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Author Topic: HS Prodigy wet test advice  (Read 6283 times)


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HS Prodigy wet test advice
« on: November 04, 2010, 11:21:03 am »
Hello everyone,
We wet tested our first few tubs last weekend.  We were not able to test the exact models we were interested in, but the dealers put us in tubs that they felt were similar to what we wanted.  The results were not that great.  I'm not sure we got the most of our wet tests because, in my mind, we were not comparing apples to apples and because we didn't really know how to put them through their paces.  At one store the dealer actually hovered over us the entire time and operated the controls for some reason.  I would appreciate some advice on how to get the most out of our wet test experience this time because the Prodigy is a tub that we are really considering.

This Florida dealer is offering (his end of year special) floor model with steps, startup chems, CD ozone, spa pillows, cover lifter (hopefully the uprite one), GFI sub panel box, site inpection and delivery for $6795.  Does this sound like a good deal or is there some bargaining room left to be done yet?   Also should I try to get new filters out of him since it is a floor model?  Thanks for your help.

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HS Prodigy wet test advice
« on: November 04, 2010, 11:21:03 am »


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2010, 11:30:41 am »
I'm not certain on the pricing, although it might be a little high for a floor model.  I'll defer to the actual dealers, though.

As to the wet testing, you definitely want the salesperson to leave you alone for awhile.  I'd be pretty uncomfortable if a salesperson were hovering over me the whole time.

Make sure you change the jets, use the control panel, sit in all the seats.  If your dealer has a Prodigy on the floor and it's not wet, tell him to fill it and let you try it out.

As for the filters, that is non-negotiable.  New filters are a must.  Most dealers automatically include new filters, but get it in writing.
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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2010, 11:40:45 am »
is there some bargaining room left to be done yet?   

Always give it a try. Make a reasonable counter offer, they'll either say yes, no or make a counter to your counter. Worst case is they are firm on price and you find out its really their best offer. BTW, one way to sweeten the pot at the end of negotiations is to ask for $200 or so in "store credit" Most dealers find it much more palatable to give store credit than to lower the price and you'll need more chems, accessories after the sale anyway so it can be a win-win way of finalizing a deal.
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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2010, 12:00:36 pm »
Make sure you change the jets, use the control panel, sit in all the seats.  If your dealer has a Prodigy on the floor and it's not wet, tell him to fill it and let you try it out.

Thanks Vanguard, It is the Prodigy we will be testing, we sat in it empty last week.  He agreed to fill it for tomorrow.  I'm just not certain about using the diverter valve and adjusting jets though, like should I expect to have to shut down 90% of the jets to get a real pounding massage from the remaining 10%, or could this overpressurize the plumbing and cause problems?  Should I expect the tub to be able to operate all the jets at once or 1/2 or even less?

During the Jacuzzi 335 test (we were interested in the 325 but the dealer didn't have one), some seats we could hardly stay seated in because there was so much pressure and volume and others felt like someone was spraying us gently with a garden hose.  If there was a happy medium to be found, we missed it somehow.  We probably didn't adjust the jets enough or correctly.

As for the new filters, thanks for the info.  I will keep make a point of getting new ones included.

Spatech tuo, Thanks for the advice.  I hope my dealer doesn't frequent here, he'll see me coming a mile away.  I was hoping somebody who recently bought a similiar setup would chime in to let me know the pricing is about right for today's market. 

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2010, 02:28:04 pm »
 When your wet testing, have the salesman there for a litle bit enough to show you how the spa operates. at that point ask if minds if you check out the rest of the wet test by yourselves to check out....I myself get uncomfertable during wet tests.. it is hard sometime to gauge when you need to step away....but make sure you adjust all the pumps, have all the pumps running and see if you can have all the jets operate, and use the air controls, adjust all the jets to see the pressure if you can adjust to were you are not getting blown out.....just some tips hope this helps....
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,

Jacuzzi Jim

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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2010, 03:36:25 pm »
 Is your wife hot?  Might be why he was hanging out so long ;)   All kidding aside, going from a J-335 with 2 pumps vs one in the prodigy not really a fair shake but you may not be looking for a lot of jet action?  In the prodigy with the divertor you should be able to move the water to a certain seat or two with out hurting the plumbing, then adjust it to have a little bit of everything out of each jet?


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2010, 03:55:47 pm »
 When your wet testing, have the salesman there for a litle bit enough to show you how the spa operates. at that point ask if minds if you check out the rest of the wet test by yourselves to check out....I myself get uncomfertable during wet tests.. it is hard sometime to gauge when you need to step away....but make sure you adjust all the pumps, have all the pumps running and see if you can have all the jets operate, and use the air controls, adjust all the jets to see the pressure if you can adjust to were you are not getting blown out.....just some tips hope this helps....

Very good advice.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2010, 05:13:20 pm »
Is your wife hot?  Might be why he was hanging out so long ;)   

Hi Jacuzzi Jim,
Matter of fact, Yeah she is pretty hot...I never said the hovering dealer was a guy, and I doubt that She was eying either one of us that way, just being helpful, nice thought though.  Back to serious business,

"In the prodigy with the divertor you should be able to move the water to a certain seat or two with out hurting the plumbing, then adjust it to have a little bit of everything out of each jet?"

That's good to know about the diverter.  I will feel more comfortable knowing that the plumbing can take it. 

As for price, I was quoted a certain price for end of year sale when he had 3 in stock 3 weeks ago, and now he only has his floor model left.  He told me that he would sell the floor model for the same deal, but if I ordered one it would be more considerably more (shipping).  Should I expect something additional off his end of year price on this unit since it was a floor model? 

I don't know how long it has been on the floor or if it had been wet tested prior to our test tomorrow.  I will have to find out.


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 07:01:49 pm »
Should I expect something additional off his end of year price on this unit since it was a floor model? 

Was it sitting as a wet floor model or as a dry one? If it was a dry one then he probably won't discount it too much (or at all if its been there a short time since its really no different than one with the wrapping on). If its been sitting long or been wet then he'll probably be more inclined to discount it more but every dealer does it differently and to a different degree.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2010, 07:25:21 pm »
Should I expect something additional off his end of year price on this unit since it was a floor model? 

Was it sitting as a wet floor model or as a dry one? If it was a dry one then he probably won't discount it too much (or at all if its been there a short time since its really no different than one with the wrapping on). If its been sitting long or been wet then he'll probably be more inclined to discount it more but every dealer does it differently and to a different degree.

That's exactly what I mean.  I've only been in the store twice, the first time I was looking for a Jet Setter and I didn't even notice if it was in the store that day.  When we saw it last week, it was empty.  Tomorrow it will have water for our test.  For all I know it could have been in his store since January 1.  Is there any way I can find out how much store use it has seen?  It's not like there is an hour meter like a boat motor.  Thanks for your help.


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2010, 11:16:14 pm »
You can get the serial #.  That will tell you about when it was manufactured.  As a dealer, I think you are getting a great deal with all those accessories.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2010, 11:19:30 am »
Is there any way I can find out how much store use it has seen?  It's not like there is an hour meter like a boat motor.  Thanks for your help.

Obviously you can look to see if its been scuffed up from people climbing in/out of it for the year but otherwise there is no way to know how long its been there other than to ask and even then you always wonder about the accuracy of the answer. As mentioned if you have the serial number that will show when it was made (if you it here someone can decipher what quarter of what year it was made, i.e. 3rd qrtr of 2010) but that can be sketchy since it may have been in storage for a time (though usually not too long) but try to get the serial number, it may be useful.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

ejf The Spa Guy

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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2010, 12:37:54 pm »
You can aask for a disount it can't hurt,, but you may not get it. and by telling you it will cost more because they want to sell the floor model spa... we do the same type of thing we discount our instock models, if they order a spa we sell at higher price. but depending on the freight costs, back east coast you will have a higher freight cost for 1 spa. for us here on the west coast freight for one is not bad....Also what may dictate his price is if he owns that spa outright or if he has at financed through a flooring company with terms, such as 90 days, 6 months. etc...As for damge to the spa if it has been sitting on the showroom, it may not have any, on our showroom we have our customers take off shoes... so normally not dirty or scratched....good luck
Falcos Home Resort award winning hot tub retailer,


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2010, 07:39:15 pm »
Quick update, the wet test was fantastic.  I was afraid that the Prodigy would not have enough power to get a descent massage with that tiny little 1.65 hp pump.  He explained it to me before I got out of my street clothes about how the rating meant little and that he thought I would be impressed....yeah right.  I was wrong indeed, not enough to rock all the seats at once, but more than enough at the various positions using the diverter valve.  Too much in one seat, I had to turn it down a tad.  We loved this spa !!

I found out that the tub had been in his show room for 20 days and had never been filled until today.  I checked it out the best I could and could not find a single ding, scratch or flaw on the thing.  We felt very comfortable with this dealer and this spa company.  Long story short it will be delivered Wednesday and we should be ready for our first soak by Thursday.  In the meanwhile I'll be busy cleaning and making space in our Florida room for the addition to our family.

Thanks to everyone for your advice along the way.  I felt better prepared to make my decision because of the last several weeks of reading posts on this forum.   I hope you all will be just as helpful as I have questions along the way. 


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Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2010, 10:48:16 pm »
Congrats on the purchase.  You might have answered before.  Where in FL are you located?  I was in FL this week.  Headed over today to see the shuttle launch only to find out it had been scrubbed til Nov. 30.  Going to have to try to get back for the February launch.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: HS Prodigy wet test advice
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2010, 10:48:16 pm »


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