Brand Specific Forums > Marquis Hot Tubs

Marquis Epic spa impulse purchase

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Thanks Spatech_tuo - the comments from you are encouraging that I will not be stung with a huge electricity bill!

Bonibelle - thanks also to you. I am very happy so far so good :) I am in the NW of the UK near Manchester...


--- Quote from: pinchick on May 23, 2010, 03:34:15 pm ---Hi folks

I keep hearing horror stories from friends

--- End quote ---

Welcome to the forum.  Can you say jealousy? Whether they realize it or not, jealousy is what it is.  I am still amazed at the number of people, who were totally clueless about the realities of owning a hot tub that told me for certain how it was going to be.

I am laughing  ;D ;D because I remember an auditor from my Electric company  (a real witch) who insisted that my tub was causing my bill to sky rocket.  And Bill is so right, one of her first comments was that people who can afford to have hot tubs shouldn't complain about electric...she wished she could afford a hot tub..I told her I would trade her..she could have my tub and MY LYME DISEASE and I would tell people untrue information about their electric bills.  ;D ;D She called it a big hot water heater on my deck!  After much investigation, it turned out to be my well pump that was running 24/7 because of a leak!! Once that was fixed, I could see my true electric impact...and I was pleased! ;)

I was asking your location because my husband works in Manchester sometimes. So if you have any problems...I'll send him over  ;) :)

wmccall - yes maybe they are jealous - I had not thought of that - so thanks for that! As a real novice I thought I needed to find out for sure from all you lovely experts out there.

Bonibelle - my supplier is only a 20 minute drive away and I have to say the after sales service so far has been spot on. You never know though - I may call on your hubby if they start to lose interest in me!

Thanks again all!



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