What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: Best online hot tub site?  (Read 22772 times)


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2011, 06:26:58 pm »
If they want my business, it will be on my terms or they won't get it. This mentality has served me quite well over my life and I have no intention of giving in to pushy salespersons.

And maybe that mentality is why you're not getting the responses you're looking for. If you called me and politely explained your situation I'd give you pricing even if that wasn't the norm and I'd spend time talking to you to see what might be a good fit. However, if you called with a "pushy" attitude driven by "it will be on my terms or ..." similar to your last two posts you'd get nowhere over the phone with me either.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2011, 06:26:58 pm »


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2011, 06:32:26 pm »
If they want my business, it will be on my terms or they won't get it. This mentality has served me quite well over my life and I have no intention of giving in to pushy salespersons.

I'm guessing the dealer has the same mentality!

Jet Sitter

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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2011, 07:51:18 pm »
And there can't even be a good stare-down over the phone!


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #18 on: April 01, 2011, 08:54:18 pm »
If they want my business, it will be on my terms or they won't get it. This mentality has served me quite well over my life and I have no intention of giving in to pushy salespersons.

And maybe that mentality is why you're not getting the responses you're looking for. If you called me and politely explained your situation I'd give you pricing even if that wasn't the norm and I'd spend time talking to you to see what might be a good fit. However, if you called with a "pushy" attitude driven by "it will be on my terms or ..." similar to your last two posts you'd get nowhere over the phone with me either.

I don't contact ANYBODY with a "pushy" attitude. I am as polite and to the point as humanly possible when requesting information for a particular product or service. The majority of the time I am treated with kindness and respect, as a potential client should be treated and as I have been treating my customers for the 23 years I have been in business. Probably why I'm still in business while most  contractors I know are unemployed or in a new career.
  On the other hand, I have had more than my share of arrogant business people who act as if I am privileged to be in their presence. Persons who think they are the be-all and end-all and who prefer their prospective clients to be ignorant and just accept their word as the gospel. Yes, I would get nowhere with you and we would both be better off because of it.


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2011, 07:39:21 am »
I don't contact ANYBODY with a "pushy" attitude. I am as polite and to the point as humanly possible when requesting information for a particular product or service. The majority of the time I am treated with kindness and respect, as a potential client should be treated and as I have been treating my customers for the 23 years I have been in business. Probably why I'm still in business while most  contractors I know are unemployed or in a new career.
  On the other hand, I have had more than my share of arrogant business people who act as if I am privileged to be in their presence. Persons who think they are the be-all and end-all and who prefer their prospective clients to be ignorant and just accept their word as the gospel. Yes, I would get nowhere with you and we would both be better off because of it.

I'm sorry I missunderstood you in your previous quotes. This quote sounds tons different.


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #20 on: April 02, 2011, 11:36:39 am »
New development today. I found a local dealer just a few miles from my house. Totally forgot he was there and his store did not come up on local searches but I remember shopping there for a pool when we moved to NC in 2002. Anyway, he carries Baja tubs exclusively and also services all tubs which is good if I buy elsewhere. Anyway, a Baja tub that is comparable to the Jacuzzi and Sundance models I have looked at runs roughly $1000 cheaper and the warranty is excellent. Now for the $64,000 question. How do Baja tubs compare to the other tubs?? Thanks!


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #21 on: April 02, 2011, 01:08:19 pm »
New development today. I found a local dealer just a few miles from my house. Totally forgot he was there and his store did not come up on local searches but I remember shopping there for a pool when we moved to NC in 2002. Anyway, he carries Baja tubs exclusively and also services all tubs which is good if I buy elsewhere. Anyway, a Baja tub that is comparable to the Jacuzzi and Sundance models I have looked at runs roughly $1000 cheaper and the warranty is excellent. Now for the $64,000 question. How do Baja tubs compare to the other tubs?? Thanks!

Jacuzzi and Sundance are about a grand or 2 better in construction, longevity, componants and reliability IMO, but I guess the price reflects that. The local dealer may make all that go away for the first 6-8 years of ownership. After that you may not get much out of the Baja but you will likely get a few more years from Jacuzzi and Sundance.


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #22 on: April 02, 2011, 01:34:07 pm »
Would Baja be considered mid-level?

Jet Sitter

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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #23 on: April 02, 2011, 03:44:27 pm »
Mid-level between an internet spa and a top tier spa purchased from a good local dealer - sure.


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #24 on: April 02, 2011, 04:10:19 pm »
Well, I like the warranty and I like that they are made in North Carolina not far from where I live, if that means anything.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #25 on: April 02, 2011, 04:42:55 pm »
i thought Baja spas are in Arizona....I was on their site and thats what i thought i read, but could not find the warranty on their site, thats usually a red flag for me.... i would say mid level.. also not a fan of the filtration system as in a pressured system. All your contaminents gor thru the pump and heater before being filtered, it is an old style filtering system mainly used on pools ..
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #26 on: April 02, 2011, 06:37:04 pm »
Well, I like the warranty and I like that they are made in North Carolina not far from where I live, if that means anything.

Warranties are defined as good or bad based on how well the dealer/manufacturer back them, not by how well they're written. Heck, if you read the warranties for some of the on-line guys theirs will seem fine too until you need it.

Most all spa warranties are similarly written but what makes Hot Spring and Jacuzzi's warranty reputation good and Cal's not so good over the years is based on the history of how well the customer is taken care of. I don't know Baja and have no opinion of theirs because I don't know their reputation for backing it (or anything about them really).
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2011, 12:36:13 am »
Baja's were made in Arizona but now they are made about 30-40 miles from where I live in North Carolina. On paper, their warranty rates with some of the better brands. As for how well they stand behind their product, I have no way of knowing. I'm doing as much research as I possibly can.


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2011, 01:09:30 pm »
Well, I'm still trying to find a dealer that meets my needs....problem is, they don't respond when I ask them what the prices are. Its like they want me to come down and see for myself.  My initial thoughts on the hot tub industry is that it is not very user friendly....
I wasn't looking for a deal over the phone. I just wanted to know....what the costs were,  so that I could determine if it was worth the drive....If they want my business, it will be on my terms or they won't get it. This mentality has served me quite well over my life and I have no intention of giving in to pushy salespersons.

Sales people are perceived to be pushy because they are trying to fit your needs and sell a product.  You do the same in your business.  There is also a relationship that you are entering into, and face to face is a great deal better for you than a voice on the phone that quotes a "specific model", at a specific price that you expect to be the same, IF you EVER came in.  Chances are excellent that you would make a "faith" based decision to save the gas money, and consider their pricing to high without knowing WHY prices are what they are, or what is actually included. 

IF you are worried about the cost of gas, what do you think the dealer should do when he has to drive to your location to provide a service?  (I know, you expect it in the price).

IMO you are best advised to purchase your "investment grade" product from a relationship that will provide your satisfaction.  So far, the only satisfaction you seem to be searching for is our advice on what to buy, but then comes price.  I think your priorities are understandable, but then what do you know about the Hot Tub Industry.  you say they are not "user friendly", but I would allege they are all "buyer friendly".  You just don't like sales people.  Many things today are beyond our control, but what is in our control is the perspective we keep, the attitude we adopt, and the actions we take.

One thing I am certain of, a fool and his money are easily separated, and you seem to fear interaction from dealers and salespeople, even though your business must "sell" product to your customer, do you do it on-line as well?

Do Not Be Overly Sensitive about the advice being given by others in this post, they are trying to help the unknowing to avoid self inflicted mistakes.

It seems that you have two fears here, buying the wrong thing, and paying too much.  Your best defense to these fears would be education and that is what this forum is about.  You don't need to take our advise, as it is given free of cost to you.  Consider it to be only worth the price you pay.

"Trust and Confidence" is what you are looking for, you're not going to find it on the internet.

Best wishes and good luck.

Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2011, 03:06:18 pm »
Well, I'm still trying to find a dealer that meets my needs....problem is, they don't respond when I ask them what the prices are. Its like they want me to come down and see for myself.  My initial thoughts on the hot tub industry is that it is not very user friendly....
I wasn't looking for a deal over the phone. I just wanted to know....what the costs were,  so that I could determine if it was worth the drive....If they want my business, it will be on my terms or they won't get it. This mentality has served me quite well over my life and I have no intention of giving in to pushy salespersons.

Sales people are perceived to be pushy because they are trying to fit your needs and sell a product.  You do the same in your business.  There is also a relationship that you are entering into, and face to face is a great deal better for you than a voice on the phone that quotes a "specific model", at a specific price that you expect to be the same, IF you EVER came in.  Chances are excellent that you would make a "faith" based decision to save the gas money, and consider their pricing to high without knowing WHY prices are what they are, or what is actually included. 

IF you are worried about the cost of gas, what do you think the dealer should do when he has to drive to your location to provide a service?  (I know, you expect it in the price).

IMO you are best advised to purchase your "investment grade" product from a relationship that will provide your satisfaction.  So far, the only satisfaction you seem to be searching for is our advice on what to buy, but then comes price.  I think your priorities are understandable, but then what do you know about the Hot Tub Industry.  you say they are not "user friendly", but I would allege they are all "buyer friendly".  You just don't like sales people.  Many things today are beyond our control, but what is in our control is the perspective we keep, the attitude we adopt, and the actions we take.

One thing I am certain of, a fool and his money are easily separated, and you seem to fear interaction from dealers and salespeople, even though your business must "sell" product to your customer, do you do it on-line as well?

Do Not Be Overly Sensitive about the advice being given by others in this post, they are trying to help the unknowing to avoid self inflicted mistakes.

It seems that you have two fears here, buying the wrong thing, and paying too much.  Your best defense to these fears would be education and that is what this forum is about.  You don't need to take our advise, as it is given free of cost to you.  Consider it to be only worth the price you pay.

"Trust and Confidence" is what you are looking for, you're not going to find it on the internet.

Best wishes and good luck.

If I may address a few of your points;

I cannot speak for others but to me, sales people are perceived to be pushy when they are pushy. Are you saying this because you think sales people are never pushy?? Ever tried purchasing a new or used vehicle? I'm a salesperson and I know my craft as good as anyone. I do not need to be pushy to sell my services and I would venture to guess that the overwhelming majority if not all of my customers would tell you I was not pushy when I called on them.

Not sure I understand you gas question.

Maybe "not user friendly" was a poor choice of words. Lets just say, so far its not what I am accustomed to when searching for a product/service. On the positive side, I had a good experience at the local Baja dealer I visited yesterday. I felt very comfortable there but you guys are telling me that Baja tubs are not up to par with the better ones. Seems I can't win.

My tile business is not online. Not yet, anyway. Mostly referrals at this point.

I don't think I'm being overly sensitive. For the most part, I greatly appreciate the responses. I didn't like being labeled by the one member but that was isolated and not really a big deal. I pride myself in being a smart shopper. I have done quite well in my life with my purchases usually do to diligent research and the ability to weed out the undesirables. You couldn't be more correct when you say I should educate myself which is exactly what I'm doing on this forum. I have made it a point to be courteous and thankful for the help I have received on this forum and I appreciate you taking the time to post.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Best online hot tub site?
« Reply #29 on: April 03, 2011, 03:06:18 pm »


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