General > Beating a dead horse
Ok, Now I'm Scared!
ejf The Spa Guy:
Spatech that was a good one.... looks like another Master spa guy on you think he is going to stick around?
Ok yeah just relax. The brand that you have is good. You can ask also your service provider if you have any concerns. Chill and enjoy....
MasterSpa is...OK but not a "premiere" spa if you ask the majority of dealers and knowledgable buyers. However, at less than $8K, it is a decent price so you probably did "just fine". There is NO WAY I would pay anything over $10K for a MasterSpa but like all dealers, they will take whatever $$$s you will throw their way.
The reasons I think the Master Spa is less than others is that they typically use "thermo pane" style insulation which is fine in warmer climates but can be a problem in cooler temps. They also often have a lot of "gadgets" on them and in the past, Master Spa did not do much (if ANY) quality control on those "gadgets" and many of them failed at an alarming rate.
The OP was posting from the Pittsburgh PA areabut listed their home as WASHINGTON, they haven't been back since March.
--- Quote from: wmccall on September 21, 2011, 01:40:12 pm ---The OP was posting from the Pittsburgh PA areabut listed their home as WASHINGTON, they haven't been back since March.
--- End quote ---
I was wondering why the post was being resurrected many months later.
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