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Author Topic: Clearwater St. Andrews Vs. Master Spa TS 6.2, is this price okay for St. Andrew  (Read 16021 times)


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Thanks.  I think that is what we might purchase, yes are in the US.  I appreciate everyones insight it is surely confusing with all the choice and difficult to compare, then you have dealers that don't want to give prices and manufactures that do the same.

Are there any accessories we should ensure we get?  Also we are trying to keep this as chemical free as possible to current health issues.  What is expected for monthly increase in Electric.

Thanks again very much,


we just purchased a st. andrew and love it.  It is a 2010 model with the saltwater system.  I don't know anything about the Master Spa(never heard of it or seen it) other than on the forums.  so it must be something available in the US? 
The jets are awesome and for my husband and I we don't usually turn on the air because it will push us out of our seats.
Hope this helps a bit. :)
We got our St. Andrew for $9200 + taxes that included everything, delivery, steps, cover and lifter.

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hi tired and confused,

We are from Canada so ours was purchased up here.  We went with the saltwater system because it doesn't use the chlorine as we have young children and we don't like the smell of chlorine.  the dealer we bought it from up here had the salt system and in another room had a chlorine system running wow what a difference.  we walked to the side of the store with the chlorine and you could smell it right away vs. the salt system(bromine) had very little to no smell.  We also liked the salt system because you don't have to change your water as often, they told us up to a year, vs. chlorine every 3 mths just because of the build-up(I know thats the wrong term but hopefully you get the idea) so right there you save on some water cost and of course the heating of the tub.  Now keep in mind we just got our tub less than a week ago, not sure what the electrical cost will be.
I hope that helps.
like i said we didn't really see any master spas up here so I don't know what they offer.  We were trying to decide between the st andrew and the beachcomber(but they seemed to have a lot of extra costs on top of the cost of the tub)
Good Luck
and keep us posted.


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Hi again,

Yes we know all about that smell, my wife is very sensitive.  It will have to be saltwater system for us, I don't know how much more this system costs or it is just what we add in in place of chemicals?  Did the delivery people do your electrical or did you have that in place.


hi tired and confused,

We are from Canada so ours was purchased up here.  We went with the saltwater system because it doesn't use the chlorine as we have young children and we don't like the smell of chlorine.  the dealer we bought it from up here had the salt system and in another room had a chlorine system running wow what a difference.  we walked to the side of the store with the chlorine and you could smell it right away vs. the salt system(bromine) had very little to no smell.  We also liked the salt system because you don't have to change your water as often, they told us up to a year, vs. chlorine every 3 mths just because of the build-up(I know thats the wrong term but hopefully you get the idea) so right there you save on some water cost and of course the heating of the tub.  Now keep in mind we just got our tub less than a week ago, not sure what the electrical cost will be.
I hope that helps.
like i said we didn't really see any master spas up here so I don't know what they offer.  We were trying to decide between the st andrew and the beachcomber(but they seemed to have a lot of extra costs on top of the cost of the tub)
Good Luck
and keep us posted.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2011, 10:33:41 am by TiredAndConfused »


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We had an electrician come in that we knew, but I believe our dealer had some names if we needed someone.  I know the spa we bought had the saltwater system in it, I'm not sure what the cost difference is.  That was one of the big reasons we went with the clearwater.  I don't believe you can just do bromine,etc on a tub that does not have the system in it.  But maybe someone who knows more about spas could answer that question for you(ie a dealer or salesperson on here).  I know that some of the tubs we looked at had the salt system that could be added or ordered so I'm sure there is a cost just not sure how much.
That like I said was one big selling feature for us that clearwater already had it in, we didn't have to order or have it added after the fact(ie the manufacter put it in while it was being built)  I think that would mean less chance of failure. but I'm no expert.
But beware some of the clearwaters in the showroom we were looking at did not have that salt system in it.

The lounger is great, I'm on the short side so the seat with the neck massager doesn't work for me.  but the ladies seat is awesome. :)
our model is a little different than this years, we have 2 cool down seats which works wonderful for the kids and our filters and water fall are on the corner not the middle like this years model. and i believe ours has 3 pumps and a circ pump. 

they just changed a few things this year I guess. we love last years design better, personally

hope this helps : )


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I just found out the Saltwater System is a "System" (of course, lol) and got the price to add that...We do very much appreciate your insight.



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  • If it Ain't Broke
lsx700 is a automotive steel frame....

Automotive steel frame...LOLOL spinning so fast I am getting dizzy. Ever see what happens to steel when it is in a wet environment? Can you say rust and deterioration. Loose rivets and screws rattling thin tin, busted spot welds. Wood frames last longer than the tub ever will. Why tout steel as a good thing?
Never could figure this one out. I would think steel would work fine for a frame but have not one single advantage over treated wood. Now if we were talking an full ABS frame!


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I just found out the Saltwater System is a "System" (of course, lol) and got the price to add that...We do very much appreciate your insight.


Not a problem :)
We will try and post a pic maybe

ejf The Spa Guy

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 There are lots off accessories you get get for a spa, umbrellas, spacaddy table towel bars, surrounds, different steps, you name it ....as for the salt system there is an upfront cost, yes you can go longer between drain and fills, also remember you will have to check for more parameters than just ph,alk calcium, you will check for salt content, chlorine or bromine, tds, and phosphates,,,some people love em that we sold some hate em.. i am with the latar part ,,,,But which way you go enjoy the spa that is why you are buying for...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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lsx700 is a automotive steel frame....

Automotive steel frame...LOLOL spinning so fast I am getting dizzy. Ever see what happens to steel when it is in a wet environment? Can you say rust and deterioration. Loose rivets and screws rattling thin tin, busted spot welds. Wood frames last longer than the tub ever will. Why tout steel as a good thing?
Never could figure this one out. I would think steel would work fine for a frame but have not one single advantage over treated wood. Now if we were talking an full ABS frame!

New To The Forum but I've been around all brands of spas a long time.  The steel frame is really not that bad of a thing. i know at least with master spas they powder coat it, but what makes it work well is the polymer skirting that they use with it. 
wood has its pros and cons, but what i've seen the most of with wood frames, is termite problems.  but this may be a 1 out of 40 thing depending on the area you live in.
I own a master myself and i am happy with it.  the company a bought from is a well established dealer in pittsburgh and have carried them a long time.

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