What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: New Forum member and new Tub Owner  (Read 2442 times)


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New Forum member and new Tub Owner
« on: February 21, 2011, 11:08:50 am »
Hi everyone!!
   After searching for a used tub for the past six months I found a screaming deal on a 2008 Sundance Optima. The seller was in a rush for funds after a devorse so I got it for $1500 and was able to get a wet test.
   My question is: Would I see any benifit out of placing 1" insulation board under my tub? I plan to place the tub on my deck that is reinforced for the tub. I just don know if it would save any energy to set it on insulation or not. I live in centrall wisconsin so we do see temps down to -30 a few times in the winter months each year.
    Also just wondering if the Optima ranks fairly well with the folks on this board. Thanks in advance for any help.

Hot Tub Forum

New Forum member and new Tub Owner
« on: February 21, 2011, 11:08:50 am »


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