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Author Topic: can smelly water get clean  (Read 3300 times)


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can smelly water get clean
« on: September 24, 2010, 06:30:31 pm »
I changed my water about 4 weeks ago.   I must have missed a week of putting dichlor in it because when I opened the tub the other day the water smelled.  I ended up putting dichlor in it.  I checked today and it still had a small stench.  Will smelly water ever clear up by itself or should I drain and refill.

Water is clear but I am having a party over the weekend with 12 boys age 9 who will be going tubbing.

Thanks for your help

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can smelly water get clean
« on: September 24, 2010, 06:30:31 pm »


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Re: can smelly water get clean
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 12:10:55 pm »
IF your water quality is not up to specs, don't let them use it.  IF you are "smelling" somehting off of the water the pH is out of wack.  First check and adjust your Alkalinity, THEN adjust your pH.

IF you can "see" your water, (cloudy, green, anything other than "crystal clear", TEST you water.

IF you can "smell" anything, it is "gas" coming off the water and your chemistry is out of balance.

The only thing that should not concern you is "sparkling clean", "crystal clear" water with "an invitation to drink", that is what your water should be.  IF it is not TEST your water, and adjust accordingly.

IF you wouldn't drink it, you shouldn't get in it.
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.


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Re: can smelly water get clean
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2010, 10:07:52 pm »
Okay I understand all of that but my question is do I need to dump the water if there is a smell or can I chemically fix it without dumping it?


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Re: can smelly water get clean
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2010, 12:32:27 pm »
Nobody can answer that question until you "test" your water.  To determine the solution, or the outcome, you must understand what you are fixing, test the water.  If everything is normal and OK on the test strip, and your water is foul and ugly, it takes far greater effort to bring it back from the dead than to dump it and start fresh.  You have recently done this and I don't see the need to do it again, other than understanding what caused your water to be as it is.

I have had customers using ozone with great success, but you still must monitor pH and Alkalinity.  One customer was upset when we had to change pump 2 out and had to drain the spa.  The water was 7 years old, and had not been changed since we delivered the spa.  So let me ask, do you need to drain the water, only if it is necessary.  Chemicals have inert ingredients that accumulate in water and require frequent changes.  Ozone is a gaseous form of sanitizer that constantly is working without you and kills more efficiently and effectively than chemicals and leaves no residual behind, other than dead matter to be filtered clean.

As for the 7 year old water, it was sparkling clean, and it was crystal clear.  We took water samples and bacteria samples and the water tested perfectly good.  I commonly find "aged water" in perfectly good condition, using Ozone.

Do you have Ozone on your spa. 

What does your test strip reveal for pH and Alkalinity?
Trying to be the unbaised voice of reason.

Hot Tub Forum

Re: can smelly water get clean
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2010, 12:32:27 pm »


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