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Author Topic: New J-365, passed out on first use???  (Read 7902 times)


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New J-365, passed out on first use???
« on: June 20, 2010, 02:13:01 am »
Just got my new J-365 hooked up and filled today.  I went out to play a few sets of tennis.  Then I came home, showered, had a light dinner and waited for the sun to set for a nice initial soak.  This is my first spa by the way....  

Got in and loved the tub for about an hour at 103 deg... Had one light beer during that time.  Was nice and relaxed, but a bit heated so decided to get out.  All was well as I toweled off, then I was overcome by nausea and dizziness... I remember bending over the spa cover hoping it would go away, then I woke up laying on my back on the grass next to the tub.  I was so out of it.  I tried slowly walking to back to the house but made it maybe 20 feet before falling down on the concrete and skinning both knees...

After laying on the concrete and resting a bit, I got up and all was well.  I came inside and checked my bp, a bit low at 100/60.  Maybe I overdid it?  Maybe it was the tennis, heat, and then soak?  This scared the sh*t out of me.  I hope my second soak is more successful.  Any tips?

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New J-365, passed out on first use???
« on: June 20, 2010, 02:13:01 am »


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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2010, 09:14:41 am »
You may have overdid it, 103 is hot. My advice is to tell this to your doctor - he is more trained than we are to give real advice.


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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 12:32:42 pm »
I've gotten dizzy a few times at temperatures from 98-102 when getting out when it's cold outside. I'm in my 30s, skinny, exercise regularly, and healthy. I've never fainted, so I don't know what that is like, but for several seconds my heart would pound and I'd get light-headed and short of breath. Never nauseated, though. I just attributed it to such a large, instant temperature change. It's never happened to me under any other conditions - alcohol or not, active or sedentary beforehand.
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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 02:02:33 pm »
You may have overdid it, 103 is hot. My advice is to tell this to your doctor - he is more trained than we are to give real advice.

I think you're right.  I just did a second soak at 101 deg. with my kids.  I only stayed in 20 minutes this time, and no issues at all.  I think I was dehydrated from tennis, then I stayed in way too long at way too high of a temp before getting out to a cold breeze.  Lesson learned...  I'm glad, I was worried my new J-365 was going to become a planter.


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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 02:38:26 pm »
The beer will do it to you every time.  We never mix alcohol and tubbing or hot springing because we've seen too many instances of problems such as this...

Next, when you soak for an extended period of time at hot temperatures even with no alcohol in your system, expect this to happen.. or better yet, prepare for it.  Drink cool WATER during your soak, then when you are ready to get out or need to stand up, get up slowly, have a cool bottle of WATER nearby, get a drink if you need it, then let it pass.  Your core temp it too hot...  Experience will tell you when you need to cool down.  That's one of the indicators. 

If you do start to feel faint, lay down!  Cold concrete or grass feels mighty fine when you lay down on it but it hurts like hell when you fall on it... concrete especially.  You'll recover.

As you noted, cooler temps are great for social soaking.  We soak for an hour or so, at 101 to 102.  If we need therapy, it's at 103/104 for 15-20 minutes at the most.  And never with alcohol before or during!  You can enjoy the drink afterwards tho!

We've been natural hot springing for 15 years; I run a natural hot springs forum.  There's lots and lots of stories about alcohol related problems...

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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2010, 12:56:08 am »
Glad to hear that you are OK.  It's a good thing you didn't pass out IN the tub as that could have been really bad (There are stories of drownings).  The human body cools itself off by sweating.  Playing tennis, you can loose a lot of water.  Alcohol also dehydrates oneself so 103 is probably too hot under those conditions.  Try turning it down to 101 if you are going to use it after tennis.  I play a lot and the hot tub really does help those muscles but there is no way I would have it over 102 in the summer.  The winter and 104 every once in a while is great.

Another thing you might want to try would be to verify that your temperature sensor is accurate on your tub (use a fever thermometer to check).

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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2010, 11:36:51 am »
Ditto on the alcohol.  Never a good idea to consume alcohol and soak at that high of a temp.  Best not to consume alcohol at all while hot tubbing.
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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2010, 12:10:51 pm »

Got in and loved the tub for about an hour at 103 deg... Had one light beer during that time.  

I'll get nauseous if I'm in water that’s 103º in short order. In my younger drinking days I'd had a few one night at a hotel and sat in their hot tub for 20 minutes (who knows how hot?). After exiting I got very dizzy on the way back to the room, threw up violently and was toast for the night.

It just affects everyone differently. I keep the water and 101º and can stay in for a long time.
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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2010, 10:04:21 am »
Sounds like you've learned  a lesson.  But you can see the value of a hot tub after tennis.   I never do more than 20 minutes at 104.  If I want to say in the tub long 1-2 degrees makes a big difference.  The outside temp is also a factor, I can stay in 104 longer during the winter months if I have water.  But don't fear the hot temps when you need it.  After a day of skiing, its great to have the water extra hot.
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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2010, 11:48:12 am »
I have never had a problem with alcohol and hot tubbing. I know several hundred folks who also have no problems. I am sure there are a lot more than that out there. Don't assume that it's automaticaly a problem. There are likely more folks that don't have a problem with it than those that do. Just be carefull to find out what it's effects combined with what temp is right for you on what days, after what activity. First turn the temp down a bit. 99-100, watch the lenght of time your in untill you can tolerate more. Turn the temp up to where it's best for you slowly as you learn your limitations. See your doctor and find out if you have something wrong that may have contributed to the effects it had on you.

There's nothing better than a cold beer or 2 in the tub.


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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2010, 04:37:41 pm »
I have never had a problem with alcohol and hot tubbing.

As they say, practice makes perfect.
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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2010, 01:29:51 am »
I hope that your experiences with the tub get better and better, but understand that the tolerance of high temperatures is different for everyone.  For one you may have a lower body temperature than average and so hotter temps are actually even hotter for you.  (Most people are not exactly average and body temps can vary quite a bit.)

The second thing to consider is that sitting in the tub will temporarily lower your Blood Pressure as the volume of blood is allowed to pass into more "plumbing"  less liquid more plumbing = lower pressure.

If you stand too quickly out of the tub when the BP is low you can feel light headed or even faint.  Sit up on the edge and cool down before exiting and this should help prevent this as well work your way up to higher temps over time as you get more used to your body's reaction to the hot water. 

Alcohol, dehydration etc... can all increase the likelihood of such conditions.

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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2010, 10:46:05 am »
I hope that your experiences with the tub get better and better, but understand that the tolerance of high temperatures is different for everyone.  For one you may have a lower body temperature than average and so hotter temps are actually even hotter for you.  (Most people are not exactly average and body temps can vary quite a bit.)

The second thing to consider is that sitting in the tub will temporarily lower your Blood Pressure as the volume of blood is allowed to pass into more "plumbing"  less liquid more plumbing = lower pressure.

If you stand too quickly out of the tub when the BP is low you can feel light headed or even faint.  Sit up on the edge and cool down before exiting and this should help prevent this as well work your way up to higher temps over time as you get more used to your body's reaction to the hot water. 

Alcohol, dehydration etc... can all increase the likelihood of such conditions.

Happy Tubbin!

Thanks, and I fully agree with you.  My doc had me on a low dose BP med, but since then I've lost about 45lbs.  I think those meds might have helped caused this issue.  I'm going back to the doc next week to see if we can stop the BP meds.  Following my scare on Saturday, I've been back in the tub every night at 101 deg. with no issues.  On these subsequent soaks, I took a nice big glass of water instead of beer.  I'll wait a while before trying another cocktail in the tub. ;D


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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2010, 04:10:59 pm »
My doc had me on a low dose BP med, but since then I've lost about 45lbs.  I think those meds might have helped caused this issue. 

Sounds reasonable. I was on a couple of BP meds and dropped 75 pounds down to my ideal weight and I had a couple of times where I just got up too fast and got dizzy.  Now I'm totally off the meds.
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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2010, 04:42:40 pm »
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 10:53:24 am by . »

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Re: New J-365, passed out on first use???
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2010, 04:42:40 pm »


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