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Author Topic: Dimension one spa  (Read 41866 times)


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2011, 09:09:21 pm »
My apologies.....

We wet tested the Lotus Bay because the Amore was not filled. The owner said the jets would be similiar.

His Amore is a floor model (Dry) which is the one that would be 12k out the door................

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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2011, 09:09:21 pm »


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2011, 11:19:58 am »
If you like the local dealer and you like the offer from the distance dealer, you should give the local guys a shot at your business.  Things to consider are distance for service.  Both timeliness and cost.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2011, 08:31:57 pm »
Yes he is right the are about the same, the biggest differences between the two of them are: The Amore Bay is a little bit loner , with the babbling brook around the top.. the 2 bio lounge seats,  one is the his the other is hers, the sloping bench seat around the back of the tub, Both spas have one Dynamic Massage Sequencer, Both use the same spa guts(components) but otherwise the same style spa...Its nice not having to sit on the floor or close to it to get fully in the water. Both are great spas easy to maintain, quiet , and do not look like you standard square box hot tub on the outside,,,,But you might check with the local guys like hottubdan mentioned, they may sweeten the pot...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2011, 09:12:58 pm »
I thought about calling the local dealer again, but the experience was so much better at the other dealer. Yes, I will pay $200 more for shipping and extra trip fees if I use him for warranty work.( BTW, couldn't I use the local dealer for that?) He is in business to make money after all............right?

I feel the local dealer had the opportunity to earn my business first and gave me the extra special "Below contractor's pricing of $14,500. The other dealer ( who is actually the owner) told me over the phone $11,157.00  There were no games. Then he took off 400.00 on top of that after we discussed his best price.

But two things stand out about the far away dealer   1) He has been in the business 40 years and told us like it was, no BS or pressure. A lot of his answers to my questions were the same you all have given me on here.  2) I really like the obsidian/Grey  vs. the local dealer's white shell/terra cotta.

@WMCCALL - My husband LOVED the jets. Both BIO chairs fit him very well and the jets were a great fit for him (He has had 5 C-spine surgeries from disc injuries from flying in military helicopters) so he really needed jets that covered high on the neck. In fact, after seeing this spa and sitting in it, he was sold. I made him keep "researching" other tubs but nothing came close for him. He wet tested several tubs too. I liked the "Nautilus" but nope, couldn't talk him out of the Amore.

One thing I found out is the jets are interchangeable. Must be same size, but they can be moved around. Turning the jets way down allowed me to stay somewhat seated in the Bio chairs. I was a little disappointed that I bounced all over that tub but as long as there is a foot jet for me I will be alright.

The one thing I think you guys recommended that helped us in our search besides great companies was to wet test! This is so important.

I was a S2000 owner when I lived on the East coast and we had forums like this for those cars. Met many great people and received a lot of great info. You guys are wonderful :-*  Thank You so much for your expertise! 

I will let you know *If* I become a new owner next week!


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2011, 11:44:01 am »
I thought about calling the local dealer again, but the experience was so much better at the other dealer. Yes, I will pay $200 more for shipping and extra trip fees if I use him for warranty work.( BTW, couldn't I use the local dealer for that?) He is in business to make money after all............right?

Doing warranty work is not a money maker.  Most of the time it is done at below the current market value for labor and he makes no money on the parts.


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2011, 08:45:24 pm »

Well, the Amore Bay is not going to fit where we wanted to put it. Although it is not much bigger than the Nautilus, the shape and configuration to put it in the space we want would be hard. The EZ lifter and access would be up against the block wall and we would be climbing in on the bench side. If we turned it we would be looking at the block wall.  :(     GRRRRR

So, we are going with the Nautilus. I think it will be a great spa. The owner said the jets and guts are basically the same.

Anyone out there own a Nautilus? Can you give me some feedback on it? Does the volcano in the middle work well for your feet? Any info would be appreciated.  Thanks!


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #21 on: February 11, 2011, 03:29:50 pm »
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 01:37:40 am by AZRN »


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #22 on: February 11, 2011, 04:11:16 pm »
Ok, so took the advice tocall the local D1 dealer for pricing on the Nautilus. What a mistake!! First, the sales manager bad mouthed the Nautilus and said the chairman is a better spa (funny that they have a floor model they need to sell) then she started yelling at me (yes I said yelling) when I asked her best price on the Nautilus b/c we found it for x amount at another dealer.      THEN     she started bad mouthing the other dealer. Saying he is selling under cost and poaching customers!   Sorry we went to the other dealer b/c we are trying to be informed consumers. How unprofessional!!!!!!       Good grief!! I am now glad we didn't buy from them.

Sounds like you avoided doing business with someone you may have regretted. Fortunately you seemed to have picked the better of those 2 dealers.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 06:32:33 pm by Spatech_tuo »
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #23 on: February 11, 2011, 04:49:07 pm »
I work for D1 Spas and would really like to know what dealer you has this experience with, and maybe find you another dealer if need be..! You can shoot me a private message if you prefer, or you can put the dealer on blast..! If you would like addition information, feel free to call me at (800) 345-7727 M-F 8am to 4pm PST M-F and I will do whatever I can to assist you..

Thank you,
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 04:50:49 pm by D1Dennis2009 »

Jet Sitter

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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #24 on: February 11, 2011, 04:53:52 pm »
AZRN - The Nautilus is a great tub, I nearly bought one about two or three years ago but in the end felt that we could solve our tub needs for a little less $ and ended up with a different D1 tub, the Arena.  But to answer your question about the volcano, I think it is fantastic.

Of course, the Nautilus also has some smaller jets placed around the hump so jets are available for each person in the corner seats at the same time or they can be reached from the side seats as well.  But the best thing is the big typhoon jet in the center of the hump.  My Arena doesn't have the smaller jets, just the typhoon and it has been one of the things we most enjoy in our tub.  Pretty much all tubs can give hydrotherapy on the back (larger jets, rotaries pretty much always better than small bullets) but few tubs provide an effective way to work the lower body.  With the typhoon in the center you can get a strong stream directed on the foot, the calf, then hamstring, and the buttocks.  We even turn so that the typhoon can be used on the front of the thigh.  My wife and I are pretty active with lots of bicycling, walking and hiking and being able to give the legs a "hot tub massage" has been a blessing.  Your typhoon will be nice even if you just use it on the feet as it gives a stronger jet than the smaller ones on the Nautilus dome so you can choose between more gentle or stronger.  While the typhoon jet does not have an adjustment at the jet, you can control it with the diverter.  We usually just have ours in the middle setting so all jets are active but when we need a real blast we will divert water away from some jets so we get major force at the typhoon.

Sounds like you have found the right tub and the right dealer...

Jet Sitter

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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #25 on: February 11, 2011, 05:06:59 pm »
Oh, one last thought on what the "bad' dealer said about the Chairman vs the Nautilus.  For some the Chairman may be a better spa, for others the Nautilus is the better spa.  I think for someone to buy the Chairman they have to be a fan of lounges (I am not) and they have to have a perfect fit in the Chairman lounge (not so for my wife or me).

Sometimes it is easy to get a little carried away with the all of the jetting in the tub.  I think some variey is important but I think having seats with no jets, like a couple in the Nautius is nice.  Sure you can turn jets off or use diverters but we like to have all jets full on and we move to different seats.  You may not notice it or simply think of it as step but that cool down seat in the Nautilus, right in front of the control panel, will be a seat that you will come to really appreciate after you have lived with the tub for a while (the chairman doesn't have one).  You will find that after having been in the tub for a while you will get quite warm but maybe would like to stay in longer.  The cool down seat gets your upper body out of the water so you can cool off - it feels great even on a chilly night and then if you want, you can always go back into a deeper seat.

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #26 on: February 11, 2011, 06:06:14 pm »
 Aa a spa dealer i hate to hear of another dealer bashing another dealer dealer, especially when they are dealers selling the same brand thats tough to hear. As a D1 dealer i hate to hear it, But the good news would be that you found the better dealer FOR YOU. There is nothing wrong with the Nautilus, The lounger versiion is the Californian, the Chairman is a step above the Californian . It has a few more features to it. BUt they use the same pumps, controls, heater, water purification system, You will enjoy the Nautilus i sell quite a few of them as well...Give Dennis a call at the factory....He is very helpful...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #27 on: February 11, 2011, 09:17:12 pm »

First, I want apologize for the long post about to occur.

To refresh, my husband and I started our search looking for a great first hot tub. With the help of this wonderful site and looking at several dealers we settled on D1's Amore Bay. Our local dealer wanted 14,500 out the door. Being diligent consumers, we wanted to be sure we were getting a fair price, so we called around our area and another D1 dealer (90 miles away) quoted us a 2010 floor model Amore Bay for 12k out the door. We were very pleased with the price and questioned 1) This is an Amore Bay right? and 2) It is a 2010 model? The dealer said yes to both questions. We figured the local dealer must be higher on prices (Although, their Amore Bay was in plastic on their storage lot).

Well, unfortunately, the Amore Bay was not going to fit where we wanted to put it. We would be looking at our block wall to have access to the panel. Just couldn't make it work.

So, we decided on the Nautilus. The far away dealer quoted us 8,532 out the door. Again, for a 2010 floor model.

As advised in some earlier posts, I suggested my husband call the local dealer to see if they could match this price. Their reaction is in my earlier post today. They said "He was selling under cost" and no way was that a price they could do. They were furious. They didn't believe us. My husband hung up the phone and we were in total shock!! Thinking "Boy, are we glad we didn't buy from that dealer".

Well, here is the rest of the story............

The local dealer called us back and said "Look, there is just something not right here" Get me the serial number and fax me your quote. They then called the factory and found out that ALL of this other dealer's spas are 2008 floor models!!!!!! He hasn't purchased from D1 since 2008!

I asked 3 different times about year model with this dealer as I turned down a Hot Springs tub because it was a 2009 floor model. I NEVER would have driven 90 miles each way for a 2008. He said it was a 2010 every single time. Then on his quote he faxed us yesterday, he never put a year model so we called again and asked and he assured us it was a 2010! In addition, his price was even lower because he gave us a contractor's tax price - I am told this was illegal.

Here is the SWEET part. The local dealer talked to the factory about all of this and called us back and said D1 wanted to make this right as they felt we were not treated well by this other dealer. D1 is allowing us to pick out a 2011 Nautilus for the SAME price as we were quoted by the other dealer!

I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I am with this company, and I haven't even received my hot tub yet. First, we didn't even complain to the company, the local dealer called and straightened out this whole saga. Second, D1 responded to my post about the ordeal that took place earlier today with the local dealer before we knew what was going on and wanted to make it right. (Thanks Dennis!)

People, customer service is HUGE! I just wanted to find a good spa and ended up going through all of this. I now KNOW I found the right company to stand behind their product. THANK YOU D1 !!!!


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #28 on: February 11, 2011, 09:24:43 pm »
Thank you jetsitter and spa guy for the info...I am very excited to finally get a hot tub and am glad it looks like it is going to be the right one for me :)


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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2011, 07:53:11 am »

First, I want apologize for the long post about to occur.

To refresh, my husband and I started our search looking for a great first hot tub. With the help of this wonderful site and looking at several dealers we settled on D1's Amore Bay. Our local dealer wanted 14,500 out the door. Being diligent consumers, we wanted to be sure we were getting a fair price, so we called around our area and another D1 dealer (90 miles away) quoted us a 2010 floor model Amore Bay for 12k out the door. We were very pleased with the price and questioned 1) This is an Amore Bay right? and 2) It is a 2010 model? The dealer said yes to both questions. We figured the local dealer must be higher on prices (Although, their Amore Bay was in plastic on their storage lot).

Well, unfortunately, the Amore Bay was not going to fit where we wanted to put it. We would be looking at our block wall to have access to the panel. Just couldn't make it work.

So, we decided on the Nautilus. The far away dealer quoted us 8,532 out the door. Again, for a 2010 floor model.

As advised in some earlier posts, I suggested my husband call the local dealer to see if they could match this price. Their reaction is in my earlier post today. They said "He was selling under cost" and no way was that a price they could do. They were furious. They didn't believe us. My husband hung up the phone and we were in total shock!! Thinking "Boy, are we glad we didn't buy from that dealer".

Well, here is the rest of the story............

The local dealer called us back and said "Look, there is just something not right here" Get me the serial number and fax me your quote. They then called the factory and found out that ALL of this other dealer's spas are 2008 floor models!!!!!! He hasn't purchased from D1 since 2008!

I asked 3 different times about year model with this dealer as I turned down a Hot Springs tub because it was a 2009 floor model. I NEVER would have driven 90 miles each way for a 2008. He said it was a 2010 every single time. Then on his quote he faxed us yesterday, he never put a year model so we called again and asked and he assured us it was a 2010! In addition, his price was even lower because he gave us a contractor's tax price - I am told this was illegal.

Here is the SWEET part. The local dealer talked to the factory about all of this and called us back and said D1 wanted to make this right as they felt we were not treated well by this other dealer. D1 is allowing us to pick out a 2011 Nautilus for the SAME price as we were quoted by the other dealer!

I cannot begin to tell you how impressed I am with this company, and I haven't even received my hot tub yet. First, we didn't even complain to the company, the local dealer called and straightened out this whole saga. Second, D1 responded to my post about the ordeal that took place earlier today with the local dealer before we knew what was going on and wanted to make it right. (Thanks Dennis!)

People, customer service is HUGE! I just wanted to find a good spa and ended up going through all of this. I now KNOW I found the right company to stand behind their product. THANK YOU D1 !!!!

I wonder why they can sell below cost now (as stated in a previous post) but they couldnt before? 8000 some is not below cost on a Nautilis, kudos for D1 for taking care of you with my personal favorite tub of all time.

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Re: Dimension one spa
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2011, 07:53:11 am »


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