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Author Topic: HELP!!!!!!!! Need someone to tell me where to hook 2 circuit pump wires!!!!  (Read 1618 times)


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Service guy came out last week and said I needed circulation pump...I already figured that.  He told me the price with labor and I said I would do it myself.
He explained it to me and showed me the wiring.  When he did, he disconnected the black and white wires, and did NOT connect them back.

I installed the pump today and cant figure out which connectors to put them on.  There are 2 way up that say circ pump but the female ends are not quite large enough, and they are the same as the ones on the old pump.  There are a couple empty males lower, 2 off a big white wire and 2 off a large black wire.

Pic 1 shows bottom 2 place where large wire come out
Pic 2 shows toward top of box where labeled cir pump but connectors dont quite fit all way on--same size as originals
Pic 3 shows all areas for connections in one pic

everything is ready to go.  just need this.

Also is there any thing special I should do when refilling after changing the pump??
« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 07:11:16 pm by hardwaycooke »

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my buddy helped me figure it out.  thank goodness for electricians who are your friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

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