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Author Topic: Questions about new ACE system and more  (Read 3772 times)


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Questions about new ACE system and more
« on: September 14, 2010, 10:17:45 pm »
Sept 14, 2010

Hello all,

I plan on purchasing a Grande HS in the near future.  The tub will be located at a cottage 4 hours away from my primary residence, at a ski resort. I want to reduce maintanance as much as possible. I realize that I will still have to have the tub checked on to make sure it is running, but want the sanitizer as easy as possible.  I hope to stretch this step for 3 - 4 weeks at a time. My questions are...

(1) The ACE system has only been out a short time. Do you think it is too soon to jump on this bandwagon?  Should I stay with granulated chlorine in the short term? How long will it take to get the bugs out?

(2) I have previously used a product called spa sentry (spaguard) which really seemed to keep my ph locked in until my next fill (3-4 months).  Can this be used with the ACE?  Why isn't this product more popular?

(3) Can you still use the silver ion sticks with the ACE?

(4) The ACE video says the control panel will let you know that the system is working.  Does it know if the ozonator has kicked out?

(5) Do you think the tepid amount of salt with the ACE would be enough to damage a custom cultured stone surround?

(6) Is it still prudent to shock the tub with granular chlorine prior to use if you have been away for several weeks when you use the ACE?

(7) Do those pearl shells lose there glossy finish over time?

Thanks for the input!

« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 10:20:02 pm by Lobster »

Hot Tub Forum

Questions about new ACE system and more
« on: September 14, 2010, 10:17:45 pm »


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Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 07:36:49 am »
Welcome to the forum.  Interesting situation you have put yourself in. The only part I can answer, is I've seen several of the pearl shells that were several years old and they do seem to hold up well.
Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current

dark rider

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Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 03:09:17 pm »
I am still awaiting delivery of my new Grandee with ACE, but had a LOT of questions while I was shopping, so I'll answer what I can...

(1) The ACE system has only been out a short time. Do you think it is too soon to jump on this bandwagon?  Should I stay with granulated chlorine in the short term? How long will it take to get the bugs out?

I was certainly concerned about reliability, so my dealer gave me references for about 4-5 owners that had purchased ACE.  I spoke with 3 out of the 5, and all of them pretty much loved it.  The earliest adapter had it now for 7 months, and he said he routinely goes away for weeks at a time with no issues to report.  Basically set it to 1 (lowest usage) for your spa size, and FC readings stay within the acceptable range and pH pretty much never needs adjustment.  When he returns, he sets it to his preferred level, and all else is normal.  The dealers really seem to like it as well, since they don't have to deal with the heavy call volume for water related service calls. The only ACE related calls that he's gotten were for people who didn't allow the salt to fully disolve prior to running a salt level test, which causes inaccurate readings from the display regarding salt levels.  That's not a defect, but rather user error, so no real glitches that my dealer reported, and he's a high volume dealer (Atlanta).

(2) I have previously used a product called spa sentry (spaguard) which really seemed to keep my ph locked in until my next fill (3-4 months).  Can this be used with the ACE?  Why isn't this product more popular?

See my comment above... I don't think it will be necessary either way.  HotSpring spent 3 years testing ACE prior to public release, and it does not show signs of the pH rising like other saltwater systems.  I'm guessing it has something to do with  low CH levels (Vanishing Act) and slightly lower TA, which achieves a balance that's more ideal for a saltwater chlorine generator.

(3) Can you still use the silver ion sticks with the ACE?

Not recommended, I asked...

(4) The ACE video says the control panel will let you know that the system is working.  Does it know if the ozonator has kicked out?

The CD ozonator is not used with ACE.  HotSpring leaves the components in place, but it is not recommended, because they claim that the ACE process produces ozone among other reactions.  Whether it does or doesn't, I'll leave that debate up to the chemists... However, I know that ozone typically works better with a bromine rather than a chlorine system anyway.

(5) Do you think the tepid amount of salt with the ACE would be enough to damage a custom cultured stone surround?

That's a good question.  The salt levels are low, but with low CH as well, you may see some scaling from prolonged splashing, etc.  I doubt that it would ruin it though.  You just may have to clean it every so often.

(6) Is it still prudent to shock the tub with granular chlorine prior to use if you have been away for several weeks when you use the ACE?

Only if testing reveals that there is no FC in the system.  If there is FC maintained in the water throughout, then there would be no need to shock.  I would always test it before getting in though after a prolonged period away.  My dealer said to stay away from Dichlor as the CYA will mess with the natural chlorine causing you to use more salt.  While you're getting your levels dialed in or if the "boost" function doesn't do enough after a party, he recommended MPS (non-chlorine shock).

(7) Do those pearl shells lose there glossy finish over time?

My dealer moves a lot of used inventory, and out of his in stock/in process refurbs (20+ tubs!), the Pearl actually looked the best overall.  I went with the Espresso/Pearl combination myself... very classy looking!
« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 03:15:15 pm by dark rider »


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Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 08:17:53 pm »
Regarding Spa Sentry:

This (and similar products) are not recommended for spas with circ pumps.  Tends to gum them up.
Award winning Hot Spring dealer for a gazillion years.


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Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2010, 03:32:34 pm »
I took delivery of a Grandee with the ACE system about 1 month ago.  We use the tub 4 - 5 nights a week with my family of 4.  I have it set on the highest usage level and so far, the ACE system only keeps the tub at 1 PPM chlorine.  I've called the dealer several times and have been given different advice based on who I speak to.  I started with 3 cups of salt and am now at 5.5 cups....the max. recommended is 6.  Overall, I am very happy with the tub but I'm concerned that the ACE system can't keep up.  I've tried to get the dealer to come look at it to see if something is wrong but they keep saying "try this....and call me tomorrow".  I cannot help but think that there is something wrong with my particular unit.

The latest that I was told today is to shock the tub with chlorine to "jump start" the system.  I'm definitely starting to lose my patience for a $11.7K tub.....


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Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2010, 12:15:31 am »
Some of the dealers will become very familiar with this new system and some maybe need more time. Call customer service for the manufacturer and see if they can help.
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Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2010, 10:48:57 am »
I took delivery of a Grandee with the ACE system about 1 month ago.  We use the tub 4 - 5 nights a week with my family of 4.  I have it set on the highest usage level and so far, the ACE system only keeps the tub at 1 PPM chlorine.  I've called the dealer several times and have been given different advice based on who I speak to.  I started with 3 cups of salt and am now at 5.5 cups....the max. recommended is 6.  Overall, I am very happy with the tub but I'm concerned that the ACE system can't keep up.  I've tried to get the dealer to come look at it to see if something is wrong but they keep saying "try this....and call me tomorrow".  I cannot help but think that there is something wrong with my particular unit.

The latest that I was told today is to shock the tub with chlorine to "jump start" the system.  I'm definitely starting to lose my patience for a $11.7K tub.....

Guess we got our Grandees at about the same time.  Mine is looking good and the water is consistently pristine.  Here are a couple of observations:

(1) I noticed similar behavior on the first fill - I just kept shocking it and it stablized somewhere around the fourth day.  Then ACE system produced the proper levels consistently. 

(2) Follow the manual exactly - Use Vanishing ACT to reduce the CH, make sure the pH and TA is in range and stable before adding salt; this is key.

(3) 6 cups is the amount recommended by HotSprings.  I started with nothing less than 6 cups.

(4) Throw the strips away; get a Taylor test kit.  My first set of strips was close to Taylor readings, another set of strips was so far off it wasn't even funny.

(5) I had to drain and refill for a repair after the first few weeks.  This did wonders for the tub.  Foam had been building up but since the refill, everything has been really, really crystal clear.  Some folks recommend draining and refill after the first 1-2 months and I can see why.  It would make sense that the tub may contain "who knows what" from the manufacturing process and that could be working against you.  Sort of like changing the oil in a new car more frequently for the first few thousand miles.  You may want to consider shocking it hard, then drain/refill.

(6) Double-check the spa size setting, should be 8 for a Grandee.

(7) Once the ACE system is doing it's thing, the Salt will test in the middle of the green bar and your pH, TA should be stable with little maintenance.

(8 ) You just spent a LOT of money on a great tub.  If you are having water management problems, make your dealer come out and help you with it.  They are your first resource and should support you better.  Maybe take a water sample to them, they should be able to test it accurately.  Keep in mind too that at this time of year, many pool/spa companies are overwhelmed with pool closings/winterizing (I know my dealer is swamped).  They may be much more accomodating in the near future. 

Hot Tub Forum

Re: Questions about new ACE system and more
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2010, 10:48:57 am »


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