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Author Topic: Advice on buying 2nd hand sought  (Read 2336 times)


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Advice on buying 2nd hand sought
« on: October 10, 2010, 11:10:18 am »
Hi, I'm in Ireland and in the market for a 2nd hand hot tub. I've found two, both LA Spas, and both very similar: One is an Oasis and about 6-8 years old. One is a San Juan and 4 years old. As I can tell both these tubs use the same shell, the Oasis is from the "Premium" range and has more jets and features, the San Juan from the mid range and has less jets and features.

My question is, what is the opinion of experienced owners: Is newer with less features better than older with more?

Also, limescale. The older one, the Oasis has very bad limescale residue around the water line on one half of the shell. Is this normal? The fact it's only on one half is odd I'd have thought? My worry is, if that's the amount of visible limescale, what is on the inside!

Many thanks for any advice offered.

Hot Tub Forum

Advice on buying 2nd hand sought
« on: October 10, 2010, 11:10:18 am »


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Re: Advice on buying 2nd hand sought
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2010, 01:11:10 pm »
NEVER EVER buy a used spa that you can't see full of water and fully operating, no exceptions. Generally the newer the better depending on condition and price of course.

If you buy the spa with scale on the shell, fill it and lower the PH with acid (maybe to about 5, let it sit a couple days). This will pull some/(probably almost all) of that calcium from the spa walls back into the water and this alone may do the trick for the most part. Simply drain it away and that should do it.
220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: Advice on buying 2nd hand sought
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2010, 03:22:10 pm »
Thanks for that. I'll be able to wet test both. One is with a dealer, the other is private, neither come any sort of a warranty. Both are exactly the same price.

Conditionwise, the older one looks just that, older. The wood trim is not the best but perfectly cleanupable, and other than the limescale looks fine. But, I can;t help wondering how well it was looked after given the limescale. Surely no one would use it in that state? Perhaps it's just been left and not touched?

The newer one looks like new.

The older one, from the dealer, has, according to the dealer, a higher spec than the Oasis sold today, in the shape of an extra motor and bigger heater. And as far as I can see, other than the fact the Oasis has 57 jets and the San Juan only 35, this is the only difference. Other than things that ain't important to me, like music system and fancy light. And a waterfall!

To anyone reading, which would you go for?


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Re: Advice on buying 2nd hand sought
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 10:52:44 am »
Usually a dealer will give a short in store warranty. I'd try (with conviction) to negoatiate a 30 day warranty into the deal.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Advice on buying 2nd hand sought
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2010, 10:52:44 am »


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