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Author Topic: buying a used hot tub - pricing advice  (Read 15528 times)


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buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« on: July 21, 2010, 05:28:02 pm »
Although this is my first post, I have been reading the board for a while now as I start down the road towards (hopefully!) hot tub ownership.  I am impressed with the wealth of information shared on this board about anything and everything to do with hot tubs!  Whatever little knowledge I now have (just enough to be dangerous, most likely) all came from here!

Let me also get out ahead of the advice on the pitfalls of buying a used hot tub - I am fully aware of warranties not transferring, possible maintenance issues, moving and set up issues, etc., etc.  I realize that this is not the best option, but due to price issues this is the avenue we are at least investigating right now.  I would rather have a few-year-old high quality tub that is made to last rather than a poorly made really cheap tub or no tub at all.   :(

My question is this: What is considered a "good" resale price on a higher end hot tub that is 4 years old or less? This would most likely be buying from an individual, not a dealer, so not accounting for a dealer's profit.  I have no idea what the depreciation is on a hot tub once it leaves the dealer.  Assuming things are in good working order and it appears to be well maintained, is half the original retail fair or is less than half the standard?  I just don't know......

Specifically right now there are two possibilities: a 2007 Dynasty Poseidon (original price $8000/asking $4000) and a 2006 Catalina Ventura (original price $7850/asking $5000).  Both have stereos and bells and whistles, which I am not particularly interested in, but oh well.  Covers, steps and lifts of course.  Both were kept under covered patios for what that's worth.

I am sure I will find more over the next few weeks, so that is why I ask the general question about pricing now so I have some idea what to look/ask for.  Thanks ahead of time for your patience and time helping out a new hoping-to-have-a-hot-tub-soon member!

Hot Tub Forum

buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« on: July 21, 2010, 05:28:02 pm »


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Re: buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2010, 07:39:05 pm »

My question is this: What is considered a "good" resale price on a higher end hot tub that is 4 years old or less? This would most likely be buying from an individual, not a dealer, so not accounting for a dealer's profit.  I have no idea what the depreciation is on a hot tub once it leaves the dealer.  Assuming things are in good working order and it appears to be well maintained, is half the original retail fair or is less than half the standard?  I just don't know......

Specifically right now there are two possibilities: a 2007 Dynasty Poseidon (original price $8000/asking $4000) and a 2006 Catalina Ventura (original price $7850/asking $5000).  Both have stereos and bells and whistles, which I am not particularly interested in, but oh well.  Covers, steps and lifts of course.  Both were kept under covered patios for what that's worth.

I am sure I will find more over the next few weeks, so that is why I ask the general question about pricing now so I have some idea what to look/ask for.  Thanks ahead of time for your patience and time helping out a new hoping-to-have-a-hot-tub-soon member!

Its condition means everything but as a GENERAL rule of thumb I think a spa loses about 40% of its original value the first year, about 10% more for each of years 2,3,4 and then about 5% per year until its gets to be about 8 years old and then the year means little and its pretty much all about conditon.

In your case I'd guesstimate that Dynasty price is high but maybe could be negiated to a good deal if its in good shape (but the Catalina is WAY overpriced IMO). The key becomes what condition is it in and with all used spas you REALLY need to be able to see it filled with water, up to temperature and fully operational. If its unhooked and you have to take their word for how it as operating before they drained/disconnected then I'd thank them for their time and walk/run away (even with a newer spa) unless they were willing to rehook it up.

If after checking it out you're still serious you could offer them $3k or so for the Dynasty; all they can do is say no and stick to their price but if they do IMO unless thats an absolute gem I think you'll eventually find a better deal out there than paying 50% of the oriniganl price for the 3 year old Dynsaty.

The other advice I would give is to take your time. Don't assume the Dynasty will be gone tomorrow adn if ity is there will be something else that comes along. The last thing you want to do is to buy the first one you look at immediately and a few days later you see an add for a premium brand in good condition for a better price.

220, 221, whatever it takes!


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Re: buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2010, 08:27:04 am »
Specifically right now there are two possibilities: a 2007 Dynasty Poseidon (original price $8000/asking $4000)

My sister in law owns such a model, its doing well for her as is my 2003 Excalibur (a little bigger) I doubt they paid $8k new, and I think while you would enjoy this tub, I might offer $3k.  Also, Welcome to the forum, I hope you will let us know how this process goes for you. Many of us will be genuinely interested.

Member since 2003.  Owner Dynasty Excalibur 2003-2012.   Sundance Majesta from 2012-current


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Re: buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 12:56:41 pm »
Thank you both for the advice!  Yes, I agree that they both seemed over-priced to me, too.   Both of these are indeed still running and I would definitely check them out first hand before doing anything. I checked completed sales on E-bay to try to get another feel for it and it looked like tubs that were listed for less than 1/2 of the original retail price (claimed, at least) were not getting bids on them.  As hard as it is for me to be patient (I am not known for waiting on things!) I am going to wait to see what else pops up.  It is so funny to see what some people think their tubs are worth with absolutely no information given: "Hot tub.  Works.  You haul off.  $7500."  Seriously?  I guess these are the same people that list ancient TV's for $500.....

It sounds like the Dynasty is probably the better model of the two in your opinions, which is what I would be leaning towards, too, as it is a year younger than the other one.   I really haven't started looking into one vs. the other yet until I decide whether or not to pursue either one of these. 

Spatech - I love your picture, by the way!  My family and I are huge Holy Grail fans (In fact my kids were watching it just 3 nights ago) and the bunny cracked me up! "teeth and fangs and...."

Thanks again - I'll let you know what comes of all this!


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Re: buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 02:09:26 pm »

Spatech - I love your picture, by the way!  My family and I are huge Holy Grail fans (In fact my kids were watching it just 3 nights ago) and the bunny cracked me up! "teeth and fangs and...."

I have a select few that I alternate. I'll go with this one for awhile before I switch to my favorite, the Frenchman in the castle mocking the knights.
220, 221, whatever it takes!

Hot Tub Forum

Re: buying a used hot tub - pricing advice
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 02:09:26 pm »


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