Do you know something about water chemistry? I'm worried.
The water surface in HS aria is all bubbly and sth like small dusty pieces. And its getting worse from day to day. This is happening after I cleaned the filters for the first time. I didnt use any detergent or gel, only water with clorine and then washed them very thoroughly. I checked pH and its ok, did 2 clorine shocks in 2 days, the bubbles still there. I also tried to remove (capture, dont know the right expression) this with a very fine layer of cotton, but still there. Don't know what else to do.. Maybe sth informative, when I start jets and then shutdown them, the water looks very nice. But after half an hour, bubbles come again..
I add few photos so you can get the idea what I am talking about. Anyone knows where the problem is?