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Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
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Topic: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet (Read 5761 times)
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Posts: 4
Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
October 01, 2010, 01:01:29 am »
I am looking at buying a higher end hot tub for 5,6,7 people. I have been looking at Beachcomber, Sundance and Maax. I have been offered a Beachcomber 750 floor model that is 3 months old, has water in it for 3 months, comes with the hybrid package, lights, stereo system and if I remember right, the Eco water treatment system. I was told it is an $18,000cdn tub but for sale at $15,000cdn. As much as I like the tub there are others at Sundance that are cheaper and I fell that the $18k has been exagerated slightly to give the feeling of a bargain. I know that from reading this forum that these 3 manufacturers are excellent but is $15,000 a good price considering that a top of the line new Sundance is around $14,000.
This is well confusing but this site is proving to be of great use. I have never owned a hot tub before but I work in a high stress job and having been in a friends hot tub - my what a great relaxation they are.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hot Tub Forum
Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
October 01, 2010, 01:01:29 am »
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Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #1 on:
October 01, 2010, 07:31:23 am »
Welcome to the tub. Is that Canadian dollars? I've lost track of the exchange rate, so maybe that's not relevant. Hybrid package? What does that entail? It's real common to advertise an inflated rate (MSRP) and then a lower one to make it look like a deal, but I really have no idea. Good luck.,
Member since 2003. Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012. Sundance Majesta from 2012-current
Jet Sitter
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Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #2 on:
October 01, 2010, 01:32:48 pm »
slogger - Don't know if I can be much help but I'll share what I know. I had been looking at the 540 and 578, floor models, hybrid system, no stereo. I can't remember exact price but i think it was between $5000 and $6000 US. I liked the hybrid system (Bill - this is where the cabinet if full foamed all four sides and the pumps and other mechanicals are places with a separate insulated cabinet that also serves as steps) and was impressed with the quality. I was impressed with the quality and thought the prices were great and would have bought either tub but they didn't fit us right when we wet tested.
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Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #3 on:
October 01, 2010, 02:36:36 pm »
Quote from: wmccall on October 01, 2010, 07:31:23 am
Hybrid package? What does that entail?
Beachcomber has always had an available option where they'll put the pumps under a front step allowing for the front side to be fully foamed. Only in the past year or two have they renamed it "hybrid" to jump on that Prius type Marketing bandwagon (not knocking them for doing it, I might do the same thing but its still kind of
220, 221, whatever it takes!
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Posts: 4
Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #4 on:
October 01, 2010, 11:10:17 pm »
You are right about the 'hybrid' lets say hype. It just fully insulates all round with the mechanicals under the steps. Part of the 'hybrid' also takes the air for the jets from inside the pump box which is obviously warmer air due to heat from the mechanicals. I have to admit, its all a good thinking process. I also liked the fact that the handle grips were formed into the molding and not having holes drilled into the shell to bolt a handle on. For what I can see, the fully foamed insulation could only help prevent any leaks due to the plumbing not being able to move but if it did get a leak it would be a bitch to fix. I also really liked the Sundance 880 Optima. Having the cushions for the head with the JBL speakers - man that sound was good.
I was told by Beachcomber that the speakers would rust out and the finish would 'crackle' after a number of years. I know that used to happen years ago on fibreglass cars but I would think that the technology would have addressed that by now and so am not paying attention to that comment unless you guys can confirm it. The Optima was also $2,000 less than the B/C 750 model. My gut feeling is that the MSRP was indeed hiked up to make the sale price look like wow. The reason I say this is that the 'Eco System' (UV water treatment?) was a $600 option but they threw it in with the deal - Backyard Tubs n Spas told me if I wanted the 'Eco System' it was an extra $150. Hmmmm
I appreciate your comments as it really gives me a lot more confidence in making the right decision.
Cheers lads, Nigel
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Posts: 4
Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #5 on:
October 02, 2010, 12:06:56 am »
Just want to clear something up. The 'Eco System' I referred to was a mistake, I should have said the 'ClearTech UV System'. This is a UV sanitizer.
yacuzzi Jim
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Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #6 on:
October 02, 2010, 08:47:09 pm »
Between the 2 Beachcomber and Sundance the Sundance is a better tub filtration wise, jet wise and from what it sounds like price wise as well not to mention a few other reasons. Albeit go with what works for you, but in my opinion the Sundance wins out.
Will add, the hybrid system is smoke and mirrors pitch, hybrid is 2 different types of energy,and a spa only has one. Its electric.
Full Member
Posts: 116
Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #7 on:
October 04, 2010, 09:17:23 am »
Well Put Jim. I was going to type something very similar.
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Re: Beachcomber model 750 floor model - wet
Reply #7 on:
October 04, 2010, 09:17:23 am »
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