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Author Topic: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.  (Read 7572 times)


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Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« on: January 03, 2011, 01:13:43 pm »

Looking to purchase first Tub. We think we have narrowed our choices to Caldera (Niagara-$8700 + tax, Hawaiian-$6700 + tax) or Sundance (Chelsee-$8500 + tax, Optima-$11700 + tax) and also considered Hot Springs, Artisian & D1, but like the Tub layouts of the Caldera and Sundance. I do have a few questions hopefully someone can answer before we schedule a wet test.

#1. Are Air Jets (Air Blower) a big plus or not really needed? Both Calderas come with them, but the Sundance Chelsee does not.
#2. Which of these brands has the best water filtration system?
#3. Is the Optima really worth $3000 more than the Chelsee?
#4. Between the Chelsee and the Niagara which is better?
#5. We live in Michigan, so is one insulated better?

Thanks in advance for any information you can provide.


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Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« on: January 03, 2011, 01:13:43 pm »


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2011, 08:40:38 pm »
1. The best way to answer that question is for you to try out the spas wet. Most dealers will let you. The air jets feel completely different against your body than water jets. Some love it, some don't.
2. Both of these brands are top of the line and have excellent filtration systems.
3. Again you will have to try them out to be sure. Everyone is different.
4. See answer 3.
5. Both brands are very well insulated.

I know I was not much help. But these questions can only be answered by testing the spa wet. Buy the one that FEELS the best. Both of these brands are high quality.



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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 08:20:29 am »
I'll answer those questions that I can.
1. We don't like them.  You can expect your spa to start losing temperature rapidly with the blower on, especially in a cold climate like Michigan.  We had a tub with a blower and the only time we used it was for a couple minutes before we got out of the tub.  If you use it during the first part of your soak, you can expect the rest of your soak to be in cooler water which, for us anyway, was not good.
2. Both have good filtration and I wouldn't put the filtration system very high on my list of concerns with those and several other brands.
3. &4. Your decision.  Better?  I could probably give you a preference list of manufacturers or even models, but it would be hard for me to say one is better than another when your talking about models within top makes.  I can say this.  You are looking at good, top shelf, quality spas with good reputations, but a better question for YOU to answer is "which is better for ME?", and you can answer that by wet testing both.
5. I don't think one is any better insulated than the other.  Both are pretty well insulated.


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 09:35:25 am »
Thanks for your feedback and I just located a Jacuzzi Dealer in the area, so I'm going Saturday to look at (Wet test?) a J365 and J355. I know Jacuzzi is made by the same manufacture as Sundance, so I assume I can expect the same quality, correct? If not what are the major plus/minuses between the 2 (J365 and Chelsee)? Thanks again for any feedback you can provide


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2011, 12:27:41 pm »
Jacuzzi is right up there with the others as far as quality goes and my answers to your questions would be the same if you throw their tubs into the mix.  Might as well mention that the others you looked at would get the same reply to.  D1, Hot Spring, Sundance, Jacuzzi.  You're shopping in the same ball park as far as quality goes with any of the makes you have mentioned.  I will say that I don't know much about Artesian though.   With those brands, pick the one that suits you because you're comparing apples to apples and not comparing a good, quality tub to something that's inferior.  My personal preferance as far as makes go would put Hot Spring and Sundance at the top.  Followed by Jacuzzi and D1 and I'm in no way suggesting that any is better than the other.  I'm simply saying I like them better as far as layout and features and things like that go.  For example, I really don't care for the neck flex jets on the D1.  I'm not saying they are bad, simply that I don't like them.  I suppose some don't like the moto massage seats on a HS, but I do.


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 12:45:59 pm »
Thanks for your feedback and I just located a Jacuzzi Dealer in the area, so I'm going Saturday to look at (Wet test?) a J365 and J355. I know Jacuzzi is made by the same manufacture as Sundance, so I assume I can expect the same quality, correct? If not what are the major plus/minuses between the 2 (J365 and Chelsee)? Thanks again for any feedback you can provide

My shotr list of spas would include Caldera, d1, Hot spring, jacuzzi and Sundance so IMO you've got some good options. Take you time, wet test, get a feel for the dealer, pay more attention to quality and functions than bells and whistles, think about what you really want/need, ...
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2011, 06:39:01 pm »
Thanks for your feedback and I just located a Jacuzzi Dealer in the area, so I'm going Saturday to look at (Wet test?) a J365 and J355. I know Jacuzzi is made by the same manufacture as Sundance, so I assume I can expect the same quality, correct? If not what are the major plus/minuses between the 2 (J365 and Chelsee)? Thanks again for any feedback you can provide
Also a good choice.

FYI Jacuzzi and Sundance are different manufacturers owned by the same company. They are not made by the same people.

Good Luck

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2011, 08:11:59 pm »
these are all good brands you are looking at my short list : D1, Hot Springs, Sundance, Jacuzzi, Marquis,, to name a couple all built well, different layouts, different designs, but you should check them all out,,,,

 Are you sure about them being built, Yes they are both owned by the same company,Were are the Sundance built and were are the Jacuzzi built? I know this answer do you? ...just checkn...
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2011, 11:47:51 pm »
 Are you sure about them being built, Yes they are both owned by the same company,Were are the Sundance built and were are the Jacuzzi built? I know this answer do you? ...just checkn...

Apparently I don't know ;). They used to be built seperately. Now both of their headquarters are at
14525 Monte Ave. Chino, CA 91710. I was just recalling way back when they merged, being told(by a sundance rep) they would remain seperate. I guess they changed their minds. 

They are still both fine spas.



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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub. Decision made!
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2011, 09:40:48 am »
Well, thanks to all the help and suggestions we have made a decision on our first Hot Tub. We wet tested the Jacuzzi J-365, the Caldera Niagara and the Sundance Chelsee & Optima. IMO I thought the Caldera and both Sundances were much nicer than the Jacuzzi (jet feel is a major difference). During wet testing my wife and I really enjoyed the Foot jets on the Sundances, so the Caldera was eliminated (no foot jets). I'm 5'10 and the Chelsee depth did not feel right for some reason (I felt kind of cramped), so we are going with the Optima. This tub seems to offer all the things we are looking for, although it is also the most expensive. We found a 2010 Floor Model (never been filled) Copper Sand / Contemporary Cabinet w/ Stereo, Ozone, Cover, Cover Lifter, Steps and chemicals, quoted $11,000 out the door. Could someone please confirm if this is a good price?


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2011, 02:58:19 pm »
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 10:52:11 am by . »


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2011, 06:00:37 pm »
Sitting on the floor or not, please tell me where I can get an Optima cheaper? I've did quite a bit of searching on this site, in my area and have not seen one with similar equipment cheaper? Trust me, I worked on the price, they originally quoted $10,800 without the Stereo and Cover Lifter.

Jet Sitter

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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2011, 07:37:15 pm »
I haven't priced an optima recently and prices vary around the country but in my market that would seem to be a pretty good price.  I don't think you'll do much better on price so i wouldn't worry about it and just know that you will be getting a great tub.


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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #13 on: January 12, 2011, 04:21:55 pm »
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 10:51:51 am by . »

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 12:34:06 pm »
Some things to consider here ... The spa may have been purchased thru a flooring company, with terms , so he may not have to discount it to move yet,, If he is starting to pay interest on the unit then he may drop price to get the sale, The dealer may feel that he will sell it for that price to the next guy. It all depends on each dealers situation, his cost of doing business !!!!I think the price is not far fetched,,, There are other comparable brands that may be less, But you need to check them out , this may ease your price you are paying, Go out and look at the D1 Nautilus, Clearwater Tradition, The Hot Spring Grandee, Jacuzzi j470, Marquis Epic, just to name a few,
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Questions, Looking to purchase first Tub.
« Reply #14 on: January 13, 2011, 12:34:06 pm »


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