General > Beating a dead horse

Ok, Now I'm Scared!

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Ok, I Just Bought a Master Spa form a local dealer.  It is called a 7.2 Twilight. 
After reading some fourms on here, I'm ready to hit the panic button!

Is this tub really a bad product?  I did a lot of research between manufactures and it seemed like master was the Better in jets, horsepower, pumps, and overall quality.  Is this wrong?
Please help!


anyone gonna help me? pleeease


--- Quote from: NewTubOwner on March 09, 2011, 12:39:00 pm ---Ok, I Just Bought a Master Spa form a local dealer.  It is called a 7.2 Twilight.  
After reading some fourms on here, I'm ready to hit the panic button!

Is this tub really a bad product?  I did a lot of research between manufactures and it seemed like master was the Better in jets, horsepower, pumps, and overall quality.  Is this wrong?
Please help!


--- End quote ---

The jets and pumps should be fine and while the horsepower is most likely exaggerated by them and isn't "better" it will be fine. The quality may not be the best IMO and the manufacturer's business practices have been questioned forever but you bought from a local dealer who I assume you felt comfortable with and not from one of their shameful traveling shows so hopefully all will work out fine.

what exactlly do you mean quality? and does this mean their product is not good just because the way they operate?

And also, i have the ability to change me choice from the 7.2 to the new twilight fit model.  i paid 7999 for the 7.2 and the fit is going to be around 19000.  i was scared because it is a new model and didin't really find and info about it.  any suggestions?


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