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Author Topic: Need some guidance  (Read 8331 times)


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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2011, 11:19:24 am »
This is not Master. Just a slim shady copy cat.

Say it aint so!! That is a serious case of copy catting which would be fine if they weren't copying the sleaziest company in the hot tub industry.

I loved late in the commercial where they say "this sale will not be repeated!". LOL sure, that is until they come back next year.
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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #15 on: April 15, 2011, 11:19:24 am »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #16 on: April 15, 2011, 12:11:18 pm »
Thats funny, nice site, they tried to make it like Master... coupons to save 500. and 1000 on ; spas, yet there banner says 70 percent off spas.... ITS ONLY THIS WEEKEND,,, they scoured for the best, the most comprhensive line, most power,,,what a bunch of garbage...They are so proud of their spas,,,,ARE THEY LISTED ON HERE...I DON"T THINK SO. oh and when you hit the button contact me, it pops up with you need to submit info to get info.....and i like the you tube video of the swim spa,,,,title watch a swim spa manufacturer,,,,,then in the screen its Barefoot Spa.....great humor ;D ;D ;D
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #17 on: April 15, 2011, 06:54:54 pm »
:) so seems like a unanimous run the hell away. Check.


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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2011, 07:25:31 pm »
:) so seems like a unanimous run the hell away. Check.

220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2011, 08:23:22 am »
So yesterday was the first day of wet testing. I took an over ambitious schedule of 3 dealers. #1 was D1 / Maax. #2 was Sundance / Artesian. #3 was Hot springs. I gave all a call yesterday as a heads up to make sure they knew we were coming.

So the first dealer was a bust. Even though I called ahead, and this one was the furthest away, all the tubs were at a balmy 58 degrees. The other issue is the tubs that were dry on the floor had spider webs in the bottom with various bug carcasses. Maybe it’s a good thing they weren’t ready because heaven only knows how the water is kept in this place. So won’t be going back there. Only thing I’m bummed about is I like the look of the Maax’s and he’s the only dealer with one available. The other dealer doesn’t have one on the floor, but assured me if I wanted to buy one I’d love it…grrrrr…..  >:(

Second Dealer was the Artesian / Sundance place. I really loved the look of the Antigua and was psyched to get in. Turns out after sitting in all the seats I was more psyched to get out! Great looking tub, but not for me, which is funny because if I was buying on price / options / looks I would have picked this tub.

Only Sundance available to test was the Cameo, and we spent a good 45 minutes soaking. Not sure why, but we both loved this tub!!! The design, the jets, the controls… almost everything was perfect. There were a couple of small things, but comparatively this was just an awesome tub. Only issue is the dealer wanted 10.5k for the tub, and my budget is about 8k. I’m sure there’s some room to negotiate, but I’m assuming not that much…

Third Dealer was Hot Spring. The sales guy I have been corresponding with to-date was not there and that was unfortunate. The guy we had to deal with should have been selling used cars and was pushing / up selling the whole time. He wouldn’t let us take our freaking time in the tubs. We got there at 4 (place closed at 5) he wanted us to spend 5 minutes in Hot Spot / Limelight and the rest of the time in the Vangaurd.

So in the limited time I was in the hot spot I liked it, for the price point, and what you get seems like a smart buy. Wish the warranty was better, but it’s entry level, I get that.

The Flair would actually be my #1 choice from the HotSprings tubs we tried. The lounge fit best of all the tubs we tried. We both liked most of the seats.

Finally the Vanguard was the 3rd tub we tried. Got a chance to try out the famous moto massage. I have to say the concept seems great, I was surprised no other tubs have similar concepts. However they had too much water in the tub (by the salesmans own admission), and supposedly someone had messed with the controls and we were not able to adjust the pressure appropriately. While I was ok in most seats my GF was getting pushed out and actually complained the dual massage hurt. They did have an envoy full, however someone forgot to turn the heat on so we were unable to try.

So good first outing with the excepting I’m disappointed by the Maax Dealer…really wanted to try them. Planning a visit to the Jacuzzi dealer this week, and hopefully Marquis (but their dealership is about 75 miles away  :( )

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2011, 12:58:05 pm »
great to see your search on here, Too bad to hear the your experience at the first dealership, It unfortunatley gives the brands they sell abad name with persectio0n like you have... and only being a 58 degrees with the heads up notice  :( :(, Sundance builds a great tub, but price . i can't see them dropping that far...To bad the Hptspring salesman that you weer in the showroom with was more interested in getting the sale without earning it or through educating you on the brands and their company.
But on the Moto Massage is a nice feature i like the double instead of the single, the single line massages the middle of you back the spine not muscle, were the double hits the muscles in the back,, Also their are many brands that use a similiar system to the Moto Massage, D1 has it on the ChairmanII and goes the full length of the body not just the back....I would have looked at those above the Maax spas..let ius kknow how it goes at the MArquis and Jacuzzi dealers both very good brands as well...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Need some guidance
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2011, 12:58:05 pm »


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