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Author Topic: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged  (Read 16440 times)

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2010, 11:44:12 am »
 After talking with Jason on the phone it really makes no sense as to whats going on, by what he describes to me there are chunks/psc of calcium that are clogging up the circ pump impeller.   I think what might be happening is that calcium is breaking loose from the line and collecting in the circ pump impeller.  I told him to drop his PH to as low as he can to maybe solve the problem and get rid of the build up.   Whats strange is where the calcium originally is coming from to start with he doesn't use calcium increaser and is on city water.
 Usually with calcium build up the walls/sides of the spa will be really rough to the touch "sand paper" like, he has none if this?  Another thing is the line that runs from the filter to the circ pump is maybe 6 feet long, so the calcium has to be coming from that line.  He is using bromine with the Jacuzzi inline bromine feeder that fits in the lid of the filter, possible chunks of bromine breaking loose and lodging in the pump is doubt full, it would have to get through the screen psc the filter screws into.  I told him to switch to a chlorine system and see what happens, worse case Jason which I didn't mention is maybe the spa company can come out and replace the circ pump hose from the filter it wouldn't take much to do that.

 Good luck with it Jason and feel free to call me anytime!  Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2010, 11:44:12 am »


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2010, 02:50:43 pm »
Thanks for the insight JJ.  That being said, the circ line is 3/4", I would suggest simply pulling the circ pump, using a plug stopper at both the suction screen in the filter bay, and the heater (3/4" vinyl short cut with plug), then inserting a 1/2" or 3/8" piece of vinyl tubing going to the suction screen and examine what comes out.  I doubt you are going to find anything of significance, but it would tell the story of what is in that line.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2010, 04:04:46 pm »
 Tell ya whats IDIOTIC?  Its the spa company that's been repairing the tub, the dealer he bought from I guess went under and it's a Sundance dealer that's working on it.  After the second pump replaced went bad a good tech should/would work the problem as to why, not just replace the pump and tell him his water is bad,specially after what they replaced it 4 or 5 times ::)  Then tell him if another goes bad were not replacing it.  ???

  Alex. Ill take spa service 101 for 200!

 Jason feel free to print this thread out and take it to the dealer!!   ;D

 Good idea Clover.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 04:06:40 pm by Jacuzzi Jim »


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2010, 07:39:44 pm »
Yes I have to wonder...
So my shell is perfect...and my fliters are great! I know its doesnt sound right but they are.
I have now taken Jacuzzi Jim and believe you. I have dropped my PH and will wait a few days cycling through the pipes.
Hopefully that will liquify the calcium. I will then drain the tub and flip over to clorine instead of bromine and use qua finess.


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2010, 08:06:40 pm »
Spinner, identify, what is "qua finess"
« Last Edit: December 17, 2010, 08:08:14 pm by clover »
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2010, 12:36:29 am »
Hey Guys..
So if you have a second look up WWW.aquafinesse.com it will explain it better than I can
Its basically a chlorine system I believe... and keeps everything balanced
Just one dose per week cleans and balances your water, eliminates greasy water lines, slimy surfaces, foaming, calcium and scale build-up.


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2010, 09:21:58 am »
More info
What is AquaFinesse?
AquaFinesse is a natural, environmentally friendly water treatment system. Although it is important to note that AquaFinesse itself is not a sanitiser, it does play a vitally important role in the control of bacteria. To understand how AquaFinesse works we must first understand the real cause of bacterial contamination -Biofilm!

What is Biofilm?
Biofilm is a sticky slimy substance that is created by bacteria for use as a safe shelter, feeding and breeding ground.

Bacteria enter the water via many various sources, not least bathers. Needing somewhere safe, bacteria create a slime which enables them to stick to any damp surface area. (In you pool or spa this could mean the walls, steps, filter housing, jets and favorite of all, the pipe work) Once attached they are able to quickly form colonies.

Biofilm is designed to protect the bacteria within, and it does an excellent job. So much so  that it is virtually impossible for traditional sanitisers such as chlorine or bromine  to penetrate it. Even large quantities of sanitiser can only kill the bacteria in the outer layer of the Biofilm leaving the bacteria below unharmed and able to continue multiplying!


FACTDid you know that 99% of all bacteria live in the Biofilm, just 1% actually live in the water itself and it is only these so called 'free floating' bacteria that we are able to kill with traditional sanitiser's such as chlorine or bromine!!

How does AquaFinesse work?
The moment AquaFinesse's patented formula is added to the water it begins the process of breaking down and loosening the Biofilm from surfaces. With no shelter to protect them, bacteria are exposed and vulnerable. It is now a simple task to destroy them with a minimum amount of sanitiser.

Bathers reentering the water will of course still introduce fresh bacteria, however now everything is different. No longer able to 'stick' these bacteria are quickly coagulated by AquaFinesse's patented technology and washed into the filter system where a small amount of sanitiser rapidly dispatches them!


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2010, 12:20:17 pm »
Spinner, I have asked a few questions that remain unanswered.  I must assume that you have not used, nor currently using BazuaSpa products
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2010, 12:40:21 pm »
I have not even heard of that product. But I do live in Canada and not sure they sell them.
I use spa boss


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #24 on: December 18, 2010, 12:55:38 pm »
Spinner, sometimes it is hard for us to hit the nail on the head because we don't know the untold secrets.  Now we add "Spa Boss" to the mix.  I have asked a few questions that remain unanswered.  I will assume that you have not used, nor currently using BaquaSpa products which are INCOMPATIBLE with any other chemical outside of their product line.

I must admit at this point, we have not found the root cause to your problem in spite of our efforts to help, nor have I had any feed back as to whether you are using an ozonator, so I must leave you to the seek the solution to your problem through your at hand service resources.

Aquafinesse, referred to as "qua finess" didn't not identify anything in a google search.  Now, armed with "aquafinesse", I can tell you it is a (Green) product out of the Netherlands.  I do not know how long you have used it, (before, or after you began experiencing problems) but, I can tell you, people that have used BaquaSpa products along with other innocent chemicals have experienced extreme frustration similar to yours.  Baqua products have the ability to make your water into "jello" IF you do not use ALL BaquaSpa products exclusively, making you a captured consumer. 

I too have had to tell a customer to pay my unexpected bill because he has inflicted his own problems in using the product.  It didn't make friends with my customer, but he was causing the problem and blaming us.  Yes, sometimes it is the customers fault.  Something like this IS NOT covered under a warranty.  I too have replaced multiple circ pumps that were jammed with goo.  OF COURSE THEY FAULTED THE PRODUCT, AND OUR IMCOMPETENCE.  Sometimes, you have to fire the customer.  These are the lessons we have learned.

I have attempted to make several suggestions to you without clarifying or understanding what is truly causing your unusual problem without feedback.  But, I will guarantee you this, it is not the fault of the circ pump.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #25 on: December 18, 2010, 04:11:27 pm »

I know you have been trying to help.  But, it appears you have not been reading the responses.  He uses bromine.  Has made no mention of using BaquaSpa.  He is planning to use AquaFinesse.  He has not used it yet.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2010, 06:13:28 pm »
I thought I was answering your questions.. Sorry I do appreciate your help.
I have been using bromine...
BaquaSpa" products I have never heard of so no I dont use them.
I do not have an ozonator on my system.
Spa Boos is a series on chemicals Sundance sells.PH REDUCER, Bromine Tables, Spa shock, etc...
Aquafinesse is what i will changing over to after tomorrow. I have currenty trying to liquify the calcium in my system by dropping my PH.
I will then drain the water refill the tub and move onto chlorine system with aquafinesse


Hot Tub Forum

Re: Jacuzzi JT365 Curc Pump goes again they say it gets clogged
« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2010, 06:13:28 pm »


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