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Author Topic: Clearwater St. Andrews Vs. Master Spa TS 6.2, is this price okay for St. Andrew  (Read 16026 times)


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Do these two compare pretty well? and would $8400 be a good price for a St. Andrews?

I appreciate all advice,
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 04:05:21 pm by TiredAndConfused »

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Re: Clearwater St. Andrews Vs. Master Spa TS 6.2
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2011, 04:00:18 pm »
Also questions on the lounger seats..........

Anyone know which might be better? the St. Andrews legs are straight out and the TS legs bent.......

Silly question but thought someone might have a view on this as well.  the MS is cheaper but I don't know.

Thanks again,


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we just purchased a st. andrew and love it.  It is a 2010 model with the saltwater system.  I don't know anything about the Master Spa(never heard of it or seen it) other than on the forums.  so it must be something available in the US? 
The jets are awesome and for my husband and I we don't usually turn on the air because it will push us out of our seats.
Hope this helps a bit. :)
We got our St. Andrew for $9200 + taxes that included everything, delivery, steps, cover and lifter.

ejf The Spa Guy

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ON the price for the St. Andrew that is a great price i am higher on that model, Really on the shape of the lounger bent or straight. just different concepts. the idea with the St. Andrew, its like a recliner chair, legs straight out, actually very comfortable, I think the fact the Clearwater spa has the 24/7 circ pump standard.. i don't think you can go wrong. as long as you like the dealer you are working with , should be a great fit...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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You really cant compare the Master Spa t.s. 6.2 to a Clearwater St. Andrews.
something more comparable would be the Master spa legend LSX700 if you are looking at Masters.

St. Andrews:
2 - 6hp pumps, 1 circ
66 jets

Master Spa LSX700:
3 6hp pumps, 1 circ standard
53 jets, but 2 master blaster foot jets (15 in each)

these 2 are very close in specs and in price as well.
I think the seating in the master spa is much better, but try them out


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also.... the jet count is kinda not important.
if you have 2 pumps pushing out to 63 jets
this just means the preasure is going to be less then 3 pumps pushing out of 53.
but all spas you can usally divert and fine tune jet disburstment.
so the more i researched, it seems to me masters has better features when it comes down to it

ejf The Spa Guy

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 you say that you like the seating better in the Master, look close enough they almost identical,, i have sat in both,,,, on your captains chairs Clearwater has 6 calf jets in each seat and the legs conform more to the shape,, jets are a wash ,, 53 jets versus 66, 3 jet pumps versus 2, yes clearwater uses diverter valves, also on the exterior the St. Andrew has LEDs on each exterior panel, ABS pan as the base, insulation is similiar in both use the thermal chamber system with 24/ 7 circ pumps keeping water moving and heat in the chamber. but as for comparables i still think they are comparable. a big differance is the AIRS cover lifter, so comparisons are very similiar,
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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im confused do you agree with me, or are you just trying to start a fight?
I ment, I personally like the seating in the LSX700 better.  thats my personal opinion. i to have sat in both, and i think the seats alone are much diffrent in the spas.  the extream seat in the master is the best seat i ever sat in period.  then the reverse mold is better then anyones out there.  the lounger im not a fan of in any spa.
but be clear, you pretty much agree with me.
they are close in specs. more so the LSX then the Twilight 6.2
you gotta compare apples to apples


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The master has ABS pan as the base to, insulation is similiar in both use the thermal chamber system with 24/ 7 circ pumps keeping water moving and heat in the chamber with ozone.
who really cares about LEDs on each exterior panel? are you seeing them most of the time?
the master has 6 calf jets on the lounger.
your grasping.
and what does a cover lifter have to do with anything? do you do sales? you must

from what i researched the master is cheaper by 500 or more.
better pump set up

lsx700 is a automotive steel frame....
filter system is better

ejf The Spa Guy

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no not starting a fight here,,,, but i have been doing this a long time,,,,, Ok so you are telling me that Master is better because also on the calf jets i was merely stating the differances again but did you miss the calf jets in each captains chairs...
1. has a steel automotive frame. why such a short warranty if this is the best?
2. Better pump setup!!!!! better in what way, how it is bolted down? access?
3. filter setup is better.  what is better about it?

I am asking these questions as your answers were vague, any manufacutrer out here with salesman can say these things not just Master or Clearwater, also D1, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Marquis, Hot Springs etc.. we see it on this site all the time.. I am just curiuos how why you think this....
I am not grasping i was was just noting some differences...

The AIRS cover does not use a typical covermate or easylifter, the cover does not need the linear heat shield it actually seals very well...I do sell Clearwater and D1 which i like better than both of these brands, Again this IMO.....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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1. has a steel automotive frame. why such a short warranty if this is the best?

10 year stucture? not prorated how is that short?

2. Better pump setup!!!!! better in what way,

You get a whole extra pump with the master spa mcfly

3. filter setup is better.  what is better about it?

the eco pure tech. alone is better, easier access then the comp. but honestly who cares they are all made by the same manufact.

the cover has nothing to do with anything, really i leave my spa uncovered all the time, who cares about the bill.


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it makes sense to me now though you are a dealer....
but me i am just a guy that is pumped up by spas.
i eat them for breakfast


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The spa challenge isn't valid not conclusive,as a CaVeN spa wasn't included,in the challenge.

Till then,I'll still be brainwashed in my thinking,that a Caldera spa is 1 of the elite!

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