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Author Topic: New Design........Thoughts???  (Read 10786 times)

Spa Guy Dave

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2011, 08:46:51 pm »
I have to say, I agree with almost everything stated, as far as looks. At first glance, thought it was an ad for a spa back in 1985. With the square, flat design. Keeping the top surface perfectly flat does explain the underwater Multiport Valve. Goodluck trying to service the valve when the spa is filled. Why the flat service? Are they installing Be-Lite Aluminum Spa Covers on the tub too, they work on totally flat square tubs, just wondering. What is the sales appeal, is it an Eco-Friendly Spa? Special materials or energy saving tub? I too, will look for the tub at the Atlantic City Show...

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2011, 08:46:51 pm »


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #16 on: January 10, 2011, 01:18:06 pm »
I have to say, I agree with almost everything stated, as far as looks. At first glance, thought it was an ad for a spa back in 1985. With the square, flat design. Keeping the top surface perfectly flat does explain the underwater Multiport Valve. Goodluck trying to service the valve when the spa is filled. Why the flat service? Are they installing Be-Lite Aluminum Spa Covers on the tub too, they work on totally flat square tubs, just wondering. What is the sales appeal, is it an Eco-Friendly Spa? Special materials or energy saving tub? I too, will look for the tub at the Atlantic City Show...

What kind of service to a valve would be harder in an underwater valve rather than an above water valve? 


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2011, 01:31:00 pm »
I have to say, I agree with almost everything stated, as far as looks. At first glance, thought it was an ad for a spa back in 1985. With the square, flat design. Keeping the top surface perfectly flat does explain the underwater Multiport Valve. Goodluck trying to service the valve when the spa is filled. Why the flat service? Are they installing Be-Lite Aluminum Spa Covers on the tub too, they work on totally flat square tubs, just wondering. What is the sales appeal, is it an Eco-Friendly Spa? Special materials or energy saving tub? I too, will look for the tub at the Atlantic City Show...

What kind of service to a valve would be harder in an underwater valve rather than an above water valve?  

He said "Goodluck trying to service the valve when the spa is filled".

He's just stating the fact that you have to drain the spa to service that diverter which you wouldn't have to typically do
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 05:04:02 pm by Spatech_tuo »
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Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #18 on: January 10, 2011, 02:19:18 pm »
 The most we ever do with a divertor is replace the gate or handle occasionally which you could do with water in the spa. Now  if we have to replace the entire assembly it might be a pain but that's pretty rare to do.


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #19 on: January 10, 2011, 02:58:34 pm »
I have to say, I agree with almost everything stated, as far as looks. At first glance, thought it was an ad for a spa back in 1985. With the square, flat design. Keeping the top surface perfectly flat does explain the underwater Multiport Valve. Goodluck trying to service the valve when the spa is filled. Why the flat service? Are they installing Be-Lite Aluminum Spa Covers on the tub too, they work on totally flat square tubs, just wondering. What is the sales appeal, is it an Eco-Friendly Spa? Special materials or energy saving tub? I too, will look for the tub at the Atlantic City Show...

What kind of service to a valve would be harder in an underwater valve rather than an above water valve? 

He said "Goodluck trying to service the valve when the spa is filled".

He's just stating the fact that you have to drain the spa to service that diverter which you wouldn't have to typically do.

Like Jacuzzi Jim said, there really is nothing to service on those valves that being underwater makes much more difficult.  You can replace handles, lube o-rings, and replace valves underwater easy enough.  And if you are replacing the entire valve, you would need to drain some water even if the valve was above the water line.

Spa Guy Dave

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2011, 03:21:30 pm »
In our area, we are not far from the sandy soil of the New Jersey Pinelands and the beaches at the shore. So we get a lot of valves that are jambed up solid with small particles of sand. When this happens, it requires yanking the cap, removing the outer nut, to get to the valve internals, which wont turn or easily pull out due to the sand stuck in valve. So, any tech would have to agree, under these conditions, it would be more difficlut to perform this repair underwater, when you can not see the stem, due to the valve being installed on the side of the shell under water. Like others have stated, it is not every day that we are servicing multiport valves agreed, but when you do have to perform the task, draining the water level below the valve would be necessary in many cases and helpful in most. Not knocking the product, am a big fan of Jacuzzi. Certainly Jacuzzi is not the first to install underwater valves, others have installed smaller underwater valves to control foot or neck jets. Looking forward to seein the spa at the Atlantic City Show.


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2011, 03:55:55 pm »
Lol, no.  If it is stuck with sand, you can just take the cap off, unscrew the nut, and turn the pump on :-)   That should blow it right out.  In that case, I would find it easier as I wouldn't have to worry about the huge stream of water shooting out the top of the tub.    Also, if I am correct, the underwater valve looks a lot like the waterfall diverter valve on the Sundance 880 series.  If it is, then sand getting in there should not be much of a problem, as I have never had one of those types of valves need to be repaired/replaced because of sand. 

Draining the water below the valve may be needed in extreme cases, but I would imagine most service techs would have no issue fixing any issues with it under water.

Spa Guy Dave

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2011, 04:58:15 pm »
LOL, that brings back memories of seeing a valve cover shoot off the top of the spa and water shooting 20 feet into the air, I have to dig up an old photo of a Master Spa with the valve cover blown off. Your right, with the valve underwater, no more valves blowing their top... Also right about the Sundance Valve, have not seen many getting jambed as easy as lets say Waterway or Hydro Air might.


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #23 on: January 11, 2011, 09:02:24 am »
I've had a few accidental geysers in my day lol.  One time, I was working with another tech.  I was sitting in front of the spa working on the equipment, starting to test things out.  We were getting the pump primed by removing the diverter cap and letting the air out then putting the cap back on and turning the pump on.  He put it on loosely and told me to turn the pump on.  Well, he put it on too loosely and all I heard was "oh $#!t"  and new exactly what was coming.  I turned the pump off but it was too late.  With the cover folded towards the equipment bay, the water hit that and poured directly on to me.  Luckily it was our last call of the day lol.

Jet Sitter

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2011, 01:29:52 pm »
I hadn't heard anything about those new D1 Elemental spas until your post so I took a look.  Still not a lot of info but from what I could see they are definitely something new and different.  It will be interesting to see them in the flesh and see how they are accepted into the market.


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #25 on: January 11, 2011, 02:05:00 pm »
The only diverter problem I have had might have won me $10,000 if I had a camera going.   My wife and I were in our tub with pump #2 running and the diverter is halfway between the seats we usually sit it.  It started whistling which caused us both to look at it.  Within a second or two if shot a high pressure stream of water about 3 feet across the tub and hit her right between the eyes.  Good thing she had taken her contacts out.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2011, 10:58:24 am »
Anyone Seen this tub in person yet? Was wondering what MSRP was. (I know that isn't a true indicator of actual price tub can be purchased for) But It would be nice to compare and see where it lands in Jacuzzi line up.  ???


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2011, 11:36:29 am »
Anyone Seen this tub in person yet? Was wondering what MSRP was. (I know that isn't a true indicator of actual price tub can be purchased for) But It would be nice to compare and see where it lands in Jacuzzi line up.  ???

I'm hearing its at the top end, a headscratcher based on what I see but time will tell.
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Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2011, 02:40:45 pm »
 I guess it was well received in Cabo at the dealer conference, I didn't go.   :'(  From what I have heard the pictures don't do it justice.

 Price wise high 8s if not more   ::)


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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2011, 04:25:40 pm »
I guess it was well received in Cabo at the dealer conference, I didn't go.   :'(  From what I have heard the pictures don't do it justice.

 Price wise high 8s if not more   ::)

Thats because everyone was primed with booze.  ;) ;D
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Re: New Design........Thoughts???
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2011, 04:25:40 pm »


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