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Author Topic: Sundance Optima Problem  (Read 14475 times)


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  • 2007 Sundance Optima
Sundance Optima Problem
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:26:22 pm »
I have a 2007 Sundance Optima.  The control panel shows 4 dashes like this ----  The manual says this is a "watchdog" mode and deactivates everything.

I have had this happen a few times over the years, and cycling the power by turning the breaker off, then back on, has resolved the issue...not this time.

So, I was wondering if there was anything I could check before calling the dealer for a service tech?

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Sundance Optima Problem
« on: January 28, 2011, 02:26:22 pm »

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 02:35:53 pm »
 You could try turning it off for say 15 min and see if it goes away, if it does your lucky, if there is a bad enough issue though it will come back, maybe open the front to the control box and check that the sensor plug is secure to the circuit brd.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 04:13:08 pm »
I just had this occur on my 2007 Sundance Cameo.  Posted a thread about it - Sundance Cameo Watchdog Error.  Problem was two of the caps blew on the circuit board.  If you look at your circuit board, there are two caps side by side close to the middle of the board.  The end of the caps should be flat.  If they're rounded, the caps are the problem.  With a 5-yr warranty, it was covered and they replaced the circuit board.

Before coming out, the dealer recommended that I turn off the power and remove the filter.  Wait about 15 minutes and power it back up and see if the error goes away.  It didn't so they said they would be out with a new circuit board because that's the likely problem.

Good luck!


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 05:02:57 pm »
Thanks for the replies.

When I cycled power...a quick on - off of the breaker, didn't do the trick...I then had it off for about 20 - 30 minutes, that didn't help either.  Since I was unable to "clear" the problem I drained the tub so nothing would freeze.

After the weather clears up, I'll open the panel and see what I find.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 07:18:20 pm »
 Where do you live and how cold is it?   Just cause you drained the water out doesn't mean something it won't freeze  :o


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 07:57:03 am »
I live in Delaware and right now the night temps are getting down into the 20's...we have had a few nights this year that have gotten into the single digits.

I realize there are likely some pipes and pumps that didn't fully drain and there is a risk of them freezing.  Maybe I'll get lucky ;)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 04:58:08 pm »
  What can happen is the water in the pump housing freezes, then you fill your spa hit the power and bam your impeller snaps off the shaft.  Just dealt with a customer that happened to.  Just make sure everything is thawed out before turning on the power.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2011, 07:14:33 pm »
I hadn't thought about that possibility...thanks!!!

I opened the cover and couldn't find anything obvious.  The "caps" dax is referring to look like rather large capacitors for a circuit board...but I don't know much about circuit boards so I could be wrong.  Anyway, they looked like they may be slightly rounded, but it is so slight I'm not sure if it is normal.  So, I called the dealer today and left a message.  Hopefully, we'll get this resolved next week.  Should be under warranty, so that is a good thing.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2011, 02:21:46 pm »
Jacuzzi Jim that's pretty cool, most impellers just make a tiny snapping noise when they shear off...Sundance must have special ones to get a "BAM" ;0)


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2011, 02:37:36 pm »
I live in Delaware and right now the night temps are getting down into the 20's...we have had a few nights this year that have gotten into the single digits.

I realize there are likely some pipes and pumps that didn't fully drain and there is a risk of them freezing.  Maybe I'll get lucky ;)

Three things:

1.  IMO unless your tub is likely to freeze up completely, you are better to leave the tub full.  The pipes will freeze slower if full of water, than air. If it is in danger of becoming a big popsicle, then fully drain and out blow pipes and winterize with anti-freeze.  

2.  I would suggest putting a heat source into the equipment compartment immediately... a troublelight or a small heater.

3.  If this is likely covered under warranty, waiting better weather and time to troubleshoot it yourself was a risk you don't want to take in freezing temps... especially if your diagnositic abilities are limited to guessing if the caps look as "rounded" as another internet poster. If you freeze anything, you will likely void the warranty.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2011, 05:34:09 pm »
[Three things:

1.  IMO unless your tub is likely to freeze up completely, you are better to leave the tub full.  The pipes will freeze slower if full of water, than air. If it is in danger of becoming a big popsicle, then fully drain and out blow pipes and winterize with anti-freeze.  

2.  I would suggest putting a heat source into the equipment compartment immediately... a troublelight or a small heater.

3.  If this is likely covered under warranty, waiting better weather and time to troubleshoot it yourself was a risk you don't want to take in freezing temps... especially if your diagnositic abilities are limited to guessing if the caps look as "rounded" as another internet poster. If you freeze anything, you will likely void the warranty.

1. My board went bad on my Cameo on 1/1/11.  Not the best way to start the New Year.  The caps popped when I powered the tub up after a drain & refill.  It was fairly warm that day in PA - maybe hit 50.  Cold weather was coming in and the dealer wouldn't have  a new board for a few days.  He recommended that I leave the water in it.

2.  He asked if I had a heater just in case.  But I didn't so I hoped nothing froze for the next few days.  Fortunately, nothing did.

3.  The bad board is covered under the warranty.  However, if the pipes froze, thawing them out is not covered.  My dealer had some heater he brought with him just in case.  But as mentioned, fortunately he didn't need to use it.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2011, 06:34:22 pm »
This watchdog issue seems to be a common issue with the Sundance Spas this year.  I had the same issue, and talked to a few others with the same issue after a water change in cold weather. 

After three days of trouble shooting after jumpering out my recirc pump to keep the water moving and jumpered the heater for a few hours to warm the water up in the 20 deg weather we were having......... I finnaly got the tub to power up by putting a space heater near the circuit board for about an hour, monitoring it with an IR temp gun.  Got the board up to 75 deg and the watchdog error went away.  It looks like I am heading for a new main board, or replace the caps.

Bad for me, I am just 5 months out of warranty.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2011, 02:51:59 pm »
There was a broken fuse...the casing of the fuse was broken, not necessarily a bad fuse that has broken the current path.  Although, after the tech replaced the fuse, the tub started working fine.  The tech also reset the trouble log.  According to the tech, the factory thinks there may have been a power surge that caused the watchdog mode.  So far, it has been working just fine.

The dealer has ordered a new board to have in stock in case this happens again.  I couldn't ask for a better customer oriented dealer...they have been wonderful since the first day we started researching hot tubs, and they continue to be very responsive.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2011, 11:50:11 am »
How did you know the fuse went?  I am having a similar but not identical problem. Just posted this morning about electrical problems.


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Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 09:26:40 pm »
The tub went back into the Watchdog mode and the dealer finally replaced the board...seems to be OK so far.

The fuse is a small cylindrical type...like the ones they used in cars many years ago.  But, this one is not a clear glass tube, it is grey...but probably still glass...not sure.  Anyway, it was noticeably cracked with tiny pieces missing.  If I remember correctly, there are 2 of them on the board.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Sundance Optima Problem
« Reply #14 on: March 20, 2011, 09:26:40 pm »


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