Diagnostic PERFORMED:
1)Water temp is 65degress
2)Check circ pump; running, builds good pressure to firmly force pin to micro switch.(pressure switch)
3)replaced temp control thermister and high limit thermister/ohmed out old thermisters both function fine.
4)checked control board AC/DC power supply for control PCB, voltages marked all ok.
5)Pulled heater relay PCB; no relays froze in open position/no signs of over heating9burn).
6)while power on; pulled ribbon cable from control display to control PCB led indicator on main PCB
turn red; next to led print says "display disconnected"(indicates to me PCB safety measure is working)
7)jumper settings on control PCB to set PCB for model of tub; J9 is for this tub;J12is for same tub but metric; PCB shifts with no problems.
8)reset of control PCB(power off/on) control PCB runs self check with set temp (102) then Led on PCB with print LIM ON lights green; display then shows 115 degrees with solid TEMP next to it, then TEMP will flash/LIM led still green.
9)when power is cycled from off/on after couple of minutes tub cycles blower/pumps like it should. and clean cycle is 10 minutes.
It appears most of the control PCB is functioning as it should but the dam thing is locked in to some kind of partial fault, now there may have been some kind of high lim situation, we did have some nasty thunder storms the week prior that did not kill power completely but quick drops that may have done something, but I want to believe there is a reset of some sort.
my theory is it high limed, and is stuck from resetting completley,given the LIM led is green but the fault (TEMP) is flashing and 115 degrees is displayed OR temp control/display circuit is locked on 115D?
