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Author Topic: Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info  (Read 1847 times)


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Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info
« on: December 05, 2010, 02:21:20 pm »
Have been running this system since May with no problems & virtually no maintenance. Maybe a little alka-rise but not even once a month. It is used by 2 people, often 2x/day, and the bromine generator was set at 5 from spring through fall.

Now that it's getting less use in the winter (one person maybe 4x/week) I'm having trouble balancing the water. I turned the dial down to 2 with the decreased usage. The water isn't cloudy but there's definitely a mildew or mold smell when I open the cover that wasn't there before. I called the dealer who said to use the oxy shock, which I did a week ago. It did help, it seemed, but I do think the tub has some algae in it...the seats do seem to have a bit of slick film (even though I can't feel anything) I didn't feel over the summer at all. And the oxy-shock says right on it that it's not an algaecide, so what do I use? (My dealer isn't much help if you haven't guessed that already.)

Also, there seems to be conflicting info in the Genesis manual and on the test strip bottle. The manual says the bromide level should be "between 1500-1900, which is 7.8-8.0 on the test strip". But on my test strip bottle, 7.8-8.0 is a level of 2058 - 2233.

And...the Genesis manual says to shock with "one teaspoon of a non-chlorine shock", whereas the formula on the container says to use 1 capful per 100 gallons, which is about 4 capfuls (4oz.) for my 450 gallon (Clearwater St. Andrews) tub.  Can anyone help explain these discrepancies?

How do you test for phosphates, by the way? Didn't see that info anywhere. Thanks in advance for all your help.

Hot Tub Forum

Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info
« on: December 05, 2010, 02:21:20 pm »


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Re: Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2010, 04:45:43 pm »
Drain and refill?

Not algae.  Not in a hot tub.

Shock following instructions on bottle.

Sounds like very high bromine level being recommended.

Pool pro should be able to test for phosphates for you.  Do you have a dealer you can bring water to?
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 06:49:16 pm »
Oxidizer shock is always recommended with use with bromine hot tubs on a regular basis.  I would also recommend draining, cleaning, and refilling a spa that starts to develop chemistry problems.  On a normal use spa, I would recommend draining and filling up to 4 times a year based on use.

I'm afraid I can't be of much help with the other particulars....


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Re: Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 02:59:25 pm »
We shock once to twice a week when we are using the tub frequently.  We use a bromine floater, then manage the bromine level based on the test strip response.  Too little bromine - not shocking enough.  To much - not using the tub enough. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Need help balancing Genesis spa & conflicting info
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 02:59:25 pm »


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