 years pretty good for a cover?     I applied protectant probably every 3 months.   I was reading the instructions on this new cover and it suggests once a month.   

Hot Tub Forum

New cover, it's like a new spa again!
« on: May 04, 2011, 07:13:31 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: New cover, it's like a new spa again!
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2011, 07:43:42 pm »
 8 years is really good, most will make it 4/5  depending on use and weather.   Good job!


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Re: New cover, it's like a new spa again!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 10:59:25 am »
Finally had enough of my 8 year old cover and lifter.    It was time.    The thing was heavy and water logged.  The lifter was falling apart.

Called my dealer and they came out and installed a new 2" density cover with new lifter.   It is so shiny new it makes my spa (2003) look like new again!   

And the suction!  Just like I remember when I bought the spa.   This cover really clamps down on top of the spa.   I just know my energy bill will be going down!

Just curious,   is 8 years pretty good for a cover?     I applied protectant probably every 3 months.   I was reading the instructions on this new cover and it suggests once a month.   

While 8 years is really old for a cover you didn't do yourself any favors waiting that long. Once it starts to absorb water it reduces its insulating properties so next time it starts to get heavy just replace it. Keeping it those last couple years may seem like you're getting extra use but its counterproductive for energy use and the extra wieght isn't good for the lifter either.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: New cover, it's like a new spa again!
« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2011, 10:59:25 am »


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