What's the Best Hot Tub

Author Topic: 2002 Caldera Tahitian  (Read 3618 times)


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2002 Caldera Tahitian
« on: October 26, 2010, 09:31:22 pm »
If any of you could please give me a minute of your time I would greatly appreciate it.  I have been saving for a while to get a hot tub because I'm an MMA fighter and could use it to help relax my aching joints/muscles after our strenuous workouts. 

I went to a local dealer and he has a trade in on his showroom floor that he is selling.  He said an older couple owned it and it stayed indoors at all times.  The tub is a 2002 Caldera Tahitian.  I tested the tub out tonight and it was excellent with some serious power in the jets.  He had it listed for $3,000 and after talking for a while I got him to lower the price down to $2,250 which includes a 6 month warranty, steps, cover, chemicals (his line of natural chemicals for the first few months), delivery, installation, and he is going to fix a few things that are not perfect (light inside tub, a loose jet, and a new air bubbler).
I was just wondering if $2,250 is a fair price for this tub and how long a tub of this age could last me if taken care of.  I take great care of my stuff and try to keep things looking brand new as long as I can.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  I thought 2002 was very old, but the owner of the company said I could get 20 more years out of this tub if taken care of.

Hot Tub Forum

2002 Caldera Tahitian
« on: October 26, 2010, 09:31:22 pm »


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Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2010, 10:29:23 pm »
That is a great tub.  I think that sounds like a pretty good deal.  I like that he is willing to give you a warranty on it.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!


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Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2010, 11:08:07 pm »
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Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2010, 12:40:50 am »
That is a great tub.  I think that sounds like a pretty good deal.  I like that he is willing to give you a warranty on it.

Vanguard, I appreciate your feedback.  I figured this sounded like a good deal from all of the research that I have done, but it's nice to hear from someoen who knows a lot more about the subject than myself.  The six month warranty is nice and one of the biggest reasons I think I am going to make the deal tomorrow.  I couldn't believe the power of the jets in this tub.  When I tested it out tonight I didn't want to get out of the thing to come home.  I was shocked when he told me it was a 2002 because the thing looks like it might be a couple years old at most.  I guess the fact that the previous owners kept it inside and out of the weather really helped this tub stay in near new condition both cosmetically and mechanically. If anyone has a different opinion I would love to hear  what you have to say and why.  Thanks again for your input Vanguard!


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Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2010, 07:03:25 pm »
Good Luck and Enjoy.  The Tahitian is my favorite Caldera.  I like it over the larger Geneva and Niagara.  The size is just right and the seats are great.
The stars at night are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas and my Vanguard!!!


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Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2010, 07:11:28 pm »
That is a great tub.  I think that sounds like a pretty good deal.  I like that he is willing to give you a warranty on it.

I agree that price sounds like a good deal and the while most dealers will give a warranty on used spas that resell its usually 60 or 90 days; a 6 month in-store warranty on a used spa is extra nice because it gives you plenty time for issues to show themselves.
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Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2010, 10:17:11 am »
That is a great tub.  I think that sounds like a pretty good deal.  I like that he is willing to give you a warranty on it.

I agree that price sounds like a good deal and the while most dealers will give a warranty on used spas that resell its usually 60 or 90 days; a 6 month in-store warranty on a used spa is extra nice because it gives you plenty time for issues to show themselves.

He said he usually only gives the 90 day warranties on used tubs, but he is confident that this tub is in excellent shape.  He even gave me the phone number to the people that used to own the tub so I could talk to them and find out everything I wanted to know about it.  They only traded it in because they wanted something smaller since all the kids left the house and it was just the husband and wife.  They wanted some extra space in their sunroom so therefore downsized.  Sounded good to me and I'm getting the tub installed early next week.  The best part is now this guy will take good care of me so I will be a repeat customer when I trade this one in a few years from now to get a new one.  I just want to see how much I like having one and if I use it often enough to get a new one so I went with the used one on my first purchase so I wouldn't regret it much if things didn't work out well.  The dealer told me that if I didn't like the tub he would sell it on consignment for me and get just about every penny back that I had in it in the first place.  I figured I couldn't go wrong with this deal and took it.  Thanks for your replies guys, it makes me feel a lot better that others think this is a very nice tub as well.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: 2002 Caldera Tahitian
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2010, 10:17:11 am »


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